// This is the configuration file for ESLint, the TypeScript linter: // https://eslint.org/docs/latest/use/configure/ /** @type {import("eslint").Linter.Config} */ const config = { extends: [ // The linter base is the IsaacScript mod config: // https://github.com/IsaacScript/isaacscript/blob/main/packages/eslint-config-isaacscript/mod.js "eslint-config-isaacscript/mod", ], // The ".prettierrc.cjs" file is ignored by default, so we have to un-ignore it. ignorePatterns: ["!.prettierrc.cjs"], parserOptions: { // ESLint needs to know about the project's TypeScript settings in order for TypeScript-specific // things to lint correctly. We do not point this at "./tsconfig.json" because certain files // (such at this file) should be linted but not included in the actual project output. project: "./tsconfig.eslint.json", }, rules: { // Insert changed or disabled rules here, if necessary. }, }; module.exports = config;