Add final test material

This commit is contained in:
Isaac 2022-12-20 21:49:28 -04:00
parent fcef1277f3
commit 4ecaa1a216
8 changed files with 259 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#lang racket
(define (balance lst)
(define (helper lst counter)
[(empty? lst) counter] ;;base case
[(list? (first lst)) (helper (rest lst) counter)] ;;unwrap list
[(eq? (first lst) 'debit) (helper (rest lst) (- counter last))] ;;if debit subtract the amount
[(eq? (first lst) 'credit) (helper (rest lst) (+ counter last))] ;;if credit add the amount
[else (helper (rest lst) counter)]
(helper lst 0)
;; Racket
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (balance (list (list 'credit 5))) 5)
(check-equal? (balance (list '(debit 5))) -5)
(check-equal? (balance '((debit 11) (credit 3))) -8)
(check-equal? (balance '((debit 3) (credit 5))) 2)
(check-equal? (balance '((debit 5) (credit 23) (debit 23) (credit 5))) 0))

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
def invert(lst):
lst = list(lst) # Makes sure arugment is a list
#list_range = range(0, len(lst)) # Code I might have used if I used a dictionary comprehension
ret_dict = dict() # Create empty dict
counter = 0 # Create counter
for i in lst:
ret_dict[i] = counter # Assign each element of list to
# its postion in list
counter = counter + 1 # Increment counter
if (len(lst) > len(ret_dict)): # Check if the length of new dict is less than
return None # input list, if so, there is duplicates so return none
return ret_dict # Return created dictionary

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from invert import invert
def test_empty():
assert invert([]) == {}
def test_simple():
invert(["three","two","one"]) == {"three": 0, "two":1, "one":2}
def test_duplicate():
assert invert(["bob","bob"]) == None
def test_numeric():
assert invert(range(0,6)) == { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5 }
def test_invert():
assert [ L[D[j]] for j in L ] == L

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
class Expression {
constructor(op, left, right) {
this.op = op
this.left = left
this.right = right
eval() {
return evalExpression(this)
function evalExpression(expr) {
let tempLeft
let tempRight
if (typeof(expr.left) === "object") { // Check if left type is another expression
tempLeft = evalExpression(expr.left)
else {
tempLeft = expr.left
if (typeof(expr.right) === "object") { // Check if right type is another expression
tempRight = evalExpression(expr.right)
else {
tempRight = expr.right
if (typeof(tempLeft) === "number" & typeof(tempRight) === "number") { // Make sure both inputs are number
if (expr.op === "+") {
return tempLeft + tempRight
else if(expr.op === "-") {
return tempLeft - tempRight
else if(expr.op === "*") {
return tempLeft * tempRight
else if(expr.op === "/") {
return tempLeft / tempRight
else { // Case for when there is no valid provided operator
return "Invalid operator syntax"
else { //Case for when the left or right are not numbers
return "Invalid number syntax"
exports.Expression = Expression;

