# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """File wrangling.""" import fnmatch import hashlib import ntpath import os import os.path import posixpath import re import sys from coverage import env from coverage.exceptions import ConfigError from coverage.misc import contract, human_sorted, isolate_module, join_regex os = isolate_module(os) def set_relative_directory(): """Set the directory that `relative_filename` will be relative to.""" global RELATIVE_DIR, CANONICAL_FILENAME_CACHE # The current directory abs_curdir = abs_file(os.curdir) if not abs_curdir.endswith(os.sep): # Suffix with separator only if not at the system root abs_curdir = abs_curdir + os.sep # The absolute path to our current directory. RELATIVE_DIR = os.path.normcase(abs_curdir) # Cache of results of calling the canonical_filename() method, to # avoid duplicating work. CANONICAL_FILENAME_CACHE = {} def relative_directory(): """Return the directory that `relative_filename` is relative to.""" return RELATIVE_DIR @contract(returns='unicode') def relative_filename(filename): """Return the relative form of `filename`. The file name will be relative to the current directory when the `set_relative_directory` was called. """ fnorm = os.path.normcase(filename) if fnorm.startswith(RELATIVE_DIR): filename = filename[len(RELATIVE_DIR):] return filename @contract(returns='unicode') def canonical_filename(filename): """Return a canonical file name for `filename`. An absolute path with no redundant components and normalized case. """ if filename not in CANONICAL_FILENAME_CACHE: cf = filename if not os.path.isabs(filename): for path in [os.curdir] + sys.path: if path is None: continue f = os.path.join(path, filename) try: exists = os.path.exists(f) except UnicodeError: exists = False if exists: cf = f break cf = abs_file(cf) CANONICAL_FILENAME_CACHE[filename] = cf return CANONICAL_FILENAME_CACHE[filename] MAX_FLAT = 100 @contract(filename='unicode', returns='unicode') def flat_rootname(filename): """A base for a flat file name to correspond to this file. Useful for writing files about the code where you want all the files in the same directory, but need to differentiate same-named files from different directories. For example, the file a/b/c.py will return 'd_86bbcbe134d28fd2_c_py' """ dirname, basename = ntpath.split(filename) if dirname: fp = hashlib.new("sha3_256", dirname.encode("UTF-8")).hexdigest()[:16] prefix = f"d_{fp}_" else: prefix = "" return prefix + basename.replace(".", "_") if env.WINDOWS: _ACTUAL_PATH_CACHE = {} _ACTUAL_PATH_LIST_CACHE = {} def actual_path(path): """Get the actual path of `path`, including the correct case.""" if path in _ACTUAL_PATH_CACHE: return _ACTUAL_PATH_CACHE[path] head, tail = os.path.split(path) if not tail: # This means head is the drive spec: normalize it. actpath = head.upper() elif not head: actpath = tail else: head = actual_path(head) if head in _ACTUAL_PATH_LIST_CACHE: files = _ACTUAL_PATH_LIST_CACHE[head] else: try: files = os.listdir(head) except Exception: # This will raise OSError, or this bizarre TypeError: # https://bugs.python.org/issue1776160 files = [] _ACTUAL_PATH_LIST_CACHE[head] = files normtail = os.path.normcase(tail) for f in files: if os.path.normcase(f) == normtail: tail = f break actpath = os.path.join(head, tail) _ACTUAL_PATH_CACHE[path] = actpath return actpath else: def actual_path(path): """The actual path for non-Windows platforms.""" return path @contract(returns='unicode') def abs_file(path): """Return the absolute normalized form of `path`.""" return actual_path(os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(path))) def python_reported_file(filename): """Return the string as Python would describe this file name.""" if env.PYBEHAVIOR.report_absolute_files: filename = os.path.abspath(filename) return filename RELATIVE_DIR = None CANONICAL_FILENAME_CACHE = None set_relative_directory() def isabs_anywhere(filename): """Is `filename` an absolute path on any OS?""" return ntpath.isabs(filename) or posixpath.isabs(filename) def prep_patterns(patterns): """Prepare the file patterns for use in a `FnmatchMatcher`. If a pattern starts with a wildcard, it is used as a pattern as-is. If it does not start with a wildcard, then it is made absolute with the current directory. If `patterns` is None, an empty list is returned. """ prepped = [] for p in patterns or []: if p.startswith(("*", "?")): prepped.append(p) else: prepped.append(abs_file(p)) return prepped class TreeMatcher: """A matcher for files in a tree. Construct with a list of paths, either files or directories. Paths match with the `match` method if they are one of the files, or if they are somewhere in a subtree rooted at one of the directories. """ def __init__(self, paths, name="unknown"): self.original_paths = human_sorted(paths) self.paths = list(map(os.path.normcase, paths)) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return f"" def info(self): """A list of strings for displaying when dumping state.""" return self.original_paths def match(self, fpath): """Does `fpath` indicate a file in one of our trees?""" fpath = os.path.normcase(fpath) for p in self.paths: if fpath.startswith(p): if fpath == p: # This is the same file! return True if fpath[len(p)] == os.sep: # This is a file in the directory return True return False class ModuleMatcher: """A matcher for modules in a tree.""" def __init__(self, module_names, name="unknown"): self.modules = list(module_names) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return f"" def info(self): """A list of strings for displaying when dumping state.""" return self.modules def match(self, module_name): """Does `module_name` indicate a module in one of our packages?""" if not module_name: return False for m in self.modules: if module_name.startswith(m): if module_name == m: return True if module_name[len(m)] == '.': # This is a module in the package return True return False class FnmatchMatcher: """A matcher for files by