# Consider dependencies only in project. set(CMAKE_DEPENDS_IN_PROJECT_ONLY OFF) # The set of languages for which implicit dependencies are needed: set(CMAKE_DEPENDS_LANGUAGES "C" ) # The set of files for implicit dependencies of each language: set(CMAKE_DEPENDS_CHECK_C "C:/Users/isaac/OneDrive - University of New Brunswick/Year 2 UNB/CS2263/Assigments/3/CLionProject/main.c" "C:/Users/isaac/OneDrive - University of New Brunswick/Year 2 UNB/CS2263/Assigments/3/CLionProject/cmake-build-debug/CMakeFiles/CLionProject.dir/main.c.obj" ) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID "GNU") # The include file search paths: set(CMAKE_C_TARGET_INCLUDE_PATH ) # The set of dependency files which are needed: set(CMAKE_DEPENDS_DEPENDENCY_FILES ) # Targets to which this target links. set(CMAKE_TARGET_LINKED_INFO_FILES ) # Fortran module output directory. set(CMAKE_Fortran_TARGET_MODULE_DIR "")