2025-01-07 19:27:29 -04:00
/ *
if you want to view the source , please visit the github repository of this plugin
* /
"use strict" ;
var _ _create = Object . create ;
var _ _defProp = Object . defineProperty ;
var _ _getOwnPropDesc = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ;
var _ _getOwnPropNames = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ;
var _ _getProtoOf = Object . getPrototypeOf ;
var _ _hasOwnProp = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var _ _defNormalProp = ( obj , key , value ) => key in obj ? _ _defProp ( obj , key , { enumerable : true , configurable : true , writable : true , value } ) : obj [ key ] = value ;
var _ _commonJS = ( cb , mod ) => function _ _require ( ) {
return mod || ( 0 , cb [ _ _getOwnPropNames ( cb ) [ 0 ] ] ) ( ( mod = { exports : { } } ) . exports , mod ) , mod . exports ;
} ;
var _ _export = ( target , all ) => {
for ( var name in all )
_ _defProp ( target , name , { get : all [ name ] , enumerable : true } ) ;
} ;
var _ _copyProps = ( to , from , except , desc ) => {
if ( from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function" ) {
for ( let key of _ _getOwnPropNames ( from ) )
if ( ! _ _hasOwnProp . call ( to , key ) && key !== except )
_ _defProp ( to , key , { get : ( ) => from [ key ] , enumerable : ! ( desc = _ _getOwnPropDesc ( from , key ) ) || desc . enumerable } ) ;
return to ;
} ;
var _ _toESM = ( mod , isNodeMode , target ) => ( target = mod != null ? _ _create ( _ _getProtoOf ( mod ) ) : { } , _ _copyProps (
// If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
// file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
// compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
// "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
isNodeMode || ! mod || ! mod . _ _esModule ? _ _defProp ( target , "default" , { value : mod , enumerable : true } ) : target ,
) ) ;
var _ _toCommonJS = ( mod ) => _ _copyProps ( _ _defProp ( { } , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) , mod ) ;
var _ _publicField = ( obj , key , value ) => _ _defNormalProp ( obj , typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key , value ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/prettify-pinyin@0.1.5/node_modules/prettify-pinyin/index.js
var require _prettify _pinyin = _ _commonJS ( {
"node_modules/.pnpm/prettify-pinyin@0.1.5/node_modules/prettify-pinyin/index.js" ( exports , module2 ) {
var replacements = {
"a" : [ "\u0101" , "\xE1" , "\u01CE" , "\xE0" ] ,
"e" : [ "\u0113" , "\xE9" , "\u011B" , "\xE8" ] ,
"u" : [ "\u016B" , "\xFA" , "\u01D4" , "\xF9" ] ,
"i" : [ "\u012B" , "\xED" , "\u01D0" , "\xEC" ] ,
"o" : [ "\u014D" , "\xF3" , "\u01D2" , "\xF2" ] ,
"\xFC" : [ "\u01D6" , "\u01D8" , "\u01DA" , "\u01DC" ]
} ;
var medials = [ "i" , "u" , "\xFC" ] ;
var prettify = function ( str ) {
str = str . replace ( "v" , "\xFC" ) ;
var syllables = str . split ( " " ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < syllables . length ; i ++ ) {
var syllable = syllables [ i ] ;
var tone = parseInt ( syllable [ syllable . length - 1 ] ) ;
if ( tone <= 0 || tone > 5 ) {
console . error ( "invalid tone number:" , tone , "in" , syllable ) ;
} else if ( tone === 5 ) {
syllables [ i ] = syllable . slice ( 0 , syllable . length - 1 ) ;
} else {
for ( var j = 0 ; j < syllable . length ; j ++ ) {
var currentLetter = syllable [ j ] ;
var nextLetter = syllable [ j + 1 ] ;
if ( replacements [ currentLetter ] ) {
var replaced ;
var letterToReplace ;
if ( replacements [ nextLetter ] && medials . indexOf ( currentLetter ) >= 0 ) {
letterToReplace = nextLetter ;
} else {
letterToReplace = currentLetter ;
replaced = syllable . replace ( letterToReplace , replacements [ letterToReplace ] [ tone - 1 ] ) ;
syllables [ i ] = replaced . slice ( 0 , replaced . length - 1 ) ;
break ;
return syllables . join ( " " ) ;
} ;
module2 . exports . prettify = prettify ;
} ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/chinese-tokenizer@https+++codeload.github.com+tadashi-aikawa+chinese-tokenizer+tar.gz+32f7e49_l5rk3q5fzlp2cmpgb6cso4usmq/node_modules/chinese-tokenizer/src/trie.js
var require _trie = _ _commonJS ( {
"node_modules/.pnpm/chinese-tokenizer@https+++codeload.github.com+tadashi-aikawa+chinese-tokenizer+tar.gz+32f7e49_l5rk3q5fzlp2cmpgb6cso4usmq/node_modules/chinese-tokenizer/src/trie.js" ( exports , module2 ) {
var Trie = class {
constructor ( ) {
this . content = { } ;
getKeyObject ( key , create = false ) {
key = key . toString ( ) ;
let chars = key === "" ? [ key ] : Array . from ( key ) ;
let obj = this . content ;
for ( let char of chars ) {
if ( obj [ char ] == null ) {
if ( create ) obj [ char ] = { } ;
else return { } ;
obj = obj [ char ] ;
return obj ;
get ( key ) {
let obj = this . getKeyObject ( key ) ;
return obj . values || [ ] ;
getPrefix ( key ) {
let inner = ( key2 , obj = null ) => {
if ( obj == null ) obj = this . getKeyObject ( key2 ) ;
let result = obj . values ? [ ... obj . values ] : [ ] ;
for ( let char in obj ) {
if ( char === "values" || obj [ char ] == null ) continue ;
result . push ( ... inner ( key2 + char , obj [ char ] ) ) ;
return result ;
} ;
return inner ( key ) ;
push ( key , value ) {
let obj = this . getKeyObject ( key , true ) ;
if ( obj . values == null ) obj . values = [ ] ;
if ( ! obj . values . includes ( value ) ) obj . values . push ( value ) ;
return this ;
} ;
module2 . exports = Trie ;
} ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/chinese-tokenizer@https+++codeload.github.com+tadashi-aikawa+chinese-tokenizer+tar.gz+32f7e49_l5rk3q5fzlp2cmpgb6cso4usmq/node_modules/chinese-tokenizer/src/cedict.js
var require _cedict = _ _commonJS ( {
