"""Python version compatibility code.""" import enum import functools import inspect import os import sys from inspect import Parameter from inspect import signature from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import Generic from typing import NoReturn from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union import attr import py # fmt: off # Workaround for https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/10351. # If `overload` is imported from `compat` instead of from `typing`, # Sphinx doesn't recognize it as `overload` and the API docs for # overloaded functions look good again. But type checkers handle # it fine. # fmt: on if True: from typing import overload as overload if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing_extensions import Final _T = TypeVar("_T") _S = TypeVar("_S") #: constant to prepare valuing pylib path replacements/lazy proxies later on # intended for removal in pytest 8.0 or 9.0 # fmt: off # intentional space to create a fake difference for the verification LEGACY_PATH = py.path. local # fmt: on def legacy_path(path: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]) -> LEGACY_PATH: """Internal wrapper to prepare lazy proxies for legacy_path instances""" return LEGACY_PATH(path) # fmt: off # Singleton type for NOTSET, as described in: # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#support-for-singleton-types-in-unions class NotSetType(enum.Enum): token = 0 NOTSET: "Final" = NotSetType.token # noqa: E305 # fmt: on if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): import importlib.metadata importlib_metadata = importlib.metadata else: import importlib_metadata as importlib_metadata # noqa: F401 def _format_args(func: Callable[..., Any]) -> str: return str(signature(func)) def is_generator(func: object) -> bool: genfunc = inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func) return genfunc and not iscoroutinefunction(func) def iscoroutinefunction(func: object) -> bool: """Return True if func is a coroutine function (a function defined with async def syntax, and doesn't contain yield), or a function decorated with @asyncio.coroutine. Note: copied and modified from Python 3.5's builtin couroutines.py to avoid importing asyncio directly, which in turns also initializes the "logging" module as a side-effect (see issue #8). """ return inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func) or getattr(func, "_is_coroutine", False) def is_async_function(func: object) -> bool: """Return True if the given function seems to be an async function or an async generator.""" return iscoroutinefunction(func) or inspect.isasyncgenfunction(func) def getlocation(function, curdir: Optional[str] = None) -> str: function = get_real_func(function) fn = Path(inspect.getfile(function)) lineno = function.__code__.co_firstlineno if curdir is not None: try: relfn = fn.relative_to(curdir) except ValueError: pass else: return "%s:%d" % (relfn, lineno + 1) return "%s:%d" % (fn, lineno + 1) def num_mock_patch_args(function) -> int: """Return number of arguments used up by mock arguments (if any).""" patchings = getattr(function, "patchings", None) if not patchings: return 0 mock_sentinel = getattr(sys.modules.get("mock"), "DEFAULT", object()) ut_mock_sentinel = getattr(sys.modules.get("unittest.mock"), "DEFAULT", object()) return len( [ p for p in patchings if not p.attribute_name and (p.new is mock_sentinel or p.new is ut_mock_sentinel) ] ) def getfuncargnames( function: Callable[..., Any], *, name: str = "", is_method: bool = False, cls: Optional[type] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Return the names of a function's mandatory arguments. Should return the names of all function arguments that: * Aren't bound to an instance or type as in instance or class methods. * Don't have default values. * Aren't bound with functools.partial. * Aren't replaced with mocks. The is_method and cls arguments indicate that the function should be treated as a bound method even though it's not unless, only in the case of cls, the function is a static method. The name parameter should be the original name in which the function was collected. """ # TODO(RonnyPfannschmidt): This function should be refactored when we # revisit fixtures. The fixture mechanism should ask the node for # the fixture names, and not try to obtain directly from the # function object well after collection has occurred. # The parameters attribute of a Signature object contains an # ordered mapping of parameter names to Parameter instances. This # creates a tuple of the names of the parameters that don't have # defaults. try: parameters = signature(function).parameters except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: from _pytest.outcomes import fail fail( f"Could not determine arguments of {function!r}: {e}", pytrace=False, ) arg_names = tuple( p.name for p in parameters.values() if ( p.kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD or p.kind is Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY ) and p.default is Parameter.empty ) if not name: name = function.__name__ # If this function should be treated as a bound method even though # it's passed as an unbound method or function, remove the first # parameter name. if is_method or ( # Not using `getattr` because we don't want to resolve the staticmethod. # Not using `cls.