Isaac Shoebottom a50f49d2c8 Add python venv
2022-10-31 10:10:52 -03:00

236 lines
7.9 KiB

import csv
import logging
import pathlib
from optparse import Values
from typing import Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command
from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import ERROR, SUCCESS
from pip._internal.metadata import BaseDistribution, get_default_environment
from pip._internal.utils.misc import write_output
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ShowCommand(Command):
Show information about one or more installed packages.
The output is in RFC-compliant mail header format.
usage = """
%prog [options] <package> ..."""
ignore_require_venv = True
def add_options(self) -> None:
help="Show the full list of installed files for each package.",
self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts)
def run(self, options: Values, args: List[str]) -> int:
if not args:
logger.warning("ERROR: Please provide a package name or names.")
return ERROR
query = args
results = search_packages_info(query)
if not print_results(
results, list_files=options.files, verbose=options.verbose
return ERROR
return SUCCESS
class _PackageInfo(NamedTuple):
name: str
version: str
location: str
requires: List[str]
required_by: List[str]
installer: str
metadata_version: str
classifiers: List[str]
summary: str
homepage: str
author: str
author_email: str
license: str
entry_points: List[str]
files: Optional[List[str]]
def _convert_legacy_entry(entry: Tuple[str, ...], info: Tuple[str, ...]) -> str:
"""Convert a legacy installed-files.txt path into modern RECORD path.
The legacy format stores paths relative to the info directory, while the
modern format stores paths relative to the package root, e.g. the
site-packages directory.
:param entry: Path parts of the installed-files.txt entry.
:param info: Path parts of the egg-info directory relative to package root.
:returns: The converted entry.
For best compatibility with symlinks, this does not use ``abspath()`` or
``Path.resolve()``, but tries to work with path parts:
1. While ``entry`` starts with ``..``, remove the equal amounts of parts
from ``info``; if ``info`` is empty, start appending ``..`` instead.
2. Join the two directly.
while entry and entry[0] == "..":
if not info or info[-1] == "..":
info += ("..",)
info = info[:-1]
entry = entry[1:]
return str(pathlib.Path(*info, *entry))
def search_packages_info(query: List[str]) -> Iterator[_PackageInfo]:
Gather details from installed distributions. Print distribution name,
version, location, and installed files. Installed files requires a
pip generated 'installed-files.txt' in the distributions '.egg-info'
env = get_default_environment()
installed = {dist.canonical_name: dist for dist in env.iter_distributions()}
query_names = [canonicalize_name(name) for name in query]
missing = sorted(
[name for name, pkg in zip(query, query_names) if pkg not in installed]
if missing:
logger.warning("Package(s) not found: %s", ", ".join(missing))
def _get_requiring_packages(current_dist: BaseDistribution) -> Iterator[str]:
return (
dist.metadata["Name"] or "UNKNOWN"
for dist in installed.values()
if current_dist.canonical_name
in {canonicalize_name(d.name) for d in dist.iter_dependencies()}
def _files_from_record(dist: BaseDistribution) -> Optional[Iterator[str]]:
text = dist.read_text("RECORD")
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
# This extra Path-str cast normalizes entries.
return (str(pathlib.Path(row[0])) for row in csv.reader(text.splitlines()))
def _files_from_legacy(dist: BaseDistribution) -> Optional[Iterator[str]]:
text = dist.read_text("installed-files.txt")
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
paths = (p for p in text.splitlines(keepends=False) if p)
root = dist.location
info = dist.info_directory
if root is None or info is None:
return paths
info_rel = pathlib.Path(info).relative_to(root)
except ValueError: # info is not relative to root.
return paths
if not info_rel.parts: # info *is* root.
return paths
return (
_convert_legacy_entry(pathlib.Path(p).parts, info_rel.parts) for p in paths
for query_name in query_names:
dist = installed[query_name]
except KeyError:
requires = sorted((req.name for req in dist.iter_dependencies()), key=str.lower)
required_by = sorted(_get_requiring_packages(dist), key=str.lower)
entry_points_text = dist.read_text("entry_points.txt")
entry_points = entry_points_text.splitlines(keepends=False)
except FileNotFoundError:
entry_points = []
files_iter = _files_from_record(dist) or _files_from_legacy(dist)
if files_iter is None:
files: Optional[List[str]] = None
files = sorted(files_iter)
metadata = dist.metadata
yield _PackageInfo(
location=dist.location or "",
metadata_version=dist.metadata_version or "",
classifiers=metadata.get_all("Classifier", []),
summary=metadata.get("Summary", ""),
homepage=metadata.get("Home-page", ""),
author=metadata.get("Author", ""),
author_email=metadata.get("Author-email", ""),
license=metadata.get("License", ""),
def print_results(
distributions: Iterator[_PackageInfo],
list_files: bool,
verbose: bool,
) -> bool:
Print the information from installed distributions found.
results_printed = False
for i, dist in enumerate(distributions):
results_printed = True
if i > 0:
write_output("Name: %s", dist.name)
write_output("Version: %s", dist.version)
write_output("Summary: %s", dist.summary)
write_output("Home-page: %s", dist.homepage)
write_output("Author: %s", dist.author)
write_output("Author-email: %s", dist.author_email)
write_output("License: %s", dist.license)
write_output("Location: %s", dist.location)
write_output("Requires: %s", ", ".join(dist.requires))
write_output("Required-by: %s", ", ".join(dist.required_by))
if verbose:
write_output("Metadata-Version: %s", dist.metadata_version)
write_output("Installer: %s", dist.installer)
for classifier in dist.classifiers:
write_output(" %s", classifier)
for entry in dist.entry_points:
write_output(" %s", entry.strip())
if list_files:
if dist.files is None:
write_output("Cannot locate RECORD or installed-files.txt")
for line in dist.files:
write_output(" %s", line.strip())
return results_printed