"node_modules/.pnpm/chinese-tokenizer@https+++codeload.github.com+tadashi-aikawa+chinese-tokenizer+tar.gz+32f7e49_l5rk3q5fzlp2cmpgb6cso4usmq/node_modules/chinese-tokenizer/src/cedict.js" ( exports , module2 ) {
var { prettify } = require _prettify _pinyin ( ) ;
var Trie = require _trie ( ) ;
function parseLine ( line ) {
let match = line . match ( /^(\S+)\s(\S+)\s\[([^\]]+)\]\s\/(.+)\// ) ;
if ( match == null ) return ;
let [ , traditional , simplified , pinyin , english ] = match ;
pinyin = pinyin . replace ( /u:/g , "\xFC" ) ;
let pinyinPretty = prettify ( pinyin ) ;
return { traditional , simplified , pinyin , pinyinPretty , english } ;
var Cedict = class {
load ( contents ) {
this . simplifiedTrie = new Trie ( ) ;
this . traditionalTrie = new Trie ( ) ;
let lines = contents . split ( "\n" ) ;
for ( let line of lines ) {
if ( line . trim ( ) === "" || line [ 0 ] === "#" ) continue ;
let entry = parseLine ( line ) ;
if ( entry == null ) continue ;
this . simplifiedTrie . push ( entry . simplified , entry ) ;
this . traditionalTrie . push ( entry . traditional , entry ) ;
get ( word , traditional = false ) {
return traditional ? this . traditionalTrie . get ( word ) : this . simplifiedTrie . get ( word ) ;
getPrefix ( word , traditional = false ) {
return traditional ? this . traditionalTrie . getPrefix ( word ) : this . simplifiedTrie . getPrefix ( word ) ;
} ;
module2 . exports = Cedict ;
} ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/chinese-tokenizer@https+++codeload.github.com+tadashi-aikawa+chinese-tokenizer+tar.gz+32f7e49_l5rk3q5fzlp2cmpgb6cso4usmq/node_modules/chinese-tokenizer/src/main.js
var require _main = _ _commonJS ( {
"node_modules/.pnpm/chinese-tokenizer@https+++codeload.github.com+tadashi-aikawa+chinese-tokenizer+tar.gz+32f7e49_l5rk3q5fzlp2cmpgb6cso4usmq/node_modules/chinese-tokenizer/src/main.js" ( exports ) {
var Cedict = require _cedict ( ) ;
var chinesePunctuation = [
"\xB7" ,
"\xD7" ,
"\u2014" ,
"\u2018" ,
"\u2019" ,
"\u201C" ,
"\u201D" ,
"\u2026" ,
"\u3001" ,
"\u3002" ,
"\u300A" ,
"\u300B" ,
"\u300E" ,
"\u300F" ,
"\u3010" ,
"\u3011" ,
"\uFF01" ,
"\uFF08" ,
"\uFF09" ,
"\uFF0C" ,
"\uFF1A" ,
"\uFF1B" ,
] ;
exports . load = function ( contents ) {
let dictionary = new Cedict ( ) ;
dictionary . load ( contents ) ;
return function tokenize ( text2 ) {
text2 = Array . from ( text2 . replace ( /\r/g , "" ) ) ;
let result = [ ] ;
let i = 0 ;
let [ offset , line , column ] = [ 0 , 1 , 1 ] ;
let [ simplifiedPreference , traditionalPreference ] = [ 0 , 0 ] ;
let pushToken = ( word ) => {
let simplifiedEntries = dictionary . get ( word , false ) ;
let traditionalEntries = dictionary . get ( word , true ) ;
let entries = simplifiedEntries . length === 0 ? traditionalEntries : traditionalEntries . length === 0 ? simplifiedEntries : simplifiedPreference < traditionalPreference ? traditionalEntries : simplifiedPreference > traditionalPreference ? simplifiedEntries : traditionalEntries ;