file name pattern.""" def __init__(self, pats, name="unknown"): self.pats = list(pats) self.re = fnmatches_to_regex(self.pats, case_insensitive=env.WINDOWS) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return f"" def info(self): """A list of strings for displaying when dumping state.""" return self.pats def match(self, fpath): """Does `fpath` match one of our file name patterns?""" return self.re.match(fpath) is not None def sep(s): """Find the path separator used in this string, or os.sep if none.""" sep_match = re.search(r"[\\/]", s) if sep_match: the_sep = sep_match[0] else: the_sep = os.sep return the_sep def fnmatches_to_regex(patterns, case_insensitive=False, partial=False): """Convert fnmatch patterns to a compiled regex that matches any of them. Slashes are always converted to match either slash or backslash, for Windows support, even when running elsewhere. If `partial` is true, then the pattern will match if the target string starts with the pattern. Otherwise, it must match the entire string. Returns: a compiled regex object. Use the .match method to compare target strings. """ regexes = (fnmatch.translate(pattern) for pattern in patterns) # Python3.7 fnmatch translates "/" as "/". Before that, it translates as "\/", # so we have to deal with maybe a backslash. regexes = (re.sub(r"\\?/", r"[\\\\/]", regex) for regex in regexes) if partial: # fnmatch always adds a \Z to match the whole string, which we don't # want, so we remove the \Z. While removing it, we only replace \Z if # followed by paren (introducing flags), or at end, to keep from # destroying a literal \Z in the pattern. regexes = (re.sub(r'\\Z(\(\?|$)', r'\1', regex) for regex in regexes) flags = 0 if case_insensitive: flags |= re.IGNORECASE compiled = re.compile(join_regex(regexes), flags=flags) return compiled class PathAliases: """A collection of aliases for paths. When combining data files from remote machines, often the paths to source code are different, for example, due to OS differences, or because of serialized checkouts on continuous integration machines. A `PathAliases` object tracks a list of pattern/result pairs, and can map a path through those aliases to produce a unified path. """ def __init__(self, debugfn=None, relative=False): self.aliases = [] # A list of (original_pattern, regex, result) self.debugfn = debugfn or (lambda msg: 0) self.relative = relative self.pprinted = False def pprint(self): """Dump the important parts of the PathAliases, for debugging.""" self.debugfn(f"Aliases (relative={self.relative}):") for original_pattern, regex, result in self.aliases: self.debugfn(f" Rule: {original_pattern!r} -> {result!r} using regex {regex.pattern!r}") def add(self, pattern, result): """Add the `pattern`/`result` pair to the list of aliases. `pattern` is an `fnmatch`-style pattern. `result` is a simple string. When mapping paths, if a path starts with a match against `pattern`, then that match is replaced with `result`. This models isomorphic source trees being rooted at different places on two different machines. `pattern` can't end with a wildcard component, since that would match an entire tree, and not just its root. """ original_pattern = pattern pattern_sep = sep(pattern) if len(pattern) > 1: pattern = pattern.rstrip(r"\/") # The pattern can't end with a wildcard component. if pattern.endswith("*"): raise ConfigError("Pattern must not end with wildcards.") # The pattern is meant to match a filepath. Let's make it absolute # unless it already is, or is meant to match any prefix. if not pattern.startswith('*') and not isabs_anywhere(pattern + pattern_sep): pattern = abs_file(pattern) if not pattern.endswith(pattern_sep): pattern += pattern_sep # Make a regex from the pattern. regex = fnmatches_to_regex([pattern], case_insensitive=True, partial=True) # Normalize the result: it must end with a path separator. result_sep = sep(result) result = result.rstrip(r"\/") + result_sep self.aliases.append((original_pattern, regex, result)) def map(self, path): """Map `path` through the aliases. `path` is checked against all of the patterns. The first pattern to match is used to replace the root of the path with the result root. Only one pattern is ever used. If no patterns match, `path` is returned unchanged. The separator style in the result is made to match that of the result in the alias. Returns the mapped path. If a mapping has happened, this is a canonical path. If no mapping has happened, it is the original value of `path` unchanged. """ if not self.pprinted: self.pprint() self.pprinted = True for original_pattern, regex, result in self.aliases: m = regex.match(path) if m: new = path.replace(m[0], result) new = new.replace(sep(path), sep(result)) if not self.relative: new = canonical_filename(new) self.debugfn( f"Matched path {path!r} to rule {original_pattern!r} -> {result!r}, " + f"producing {new!r}" ) return new self.debugfn(f"No rules match, path {path!r} is unchanged") return path def find_python_files(dirname): """Yield all of the importable Python files in `dirname`, recursively. To be importable, the files have to be in a directory with a __init__.py, except for `dirname` itself, which isn't required to have one. The assumption is that `dirname` was specified directly, so the user knows best, but sub-directories are checked for a __init__.py to be sure we only find the importable files. """ for i, (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in enumerate(os.walk(dirname)): if i > 0 and '__init__.py' not in filenames: # If a directory doesn't have __init__.py, then it isn't # importable and neither are its files del dirnames[:] continue for filename in filenames: # We're only interested in files that look like reasonable Python # files: Must end with .py or .pyw, and must not have certain funny # characters that probably mean they are editor junk. if re.match(r"^[^.#~!$@%^&*()+=,]+\.pyw?$", filename): yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename)