# Licensed under the Apache License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # For details: https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy/blob/master/NOTICE.txt """Results of coverage measurement.""" import collections from coverage.debug import SimpleReprMixin from coverage.exceptions import ConfigError from coverage.misc import contract, nice_pair class Analysis: """The results of analyzing a FileReporter.""" def __init__(self, data, precision, file_reporter, file_mapper): self.data = data self.file_reporter = file_reporter self.filename = file_mapper(self.file_reporter.filename) self.statements = self.file_reporter.lines() self.excluded = self.file_reporter.excluded_lines() # Identify missing statements. executed = self.data.lines(self.filename) or [] executed = self.file_reporter.translate_lines(executed) self.executed = executed self.missing = self.statements - self.executed if self.data.has_arcs(): self._arc_possibilities = sorted(self.file_reporter.arcs()) self.exit_counts = self.file_reporter.exit_counts() self.no_branch = self.file_reporter.no_branch_lines() n_branches = self._total_branches() mba = self.missing_branch_arcs() n_partial_branches = sum(len(v) for k,v in mba.items() if k not in self.missing) n_missing_branches = sum(len(v) for k,v in mba.items()) else: self._arc_possibilities = [] self.exit_counts = {} self.no_branch = set() n_branches = n_partial_branches = n_missing_branches = 0 self.numbers = Numbers( precision=precision, n_files=1, n_statements=len(self.statements), n_excluded=len(self.excluded), n_missing=len(self.missing), n_branches=n_branches, n_partial_branches=n_partial_branches, n_missing_branches=n_missing_branches, ) def missing_formatted(self, branches=False): """The missing line numbers, formatted nicely. Returns a string like "1-2, 5-11, 13-14". If `branches` is true, includes the missing branch arcs also. """ if branches and self.has_arcs(): arcs = self.missing_branch_arcs().items() else: arcs = None return format_lines(self.statements, self.missing, arcs=arcs) def has_arcs(self): """Were arcs measured in this result?""" return self.data.has_arcs() @contract(returns='list(tuple(int, int))') def arc_possibilities(self): """Returns a sorted list of the arcs in the code.""" return self._arc_possibilities @contract(returns='list(tuple(int, int))') def arcs_executed(self): """Returns a sorted list of the arcs actually executed in the code.""" executed = self.data.arcs(self.filename) or [] executed = self.file_reporter.translate_arcs(executed) return sorted(executed) @contract(returns='list(tuple(int, int))') def arcs_missing(self): """Returns a sorted list of the unexecuted arcs in the code.""" possible = self.arc_possibilities() executed = self.arcs_executed() missing = ( p for p in possible if p not in executed and p[0] not in self.no_branch and p[1] not in self.excluded ) return sorted(missing) @contract(returns='list(tuple(int, int))') def arcs_unpredicted(self): """Returns a sorted list of the executed arcs missing from the code.""" possible = self.arc_possibilities() executed = self.arcs_executed() # Exclude arcs here which connect a line to itself. They can occur # in executed data in some cases. This is where they can cause # trouble, and here is where it's the least burden to remove them. # Also, generators can somehow cause arcs from "enter" to "exit", so # make sure we have at least one positive value. unpredicted = ( e for e in executed if e not in possible and e[0] != e[1] and (e[0] > 0 or e[1] > 0) ) return sorted(unpredicted) def _branch_lines(self): """Returns a list of line numbers that have more than one exit.""" return [l1 for l1,count in self.exit_counts.items() if count > 1] def _total_branches(self): """How many total branches are there?""" return sum(count for count in self.exit_counts.values() if count > 1) @contract(returns='dict(int: list(int))') def missing_branch_arcs(self): """Return arcs that weren't executed from branch lines. Returns {l1:[l2a,l2b,...], ...} """ missing = self.arcs_missing() branch_lines = set(self._branch_lines()) mba = collections.defaultdict(list) for l1, l2 in missing: if l1 in branch_lines: mba[l1].append(l2) return mba @contract(returns='dict(int: list(int))') def executed_branch_arcs(self): """Return arcs that were executed from branch lines. Returns {l1:[l2a,l2b,...], ...} """ executed = self.arcs_executed() branch_lines = set(self._branch_lines()) eba = collections.defaultdict(list) for l1, l2 in executed: if l1 in branch_lines: eba[l1].append(l2) return eba @contract(returns='dict(int: tuple(int, int))') def branch_stats(self): """Get stats about branches. Returns a dict mapping line numbers to a tuple: (total_exits, taken_exits). """ missing_arcs = self.missing_branch_arcs() stats = {} for lnum in self._branch_lines(): exits = self.exit_counts[lnum] missing = len(missing_arcs[lnum]) stats[lnum] = (exits, exits - missing) return stats class Numbers(SimpleReprMixin): """The numerical results of measuring coverage. This holds the basic statistics from `Analysis`, and is used to roll up statistics across files. """ def __init__(self, precision=0, n_files=0, n_statements=0, n_excluded=0, n_missing=0, n_branches=0, n_partial_branches=0, n_missing_branches=0 ): assert 0 <= precision < 10 self._precision = precision self._near0 = 1.0 / 10**precision self._near100 = 100.0 - self._near0 self.n_files = n_files self.n_statements = n_statements self.n_excluded = n_excluded self.n_missing = n_missing self.n_branches = n_branches self.n_partial_branches = n_partial_branches self.n_missing_branches = n_missing_branches def init_args(self): """Return a list for __init__(*args) to recreate this object.""" return [ self._precision, self.n_files, self.n_statements, self.n_excluded, self.n_missing, self.n_branches, self.n_partial_branches, self.n_missing_branches, ] @property def n_executed(self): """Returns the number of executed statements.""" return self.n_statements - self.n_missing @property def n_executed_branches(self): """Returns the number of executed branches.""" return self.n_branches - self.n_missing_branches @property def pc_covered(self): """Returns a single percentage value for coverage.""" if self.n_statements > 0: numerator, denominator = self.ratio_covered pc_cov = (100.0 * numerator) / denominator else: pc_cov = 100.0 return pc_cov @property def pc_covered_str(self): """Returns the percent covered, as a string, without a percent sign. Note that "0" is only returned when the value is truly zero, and "100" is only returned when the value is truly 100. Rounding can never result in either "0" or "100". """ return self.display_covered(self.pc_covered) def display_covered(self, pc): """Return a displayable total percentage, as a string. Note that "0" is only returned when the value is truly zero, and "100" is only returned when the value is truly 100. Rounding can never result in either "0" or "100". """ if 0 < pc < self._near0: pc = self._near0 elif self._near100 < pc < 100: pc = self._near100 else: pc = round(pc, self._precision) return "%.*f" % (self._precision, pc) def pc_str_width(self): """How many characters wide can pc_covered_str be?""" width = 3 # "100" if self._precision > 0: width += 1 + self._precision return width @property def ratio_covered(self): """Return a numerator and denominator for the coverage ratio.""" numerator = self.n_executed + self.n_executed_branches denominator = self.n_statements + self.n_branches return numerator, denominator def __add__(self, other): nums = Numbers(precision=self._precision) nums.n_files = self.n_files + other.n_files nums.n_statements = self.n_statements + other.n_statements nums.n_excluded = self.n_excluded + other.n_excluded nums.n_missing = self.n_missing + other.n_missing nums.n_branches = self.n_branches + other.n_branches nums.n_partial_branches = ( self.n_partial_branches + other.n_partial_branches ) nums.n_missing_branches = ( self.n_missing_branches + other.n_missing_branches ) return nums def __radd__(self, other): # Implementing 0+Numbers allows us to sum() a list of Numbers. assert other == 0 # we only ever call it this way. return self def _line_ranges(statements, lines): """Produce a list of ranges for `format_lines`.""" statements = sorted(statements) lines = sorted(lines) pairs = [] start = None lidx = 0 for stmt in statements: if lidx >= len(lines): break if stmt == lines[lidx]: lidx += 1 if not start: start = stmt end = stmt elif start: pairs.append((start, end)) start = None if start: pairs.append((start, end)) return pairs def format_lines(statements, lines, arcs=None): """Nicely format a list of line numbers. Format a list of line numbers for printing by coalescing groups of lines as long as the lines represent consecutive statements. This will coalesce even if there are gaps between statements. For example, if `statements` is [1,2,3,4,5,10,11,12,13,14] and `lines` is [1,2,5,10,11,13,14] then the result will be "1-2, 5-11, 13-14". Both `lines` and `statements` can be any iterable. All of the elements of `lines` must be in `statements`, and all of the values must be positive integers. If `arcs` is provided, they are (start,[end,end,end]) pairs that will be included in the output as long as start isn't in `lines`. """ line_items = [(pair[0], nice_pair(pair)) for pair in _line_ranges(statements, lines)] if arcs: line_exits = sorted(arcs) for line, exits in line_exits: for ex in sorted(exits): if line not in lines and ex not in lines: dest = (ex if ex > 0 else "exit") line_items.append((line, f"{line}->{dest}")) ret = ', '.join(t[-1] for t in sorted(line_items)) return ret @contract(total='number', fail_under='number', precision=int, returns=bool) def should_fail_under(total, fail_under, precision): """Determine if a total should fail due to fail-under. `total` is a float, the coverage measurement total. `fail_under` is the fail_under setting to compare with. `precision` is the number of digits to consider after the decimal point. Returns True if the total should fail. """ # We can never achieve higher than 100% coverage, or less than zero. if not (0 <= fail_under <= 100.0): msg = f"fail_under={fail_under} is invalid. Must be between 0 and 100." raise ConfigError(msg) # Special case for fail_under=100, it must really be 100. if fail_under == 100.0 and total != 100.0: return True return round(total, precision) < fail_under