if ( traditionalEntries . length === 0 && simplifiedEntries . length > 0 ) {
simplifiedPreference ++ ;
} else if ( simplifiedEntries . length === 0 && traditionalEntries . length > 0 ) {
traditionalPreference ++ ;
result . push ( {
text : word ,
traditional : entries [ 0 ] ? entries [ 0 ] . traditional : word ,
simplified : entries [ 0 ] ? entries [ 0 ] . simplified : word ,
position : {
offset ,
line ,
} ,
matches : entries . map ( ( { pinyin , pinyinPretty , english } ) => ( {
pinyin ,
pinyinPretty ,
} ) )
} ) ;
let wordArr = Array . from ( word ) ;
let lastLineBreakIndex = word . lastIndexOf ( "\n" ) ;
i += wordArr . length ;
offset += word . length ;
line += wordArr . filter ( ( x ) => x === "\n" ) . length ;
column = lastLineBreakIndex >= 0 ? word . length - lastLineBreakIndex : column + word . length ;
} ;
while ( i < text2 . length ) {
if ( i !== text2 . length - 1 ) {
let getTwo = text2 . slice ( i , i + 2 ) . join ( "" ) ;
let simplifiedEntries = dictionary . getPrefix ( getTwo , false ) ;
let traditionalEntries = dictionary . getPrefix ( getTwo , true ) ;
let foundWord = null ;
let foundEntries = null ;
for ( let entries of [ traditionalEntries , simplifiedEntries ] ) {
for ( let entry of entries ) {
let matchText = entries === traditionalEntries ? entry . traditional : entry . simplified ;
let word2 = text2 . slice ( i , i + Array . from ( matchText ) . length ) . join ( "" ) ;
if ( matchText === word2 && ( foundWord == null || Array . from ( word2 ) . length > Array . from ( foundWord ) . length ) ) {
foundWord = word2 ;
foundEntries = entries ;
if ( foundWord != null ) {
pushToken ( foundWord ) ;
if ( foundEntries === simplifiedEntries ) {
simplifiedPreference ++ ;
} else if ( foundEntries === traditionalEntries ) {
traditionalPreference ++ ;
continue ;
let character = text2 [ i ] ;
let isChinese = ( character2 ) => chinesePunctuation . includes ( character2 ) || dictionary . get ( character2 , false ) . length > 0 || dictionary . get ( character2 , true ) . length > 0 ;
if ( isChinese ( character ) || character . match ( /\s/ ) != null ) {
pushToken ( character ) ;
continue ;
let end = i + 1 ;
for ( ; end < text2 . length ; end ++ ) {
if ( text2 [ end ] . match ( /\s/ ) != null || isChinese ( text2 [ end ] ) ) break ;
let word = text2 . slice ( i , end ) . join ( "" ) ;
pushToken ( word ) ;
return result ;
} ;
} ;
} ) ;
// src/main.ts
var main _exports = { } ;
_ _export ( main _exports , {
default : ( ) => VariousComponents
} ) ;
module . exports = _ _toCommonJS ( main _exports ) ;
var import _obsidian9 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// src/ui/AutoCompleteSuggest.ts
var import _obsidian5 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// src/util/collection-helper.ts
var groupBy = ( values , toKey ) => values . reduce (
( prev , cur , _1 , _2 , k = toKey ( cur ) ) => ( ( prev [ k ] || ( prev [ k ] = [ ] ) ) . push ( cur ) , prev ) ,