__dict__` because we want to check the entire MRO. cls and not isinstance( inspect.getattr_static(cls, name, default=None), staticmethod ) ): arg_names = arg_names[1:] # Remove any names that will be replaced with mocks. if hasattr(function, "__wrapped__"): arg_names = arg_names[num_mock_patch_args(function) :] return arg_names def get_default_arg_names(function: Callable[..., Any]) -> Tuple[str, ...]: # Note: this code intentionally mirrors the code at the beginning of # getfuncargnames, to get the arguments which were excluded from its result # because they had default values. return tuple( p.name for p in signature(function).parameters.values() if p.kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY) and p.default is not Parameter.empty ) _non_printable_ascii_translate_table = { i: f"\\x{i:02x}" for i in range(128) if i not in range(32, 127) } _non_printable_ascii_translate_table.update( {ord("\t"): "\\t", ord("\r"): "\\r", ord("\n"): "\\n"} ) def _translate_non_printable(s: str) -> str: return s.translate(_non_printable_ascii_translate_table) STRING_TYPES = bytes, str def _bytes_to_ascii(val: bytes) -> str: return val.decode("ascii", "backslashreplace") def ascii_escaped(val: Union[bytes, str]) -> str: r"""If val is pure ASCII, return it as an str, otherwise, escape bytes objects into a sequence of escaped bytes: b'\xc3\xb4\xc5\xd6' -> r'\xc3\xb4\xc5\xd6' and escapes unicode objects into a sequence of escaped unicode ids, e.g.: r'4\nV\U00043efa\x0eMXWB\x1e\u3028\u15fd\xcd\U0007d944' Note: The obvious "v.decode('unicode-escape')" will return valid UTF-8 unicode if it finds them in bytes, but we want to return escaped bytes for any byte, even if they match a UTF-8 string. """ if isinstance(val, bytes): ret = _bytes_to_ascii(val) else: ret = val.encode("unicode_escape").decode("ascii") return _translate_non_printable(ret) @attr.s class _PytestWrapper: """Dummy wrapper around a function object for internal use only. Used to correctly unwrap the underlying function object when we are creating fixtures, because we wrap the function object ourselves with a decorator to issue warnings when the fixture function is called directly. """ obj = attr.ib() def get_real_func(obj): """Get the real function object of the (possibly) wrapped object by functools.wraps or functools.partial.""" start_obj = obj for i in range(100): # __pytest_wrapped__ is set by @pytest.fixture when wrapping the fixture function # to trigger a warning if it gets called directly instead of by pytest: we don't # want to unwrap further than this otherwise we lose useful wrappings like @mock.patch (#3774) new_obj = getattr(obj, "__pytest_wrapped__", None) if isinstance(new_obj, _PytestWrapper): obj = new_obj.obj break new_obj = getattr(obj, "__wrapped__", None) if new_obj is None: break obj = new_obj else: from _pytest._io.saferepr import saferepr raise ValueError( ("could not find real function of {start}\nstopped at {current}").format( start=saferepr(start_obj), current=saferepr(obj) ) ) if isinstance(obj, functools.partial): obj = obj.func return obj def get_real_method(obj, holder): """Attempt to obtain the real function object that might be wrapping ``obj``, while at the same time returning a bound method to ``holder`` if the original object was a bound method.""" try: is_method = hasattr(obj, "__func__") obj = get_real_func(obj) except Exception: # pragma: no cover return obj if is_method and hasattr(obj, "__get__") and callable(obj.__get__): obj = obj.__get__(holder) return obj def getimfunc(func): try: return func.__func__ except AttributeError: return func def safe_getattr(object: Any, name: str, default: Any) -> Any: """Like getattr but return default upon any Exception or any OutcomeException. Attribute access can potentially fail for 'evil' Python objects. See issue #214. It catches OutcomeException because of #2490 (issue #580), new outcomes are derived from BaseException instead of Exception (for more details check #2707). """ from _pytest.outcomes import TEST_OUTCOME try: return getattr(object, name, default) except TEST_OUTCOME: return default def safe_isclass(obj: object) -> bool: """Ignore any exception via isinstance on Python 3.""" try: return inspect.isclass(obj) except Exception: return False if TYPE_CHECKING: if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import final as final else: from typing_extensions import final as final elif sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import final as final else: def final(f): return f if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from functools import cached_property as cached_property else: from typing import Type class cached_property(Generic[_S, _T]): __slots__ = ("func", "__doc__") def __init__(self, func: Callable[[_S], _T]) -> None: self.func = func self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ @overload def __get__( self, instance: None, owner: Optional[Type[_S]] = ... ) -> "cached_property[_S, _T]": ... @overload def __get__(self, instance: _S, owner: Optional[Type[_S]] = ...) -> _T: ... def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self value = instance.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(instance) return value # Perform exhaustiveness checking. # # Consider this example: # # MyUnion = Union[int, str] # # def handle(x: MyUnion) -> int { # if isinstance(x, int): # return 1 # elif isinstance(x, str): # return 2 # else: # raise Exception('unreachable') # # Now suppose we add a new variant: # # MyUnion = Union[int, str, bytes] # # After doing this, we must remember ourselves to go and update the handle # function to handle the new variant. # # With `assert_never` we can do better: # # // raise Exception('unreachable') # return assert_never(x) # # Now, if we forget to handle the new variant, the type-checker will emit a # compile-time error, instead of the runtime error we would have gotten # previously. # # This also work for Enums (if you use `is` to compare) and Literals. def assert_never(value: NoReturn) -> NoReturn: assert False, f"Unhandled value: {value} ({type(value).__name__})"