"""Run testsuites written for nose.""" import warnings from _pytest.config import hookimpl from _pytest.deprecated import NOSE_SUPPORT from _pytest.fixtures import getfixturemarker from _pytest.nodes import Item from _pytest.python import Function from _pytest.unittest import TestCaseFunction @hookimpl(trylast=True) def pytest_runtest_setup(item: Item) -> None: if not isinstance(item, Function): return # Don't do nose style setup/teardown on direct unittest style classes. if isinstance(item, TestCaseFunction): return # Capture the narrowed type of item for the teardown closure, # see https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/2608 func = item call_optional(func.obj, "setup", func.nodeid) func.addfinalizer(lambda: call_optional(func.obj, "teardown", func.nodeid)) # NOTE: Module- and class-level fixtures are handled in python.py # with `pluginmanager.has_plugin("nose")` checks. # It would have been nicer to implement them outside of core, but # it's not straightforward. def call_optional(obj: object, name: str, nodeid: str) -> bool: method = getattr(obj, name, None) if method is None: return False is_fixture = getfixturemarker(method) is not None if is_fixture: return False if not callable(method): return False # Warn about deprecation of this plugin. method_name = getattr(method, "__name__", str(method)) warnings.warn( NOSE_SUPPORT.format(nodeid=nodeid, method=method_name, stage=name), stacklevel=2 ) # If there are any problems allow the exception to raise rather than # silently ignoring it. method() return True