{ }
) ;
function uniq ( values ) {
return [ ... new Set ( values ) ] ;
function uniqBy ( values , fn ) {
const m = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ;
values . forEach ( ( x ) => {
const k = fn ( x ) ;
if ( ! m . has ( k ) ) {
m . set ( k , x ) ;
} ) ;
return Array . from ( m . values ( ) ) ;
function uniqWith ( arr , fn ) {
return arr . filter (
( element2 , index ) => arr . findIndex ( ( step ) => fn ( element2 , step ) ) === index
) ;
function setEquals ( set1 , set2 ) {
if ( set1 . size !== set2 . size ) {
return false ;
return Array . from ( set1 ) . every ( ( element2 ) => set2 . has ( element2 ) ) ;
function mirrorMap ( collection , toValue ) {
return collection . reduce ( ( p , c ) => ( { ... p , [ toValue ( c ) ] : toValue ( c ) } ) , { } ) ;
function max ( collection , emptyValue ) {
const select2 = ( a , b ) => a >= b ? a : b ;
return collection . reduce ( select2 , emptyValue ) ;
// src/util/diacritics-map.ts
var defaultDiacriticsRemovalMap = [
base : "A" ,
letters : "A\u24B6\uFF21\xC0\xC1\xC2\u1EA6\u1EA4\u1EAA\u1EA8\xC3\u0100\u0102\u1EB0\u1EAE\u1EB4\u1EB2\u0226\u01E0\xC4\u01DE\u1EA2\xC5\u01FA\u01CD\u0200\u0202\u1EA0\u1EAC\u1EB6\u1E00\u0104\u023A\u2C6F"
} ,
{ base : "AA" , letters : "\uA732" } ,
{ base : "AE" , letters : "\xC6\u01FC\u01E2" } ,
{ base : "AO" , letters : "\uA734" } ,
{ base : "AU" , letters : "\uA736" } ,
{ base : "AV" , letters : "\uA738\uA73A" } ,
{ base : "AY" , letters : "\uA73C" } ,
base : "B" ,
letters : "B\u24B7\uFF22\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u0243\u0182\u0181"
} ,
base : "C" ,
letters : "C\u24B8\uFF23\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\xC7\u1E08\u0187\u023B\uA73E"
} ,
base : "D" ,
letters : "D\u24B9\uFF24\u1E0A\u010E\u1E0C\u1E10\u1E12\u1E0E\u0110\u018B\u018A\u0189\uA779\xD0"
} ,
{ base : "DZ" , letters : "\u01F1\u01C4" } ,
{ base : "Dz" , letters : "\u01F2\u01C5" } ,
base : "E" ,
letters : "E\u24BA\uFF25\xC8\xC9\xCA\u1EC0\u1EBE\u1EC4\u1EC2\u1EBC\u0112\u1E14\u1E16\u0114\u0116\xCB\u1EBA\u011A\u0204\u0206\u1EB8\u1EC6\u0228\u1E1C\u0118\u1E18\u1E1A\u0190\u018E"
} ,
{ base : "F" , letters : "F\u24BB\uFF26\u1E1E\u0191\uA77B" } ,
base : "G" ,
letters : "G\u24BC\uFF27\u01F4\u011C\u1E20\u011E\u0120\u01E6\u0122\u01E4\u0193\uA7A0\uA77D\uA77E"
} ,
base : "H" ,
letters : "H\u24BD\uFF28\u0124\u1E22\u1E26\u021E\u1E24\u1E28\u1E2A\u0126\u2C67\u2C75\uA78D"
} ,
base : "I" ,
letters : "I\u24BE\uFF29\xCC\xCD\xCE\u0128\u012A\u012C\u0130\xCF\u1E2E\u1EC8\u01CF\u0208\u020A\u1ECA\u012E\u1E2C\u0197"
} ,
{ base : "J" , letters : "J\u24BF\uFF2A\u0134\u0248" } ,
base : "K" ,
letters : "K\u24C0\uFF2B\u1E30\u01E8\u1E32\u0136\u1E34\u0198\u2C69\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA7A2"
} ,
base : "L" ,
letters : "L\u24C1\uFF2C\u013F\u0139\u013D\u1E36\u1E38\u013B\u1E3C\u1E3A\u0141\u023D\u2C62\u2C60\uA748\uA746\uA780"
} ,
