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2022-10-31 10:10:52 -03:00
"""Support for providing temporary directories to test functions."""
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import attr
from .pathlib import LOCK_TIMEOUT
from .pathlib import make_numbered_dir
from .pathlib import make_numbered_dir_with_cleanup
from .pathlib import rm_rf
from _pytest.compat import final
from _pytest.config import Config
from _pytest.deprecated import check_ispytest
from _pytest.fixtures import fixture
from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest
from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch
class TempPathFactory:
"""Factory for temporary directories under the common base temp directory.
The base directory can be configured using the ``--basetemp`` option.
_given_basetemp = attr.ib(type=Optional[Path])
_trace = attr.ib()
_basetemp = attr.ib(type=Optional[Path])
def __init__(
given_basetemp: Optional[Path],
basetemp: Optional[Path] = None,
_ispytest: bool = False,
) -> None:
if given_basetemp is None:
self._given_basetemp = None
# Use os.path.abspath() to get absolute path instead of resolve() as it
# does not work the same in all platforms (see #4427).
# Path.absolute() exists, but it is not public (see https://bugs.python.org/issue25012).
self._given_basetemp = Path(os.path.abspath(str(given_basetemp)))
self._trace = trace
self._basetemp = basetemp
def from_config(
config: Config,
_ispytest: bool = False,
) -> "TempPathFactory":
"""Create a factory according to pytest configuration.
:meta private:
return cls(
def _ensure_relative_to_basetemp(self, basename: str) -> str:
basename = os.path.normpath(basename)
if (self.getbasetemp() / basename).resolve().parent != self.getbasetemp():
raise ValueError(f"{basename} is not a normalized and relative path")
return basename
def mktemp(self, basename: str, numbered: bool = True) -> Path:
"""Create a new temporary directory managed by the factory.
:param basename:
Directory base name, must be a relative path.
:param numbered:
If ``True``, ensure the directory is unique by adding a numbered
suffix greater than any existing one: ``basename="foo-"`` and ``numbered=True``
means that this function will create directories named ``"foo-0"``,
``"foo-1"``, ``"foo-2"`` and so on.
The path to the new directory.
basename = self._ensure_relative_to_basetemp(basename)
if not numbered:
p = self.getbasetemp().joinpath(basename)
p = make_numbered_dir(root=self.getbasetemp(), prefix=basename, mode=0o700)
self._trace("mktemp", p)
return p
def getbasetemp(self) -> Path:
"""Return the base temporary directory, creating it if needed.
The base temporary directory.
if self._basetemp is not None:
return self._basetemp
if self._given_basetemp is not None:
basetemp = self._given_basetemp
if basetemp.exists():
basetemp = basetemp.resolve()
from_env = os.environ.get("PYTEST_DEBUG_TEMPROOT")
temproot = Path(from_env or tempfile.gettempdir()).resolve()
user = get_user() or "unknown"
# use a sub-directory in the temproot to speed-up
# make_numbered_dir() call
rootdir = temproot.joinpath(f"pytest-of-{user}")
rootdir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
except OSError:
# getuser() likely returned illegal characters for the platform, use unknown back off mechanism
rootdir = temproot.joinpath("pytest-of-unknown")
rootdir.mkdir(mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
# Because we use exist_ok=True with a predictable name, make sure
# we are the owners, to prevent any funny business (on unix, where
# temproot is usually shared).
# Also, to keep things private, fixup any world-readable temp
# rootdir's permissions. Historically 0o755 was used, so we can't
# just error out on this, at least for a while.
if sys.platform != "win32":
uid = os.getuid()
rootdir_stat = rootdir.stat()
# getuid shouldn't fail, but cpython defines such a case.
# Let's hope for the best.
if uid != -1:
if rootdir_stat.st_uid != uid:
raise OSError(
f"The temporary directory {rootdir} is not owned by the current user. "
"Fix this and try again."
if (rootdir_stat.st_mode & 0o077) != 0:
os.chmod(rootdir, rootdir_stat.st_mode & ~0o077)
basetemp = make_numbered_dir_with_cleanup(
assert basetemp is not None, basetemp
self._basetemp = basetemp
self._trace("new basetemp", basetemp)
return basetemp
def get_user() -> Optional[str]:
"""Return the current user name, or None if getuser() does not work
in the current environment (see #1010)."""
# In some exotic environments, getpass may not be importable.
import getpass
return getpass.getuser()
except (ImportError, KeyError):
return None
def pytest_configure(config: Config) -> None:
"""Create a TempPathFactory and attach it to the config object.
This is to comply with existing plugins which expect the handler to be
available at pytest_configure time, but ideally should be moved entirely
to the tmp_path_factory session fixture.
mp = MonkeyPatch()
_tmp_path_factory = TempPathFactory.from_config(config, _ispytest=True)
mp.setattr(config, "_tmp_path_factory", _tmp_path_factory, raising=False)
def tmp_path_factory(request: FixtureRequest) -> TempPathFactory:
"""Return a :class:`pytest.TempPathFactory` instance for the test session."""
# Set dynamically by pytest_configure() above.
return request.config._tmp_path_factory # type: ignore
def _mk_tmp(request: FixtureRequest, factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path:
name = request.node.name
name = re.sub(r"[\W]", "_", name)
name = name[:MAXVAL]
return factory.mktemp(name, numbered=True)
def tmp_path(request: FixtureRequest, tmp_path_factory: TempPathFactory) -> Path:
"""Return a temporary directory path object which is unique to each test
function invocation, created as a sub directory of the base temporary
By default, a new base temporary directory is created each test session,
and old bases are removed after 3 sessions, to aid in debugging. If
``--basetemp`` is used then it is cleared each session. See :ref:`base
temporary directory`.
The returned object is a :class:`pathlib.Path` object.
return _mk_tmp(request, tmp_path_factory)