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Expression = require("../expression.js").Expression;
let six_plus_nine = new Expression('+', 6, 9);
let six_times_nine = new Expression('*', 6, 9);
let six_minus_nine = new Expression('-', 6, 9);
let sixteen_div_eight = new Expression('/', 16, 8);
let compound1 = new Expression('+', six_times_nine, six_plus_nine)
let compound2 = new Expression('*', six_times_nine, compound1)
let compound3 = new Expression('+', compound2, 3)
function() {
let one = new Expression("+",0,1);
it("not null", () => expect(one).not.toBe(null));
it("op", () => expect(one.op).toBe("+"));
it("left", () => expect(one.left).toBe(0));
it("right", () => expect(one.right).toBe(1));
function() {
it("+", () => expect(six_plus_nine.eval()).toBe(15));
it("-", () => expect(six_minus_nine.eval()).toBe(-3));
it("*", () => expect(six_times_nine.eval()).toBe(54));
it("/", () => expect(sixteen_div_eight.eval()).toBe(2));
function() {
it("1", () => expect(compound1.eval()).toBe(69));
it("2", () => expect(compound2.eval()).toBe(3726));
it("3", () => expect(compound3.eval()).toBe(3729));
describe("floating point", //Testing floating point
function() {
let addPointFive = new Expression("+", 0.5, 0.5)
let timesPointFive = new Expression("*", 0.5, 10)
let minusPointFive = new Expression("-", 10, 0.5)
let dividePointFive = new Expression("/", 0.5, 0.1)
it("+", () => expect(addPointFive.eval()).toBe(1.0));
it("*", () => expect(timesPointFive.eval()).toBe(5.0));
it("-", () => expect(minusPointFive.eval()).toBe(9.5));
it("/", () => expect(dividePointFive.eval()).toBe(5.0));
describe("bad input", //Testing bad inputs
function() {
let invalidStringLeft = new Expression("+", "five", 6)
let invalidStringRight = new Expression("+", 5, "six")
let invalidOperator = new Expression("^", 6, 9)
it("Invalid String on left side", () => expect(invalidStringLeft.eval()).toBe("Invalid number syntax"));
it("Invalid String on right side", () => expect(invalidStringRight.eval()).toBe("Invalid number syntax"));
it("invalid operator", () => expect(invalidOperator.eval()).toBe("Invalid operator syntax"));
describe("compound bad input", //Testing bad inputs in compound cases
function() {
let invalidNumber = new Expression("+", "five", 6)
let invalidOperator = new Expression("^", 6, 9)
let semiValidCompound = new Expression("+", six_plus_nine, invalidNumber)
let completlyBadCompound = new Expression("+", invalidNumber, invalidOperator)
it("semi-valid", () => expect(semiValidCompound.eval()).toBe("Invalid number syntax"));
it("invalid", () => expect(completlyBadCompound.eval()).toBe("Invalid number syntax")); //Expected to be invalid number because it is the first error to be encountered

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"spec_dir": "spec",
"spec_files": [
"helpers": [
"env": {
"stopSpecOnExpectationFailure": false,
"random": true

tests/Final/tests.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
;; Racket
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (balance (list (list 'credit 5))) 5)
(check-equal? (balance (list '(debit 5))) -5)
(check-equal? (balance '((debit 11) (credit 3))) -8)
(check-equal? (balance '((debit 3) (credit 5))) 2)
(check-equal? (balance '((debit 5) (credit 23) (debit 23) (credit 5))) 0))
# Python
from invert import invert
def test_empty():
assert invert([]) == {}
def test_simple():
invert(["three","two","one"]) == {"three": 0, "two":1, "one":2}
def test_duplicate():
assert invert(["bob","bob"]) == None
def test_numeric():
assert invert(range(0,6)) == { 0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5 }
def test_invert():
assert [ L[D[j]] for j in L ] == L
// JavaScript
Expression = require("../expression.js").Expression;
let six_plus_nine = new Expression('+', 6, 9);
let six_times_nine = new Expression('*', 6, 9);
let six_minus_nine = new Expression('-', 6, 9);
let sixteen_div_eight = new Expression('/', 16, 8);
let compound1 = new Expression('+', six_times_nine, six_plus_nine)
let compound2 = new Expression('*', six_times_nine, compound1)
let compound3 = new Expression('+', compound2, 3)
function() {
let one = new Expression("+",0,1);
it("not null", () => expect(one).not.toBe(null));
it("op", () => expect(one.op).toBe("+"));
it("left", () => expect(one.left).toBe(0));
it("right", () => expect(one.right).toBe(1));
function() {
it("+", () => expect(six_plus_nine.eval()).toBe(15));
it("-", () => expect(six_minus_nine.eval()).toBe(-3));
it("*", () => expect(six_times_nine.eval()).toBe(54));
it("/", () => expect(sixteen_div_eight.eval()).toBe(2));
function() {
it("1", () => expect(compound1.eval()).toBe(69));
it("2", () => expect(compound2.eval()).toBe(3726));
it("3", () => expect(compound3.eval()).toBe(3729));
# Octave
%!shared P1,P3
%! P1=[7,5,-3];
%! P3=[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9];