{ base : "LJ" , letters : "\u01C7" } ,
{ base : "Lj" , letters : "\u01C8" } ,
{ base : "M" , letters : "M\u24C2\uFF2D\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u2C6E\u019C" } ,
base : "N" ,
letters : "N\u24C3\uFF2E\u01F8\u0143\xD1\u1E44\u0147\u1E46\u0145\u1E4A\u1E48\u0220\u019D\uA790\uA7A4"
} ,
{ base : "NJ" , letters : "\u01CA" } ,
{ base : "Nj" , letters : "\u01CB" } ,
base : "O" ,
letters : "O\u24C4\uFF2F\xD2\xD3\xD4\u1ED2\u1ED0\u1ED6\u1ED4\xD5\u1E4C\u022C\u1E4E\u014C\u1E50\u1E52\u014E\u022E\u0230\xD6\u022A\u1ECE\u0150\u01D1\u020C\u020E\u01A0\u1EDC\u1EDA\u1EE0\u1EDE\u1EE2\u1ECC\u1ED8\u01EA\u01EC\xD8\u01FE\u0186\u019F\uA74A\uA74C"
} ,
{ base : "OI" , letters : "\u01A2" } ,
{ base : "OO" , letters : "\uA74E" } ,
{ base : "OU" , letters : "\u0222" } ,
{ base : "OE" , letters : "\x8C\u0152" } ,
{ base : "oe" , letters : "\x9C\u0153" } ,
base : "P" ,
letters : "P\u24C5\uFF30\u1E54\u1E56\u01A4\u2C63\uA750\uA752\uA754"
} ,
{ base : "Q" , letters : "Q\u24C6\uFF31\uA756\uA758\u024A" } ,
base : "R" ,
letters : "R\u24C7\uFF32\u0154\u1E58\u0158\u0210\u0212\u1E5A\u1E5C\u0156\u1E5E\u024C\u2C64\uA75A\uA7A6\uA782"
} ,
base : "S" ,
letters : "S\u24C8\uFF33\u1E9E\u015A\u1E64\u015C\u1E60\u0160\u1E66\u1E62\u1E68\u0218\u015E\u2C7E\uA7A8\uA784"
} ,
base : "T" ,
letters : "T\u24C9\uFF34\u1E6A\u0164\u1E6C\u021A\u0162\u1E70\u1E6E\u0166\u01AC\u01AE\u023E\uA786"
} ,
{ base : "TZ" , letters : "\uA728" } ,
base : "U" ,
letters : "U\u24CA\uFF35\xD9\xDA\xDB\u0168\u1E78\u016A\u1E7A\u016C\xDC\u01DB\u01D7\u01D5\u01D9\u1EE6\u016E\u0170\u01D3\u0214\u0216\u01AF\u1EEA\u1EE8\u1EEE\u1EEC\u1EF0\u1EE4\u1E72\u0172\u1E76\u1E74\u0244"
} ,
{ base : "V" , letters : "V\u24CB\uFF36\u1E7C\u1E7E\u01B2\uA75E\u0245" } ,
{ base : "VY" , letters : "\uA760" } ,
base : "W" ,
letters : "W\u24CC\uFF37\u1E80\u1E82\u0174\u1E86\u1E84\u1E88\u2C72"
} ,
{ base : "X" , letters : "X\u24CD\uFF38\u1E8A\u1E8C" } ,
base : "Y" ,
letters : "Y\u24CE\uFF39\u1EF2\xDD\u0176\u1EF8\u0232\u1E8E\u0178\u1EF6\u1EF4\u01B3\u024E\u1EFE"
} ,
base : "Z" ,
letters : "Z\u24CF\uFF3A\u0179\u1E90\u017B\u017D\u1E92\u1E94\u01B5\u0224\u2C7F\u2C6B\uA762"
} ,
base : "a" ,
letters : "a\u24D0\uFF41\u1E9A\xE0\xE1\xE2\u1EA7\u1EA5\u1EAB\u1EA9\xE3\u0101\u0103\u1EB1\u1EAF\u1EB5\u1EB3\u0227\u01E1\xE4\u01DF\u1EA3\xE5\u01FB\u01CE\u0201\u0203\u1EA1\u1EAD\u1EB7\u1E01\u0105\u2C65\u0250"
} ,
{ base : "aa" , letters : "\uA733" } ,
{ base : "ae" , letters : "\xE6\u01FD\u01E3" } ,
{ base : "ao" , letters : "\uA735" } ,
{ base : "au" , letters : "\uA737" } ,
{ base : "av" , letters : "\uA739\uA73B" } ,
{ base : "ay" , letters : "\uA73D" } ,
base : "b" ,
letters : "b\u24D1\uFF42\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u0180\u0183\u0253"
} ,
base : "c" ,
letters : "c\u24D2\uFF43\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\xE7\u1E09\u0188\u023C\uA73F\u2184"
} ,
base : "d" ,
