Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: exceptiongroup Version: 1.0.0 Summary: Backport of PEP 654 (exception groups) Author-email: Alex Grönholm Requires-Python: >=3.7 Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only Classifier: Typing :: Typed Requires-Dist: pytest >= 6 ; extra == "test" Project-URL: Changelog, Project-URL: Issue Tracker, Project-URL: Source code, Provides-Extra: test .. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status .. image:: :target: :alt: Code Coverage This is a backport of the ``BaseExceptionGroup`` and ``ExceptionGroup`` classes from Python 3.11. It contains the following: * The ``exceptiongroup.BaseExceptionGroup`` and ``exceptiongroup.ExceptionGroup`` classes * A utility function (``exceptiongroup.catch()``) for catching exceptions possibly nested in an exception group * Patches to the ``TracebackException`` class that properly formats exception groups (installed on import) * An exception hook that handles formatting of exception groups through ``TracebackException`` (installed on import) * Special versions of some of the functions from the ``traceback`` module, modified to correctly handle exception groups even when monkey patching is disabled, or blocked by another custom exception hook: * ``traceback.format_exception()`` * ``traceback.format_exception_only()`` * ``traceback.print_exception()`` * ``traceback.print_exc()`` If this package is imported on Python 3.11 or later, the built-in implementations of the exception group classes are used instead, ``TracebackException`` is not monkey patched and the exception hook won't be installed. See the `standard library documentation`_ for more information on exception groups. .. _standard library documentation: Catching exceptions =================== Due to the lack of the ``except*`` syntax introduced by `PEP 654`_ in earlier Python versions, you need to use ``exceptiongroup.catch()`` to catch exceptions that are potentially nested inside an exception group. This function returns a context manager that calls the given handler for any exceptions matching the sole argument. The argument to ``catch()`` must be a dict (or any ``Mapping``) where each key is either an exception class or an iterable of exception classes. Each value must be a callable that takes a single positional argument. The handler will be called at most once, with an exception group as an argument which will contain all the exceptions that are any of the given types, or their subclasses. The exception group may contain nested groups containing more matching exceptions. Thus, the following Python 3.11+ code: .. code-block:: python3 try: ... except* (ValueError, KeyError) as excgroup: for exc in excgroup.exceptions: print('Caught exception:', type(exc)) except* RuntimeError: print('Caught runtime error') would be written with this backport like this: .. code-block:: python3 from exceptiongroup import ExceptionGroup, catch def value_key_err_handler(excgroup: ExceptionGroup) -> None: for exc in excgroup.exceptions: print('Caught exception:', type(exc)) def runtime_err_handler(exc: ExceptionGroup) -> None: print('Caught runtime error') with catch({ (ValueError, KeyError): value_key_err_handler, RuntimeError: runtime_err_handler }): ... **NOTE**: Just like with ``except*``, you cannot handle ``BaseExceptionGroup`` or ``ExceptionGroup`` with ``catch()``. Notes on monkey patching ======================== To make exception groups render properly when an unhandled exception group is being printed out, this package does two things when it is imported on any Python version earlier than 3.11: #. The ``traceback.TracebackException`` class is monkey patched to store extra information about exception groups (in ``__init__()``) and properly format them (in ``format()``) #. An exception hook is installed at ``sys.excepthook``, provided that no other hook is already present. This hook causes the exception to be formatted using ``traceback.TracebackException`` rather than the built-in rendered. If ``sys.exceptionhook`` is found to be set to something else than the default when ``exceptiongroup`` is imported, no monkeypatching is done at all. To prevent the exception hook and patches from being installed, set the environment variable ``EXCEPTIONGROUP_NO_PATCH`` to ``1``. Formatting exception groups --------------------------- Normally, the monkey patching applied by this library on import will cause exception groups to be printed properly in tracebacks. But in cases when the monkey patching is blocked by a third party exception hook, or monkey patching is explicitly disabled, you can still manually format exceptions using the special versions of the ``traceback`` functions, like ``format_exception()``, listed at the top of this page. They work just like their counterparts in the ``traceback`` module, except that they use a separately patched subclass of ``TracebackException`` to perform the rendering. Particularly in cases where a library installs its own exception hook, it is recommended to use these special versions to do the actual formatting of exceptions/tracebacks. .. _PEP 654: