r"""Evaluate match expressions, as used by `-k` and `-m`. The grammar is: expression: expr? EOF expr: and_expr ('or' and_expr)* and_expr: not_expr ('and' not_expr)* not_expr: 'not' not_expr | '(' expr ')' | ident ident: (\w|:|\+|-|\.|\[|\]|\\|/)+ The semantics are: - Empty expression evaluates to False. - ident evaluates to True of False according to a provided matcher function. - or/and/not evaluate according to the usual boolean semantics. """ import ast import enum import re import types from typing import Callable from typing import Iterator from typing import Mapping from typing import NoReturn from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence import attr __all__ = [ "Expression", "ParseError", ] class TokenType(enum.Enum): LPAREN = "left parenthesis" RPAREN = "right parenthesis" OR = "or" AND = "and" NOT = "not" IDENT = "identifier" EOF = "end of input" @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, auto_attribs=True) class Token: type: TokenType value: str pos: int class ParseError(Exception): """The expression contains invalid syntax. :param column: The column in the line where the error occurred (1-based). :param message: A description of the error. """ def __init__(self, column: int, message: str) -> None: self.column = column self.message = message def __str__(self) -> str: return f"at column {self.column}: {self.message}" class Scanner: __slots__ = ("tokens", "current") def __init__(self, input: str) -> None: self.tokens = self.lex(input) self.current = next(self.tokens) def lex(self, input: str) -> Iterator[Token]: pos = 0 while pos < len(input): if input[pos] in (" ", "\t"): pos += 1 elif input[pos] == "(": yield Token(TokenType.LPAREN, "(", pos) pos += 1 elif input[pos] == ")": yield Token(TokenType.RPAREN, ")", pos) pos += 1 else: match = re.match(r"(:?\w|:|\+|-|\.|\[|\]|\\|/)+", input[pos:]) if match: value = match.group(0) if value == "or": yield Token(TokenType.OR, value, pos) elif value == "and": yield Token(TokenType.AND, value, pos) elif value == "not": yield Token(TokenType.NOT, value, pos) else: yield Token(TokenType.IDENT, value, pos) pos += len(value) else: raise ParseError( pos + 1, f'unexpected character "{input[pos]}"', ) yield Token(TokenType.EOF, "", pos) def accept(self, type: TokenType, *, reject: bool = False) -> Optional[Token]: if self.current.type is type: token = self.current if token.type is not TokenType.EOF: self.current = next(self.tokens) return token if reject: self.reject((type,)) return None def reject(self, expected: Sequence[TokenType]) -> NoReturn: raise ParseError( self.current.pos + 1, "expected {}; got {}".format( " OR ".join(type.value for type in expected), self.current.type.value, ), ) # True, False and None are legal match expression identifiers, # but illegal as Python identifiers. To fix this, this prefix # is added to identifiers in the conversion to Python AST. IDENT_PREFIX = "$" def expression(s: Scanner) -> ast.Expression: if s.accept(TokenType.EOF): ret: ast.expr = ast.NameConstant(False) else: ret = expr(s) s.accept(TokenType.EOF, reject=True) return ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Expression(ret)) def expr(s: Scanner) -> ast.expr: ret = and_expr(s) while s.accept(TokenType.OR): rhs = and_expr(s) ret = ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(), [ret, rhs]) return ret def and_expr(s: Scanner) -> ast.expr: ret = not_expr(s) while s.accept(TokenType.AND): rhs = not_expr(s) ret = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), [ret, rhs]) return ret def not_expr(s: Scanner) -> ast.expr: if s.accept(TokenType.NOT): return ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), not_expr(s)) if s.accept(TokenType.LPAREN): ret = expr(s) s.accept(TokenType.RPAREN, reject=True) return ret ident = s.accept(TokenType.IDENT) if ident: return ast.Name(IDENT_PREFIX + ident.value, ast.Load()) s.reject((TokenType.NOT, TokenType.LPAREN, TokenType.IDENT)) class MatcherAdapter(Mapping[str, bool]): """Adapts a matcher function to a locals mapping as required by eval().""" def __init__(self, matcher: Callable[[str], bool]) -> None: self.matcher = matcher def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> bool: return self.matcher(key[len(IDENT_PREFIX) :]) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: raise NotImplementedError() def __len__(self) -> int: raise NotImplementedError() class Expression: """A compiled match expression as used by -k and -m. The expression can be evaluated against different matchers. """ __slots__ = ("code",) def __init__(self, code: types.CodeType) -> None: self.code = code @classmethod def compile(self, input: str) -> "Expression": """Compile a match expression. :param input: The input expression - one line. """ astexpr = expression(Scanner(input)) code: types.CodeType = compile( astexpr, filename="", mode="eval", ) return Expression(code) def evaluate(self, matcher: Callable[[str], bool]) -> bool: """Evaluate the match expression. :param matcher: Given an identifier, should return whether it matches or not. Should be prepared to handle arbitrary strings as input. :returns: Whether the expression matches or not. """ ret: bool = eval(self.code, {"__builtins__": {}}, MatcherAdapter(matcher)) return ret