from __future__ import annotations from import Sequence from functools import partial from inspect import getmro, isclass from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast T = TypeVar("T", bound="BaseExceptionGroup") EBase = TypeVar("EBase", bound=BaseException) E = TypeVar("E", bound=Exception) _SplitCondition = Union[ Type[EBase], Tuple[Type[EBase], ...], Callable[[EBase], bool], ] def check_direct_subclass( exc: BaseException, parents: tuple[type[BaseException]] ) -> bool: for cls in getmro(exc.__class__)[:-1]: if cls in parents: return True return False def get_condition_filter(condition: _SplitCondition) -> Callable[[BaseException], bool]: if isclass(condition) and issubclass( cast(Type[BaseException], condition), BaseException ): return partial(check_direct_subclass, parents=(condition,)) elif isinstance(condition, tuple): if all(isclass(x) and issubclass(x, BaseException) for x in condition): return partial(check_direct_subclass, parents=condition) elif callable(condition): return cast(Callable[[BaseException], bool], condition) raise TypeError("expected a function, exception type or tuple of exception types") class BaseExceptionGroup(BaseException, Generic[EBase]): """A combination of multiple unrelated exceptions.""" def __new__( cls, __message: str, __exceptions: Sequence[EBase] ) -> BaseExceptionGroup[EBase] | ExceptionGroup[E]: if not isinstance(__message, str): raise TypeError(f"argument 1 must be str, not {type(__message)}") if not isinstance(__exceptions, Sequence): raise TypeError("second argument (exceptions) must be a sequence") if not __exceptions: raise ValueError( "second argument (exceptions) must be a non-empty sequence" ) for i, exc in enumerate(__exceptions): if not isinstance(exc, BaseException): raise ValueError( f"Item {i} of second argument (exceptions) is not an " f"exception" ) if cls is BaseExceptionGroup: if all(isinstance(exc, Exception) for exc in __exceptions): cls = ExceptionGroup return super().__new__(cls, __message, __exceptions) def __init__(self, __message: str, __exceptions: Sequence[EBase], *args: Any): super().__init__(__message, __exceptions, *args) self._message = __message self._exceptions = __exceptions def add_note(self, note: str) -> None: if not isinstance(note, str): raise TypeError( f"Expected a string, got note={note!r} (type {type(note).__name__})" ) if not hasattr(self, "__notes__"): self.__notes__: list[str] = [] self.__notes__.append(note) @property def message(self) -> str: return self._message @property def exceptions(self) -> tuple[EBase, ...]: return tuple(self._exceptions) def subgroup(self: T, __condition: _SplitCondition[EBase]) -> T | None: condition = get_condition_filter(__condition) modified = False if condition(self): return self exceptions: list[BaseException] = [] for exc in self.exceptions: if isinstance(exc, BaseExceptionGroup): subgroup = exc.subgroup(condition) if subgroup is not None: exceptions.append(subgroup) if subgroup is not exc: modified = True elif condition(exc): exceptions.append(exc) else: modified = True if not modified: return self elif exceptions: group = self.derive(exceptions) group.__cause__ = self.__cause__ group.__context__ = self.__context__ group.__traceback__ = self.__traceback__ return group else: return None def split( self: T, __condition: _SplitCondition[EBase] ) -> tuple[T | None, T | None]: condition = get_condition_filter(__condition) if condition(self): return self, None matching_exceptions: list[BaseException] = [] nonmatching_exceptions: list[BaseException] = [] for exc in self.exceptions: if isinstance(exc, BaseExceptionGroup): matching, nonmatching = exc.split(condition) if matching is not None: matching_exceptions.append(matching) if nonmatching is not None: nonmatching_exceptions.append(nonmatching) elif condition(exc): matching_exceptions.append(exc) else: nonmatching_exceptions.append(exc) matching_group: T | None = None if matching_exceptions: matching_group = self.derive(matching_exceptions) matching_group.__cause__ = self.__cause__ matching_group.__context__ = self.__context__ matching_group.__traceback__ = self.__traceback__ nonmatching_group: T | None = None if nonmatching_exceptions: nonmatching_group = self.derive(nonmatching_exceptions) nonmatching_group.__cause__ = self.__cause__ nonmatching_group.__context__ = self.__context__ nonmatching_group.__traceback__ = self.__traceback__ return matching_group, nonmatching_group def derive(self: T, __excs: Sequence[EBase]) -> T: eg = BaseExceptionGroup(self.message, __excs) if hasattr(self, "__notes__"): # Create a new list so that add_note() only affects one exceptiongroup eg.__notes__ = list(self.__notes__) return eg def __str__(self) -> str: suffix = "" if len(self._exceptions) == 1 else "s" return f"{self.message} ({len(self._exceptions)} sub-exception{suffix})" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.message!r}, {self._exceptions!r})" class ExceptionGroup(BaseExceptionGroup[E], Exception, Generic[E]): def __new__(cls, __message: str, __exceptions: Sequence[E]) -> ExceptionGroup[E]: instance: ExceptionGroup[E] = super().__new__(cls, __message, __exceptions) if cls is ExceptionGroup: for exc in __exceptions: if not isinstance(exc, Exception): raise TypeError("Cannot nest BaseExceptions in an ExceptionGroup") return instance