letters : "d\u24D3\uFF44\u1E0B\u010F\u1E0D\u1E11\u1E13\u1E0F\u0111\u018C\u0256\u0257\uA77A"
} ,
{ base : "dz" , letters : "\u01F3\u01C6" } ,
base : "e" ,
letters : "e\u24D4\uFF45\xE8\xE9\xEA\u1EC1\u1EBF\u1EC5\u1EC3\u1EBD\u0113\u1E15\u1E17\u0115\u0117\xEB\u1EBB\u011B\u0205\u0207\u1EB9\u1EC7\u0229\u1E1D\u0119\u1E19\u1E1B\u0247\u025B\u01DD"
} ,
{ base : "f" , letters : "f\u24D5\uFF46\u1E1F\u0192\uA77C" } ,
base : "g" ,
letters : "g\u24D6\uFF47\u01F5\u011D\u1E21\u011F\u0121\u01E7\u0123\u01E5\u0260\uA7A1\u1D79\uA77F"
} ,
base : "h" ,
letters : "h\u24D7\uFF48\u0125\u1E23\u1E27\u021F\u1E25\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E96\u0127\u2C68\u2C76\u0265"
} ,
{ base : "hv" , letters : "\u0195" } ,
base : "i" ,
letters : "i\u24D8\uFF49\xEC\xED\xEE\u0129\u012B\u012D\xEF\u1E2F\u1EC9\u01D0\u0209\u020B\u1ECB\u012F\u1E2D\u0268\u0131"
} ,
{ base : "j" , letters : "j\u24D9\uFF4A\u0135\u01F0\u0249" } ,
base : "k" ,
letters : "k\u24DA\uFF4B\u1E31\u01E9\u1E33\u0137\u1E35\u0199\u2C6A\uA741\uA743\uA745\uA7A3"
} ,
base : "l" ,
letters : "l\u24DB\uFF4C\u0140\u013A\u013E\u1E37\u1E39\u013C\u1E3D\u1E3B\u017F\u0142\u019A\u026B\u2C61\uA749\uA781\uA747"
} ,
{ base : "lj" , letters : "\u01C9" } ,
{ base : "m" , letters : "m\u24DC\uFF4D\u1E3F\u1E41\u1E43\u0271\u026F" } ,
base : "n" ,
letters : "n\u24DD\uFF4E\u01F9\u0144\xF1\u1E45\u0148\u1E47\u0146\u1E4B\u1E49\u019E\u0272\u0149\uA791\uA7A5"
} ,
{ base : "nj" , letters : "\u01CC" } ,
base : "o" ,
letters : "o\u24DE\uFF4F\xF2\xF3\xF4\u1ED3\u1ED1\u1ED7\u1ED5\xF5\u1E4D\u022D\u1E4F\u014D\u1E51\u1E53\u014F\u022F\u0231\xF6\u022B\u1ECF\u0151\u01D2\u020D\u020F\u01A1\u1EDD\u1EDB\u1EE1\u1EDF\u1EE3\u1ECD\u1ED9\u01EB\u01ED\xF8\u01FF\u0254\uA74B\uA74D\u0275"
} ,
{ base : "oi" , letters : "\u01A3" } ,
{ base : "ou" , letters : "\u0223" } ,
{ base : "oo" , letters : "\uA74F" } ,
base : "p" ,
letters : "p\u24DF\uFF50\u1E55\u1E57\u01A5\u1D7D\uA751\uA753\uA755"
} ,
{ base : "q" , letters : "q\u24E0\uFF51\u024B\uA757\uA759" } ,
base : "r" ,
letters : "r\u24E1\uFF52\u0155\u1E59\u0159\u0211\u0213\u1E5B\u1E5D\u0157\u1E5F\u024D\u027D\uA75B\uA7A7\uA783"
} ,
base : "s" ,
letters : "s\u24E2\uFF53\xDF\u015B\u1E65\u015D\u1E61\u0161\u1E67\u1E63\u1E69\u0219\u015F\u023F\uA7A9\uA785\u1E9B"
} ,
base : "t" ,
letters : "t\u24E3\uFF54\u1E6B\u1E97\u0165\u1E6D\u021B\u0163\u1E71\u1E6F\u0167\u01AD\u0288\u2C66\uA787"
} ,
{ base : "tz" , letters : "\uA729" } ,
base : "u" ,
letters : "u\u24E4\uFF55\xF9\xFA\xFB\u0169\u1E79\u016B\u1E7B\u016D\xFC\u01DC\u01D8\u01D6\u01DA\u1EE7\u016F\u0171\u01D4\u0215\u0217\u01B0\u1EEB\u1EE9\u1EEF\u1EED\u1EF1\u1EE5\u1E73\u0173\u1E77\u1E75\u0289"
} ,
{ base : "v" , letters : "v\u24E5\uFF56\u1E7D\u1E7F\u028B\uA75F\u028C" } ,
{ base : "vy" , letters : "\uA761" } ,
base : "w" ,
letters : "w\u24E6\uFF57\u1E81\u1E83\u0175\u1E87\u1E85\u1E98\u1E89\u2C73"
} ,
{ base : "x" , letters : "x\u24E7\uFF58\u1E8B\u1E8D" } ,
base : "y" ,
letters : "y\u24E8\uFF59\u1EF3\xFD\u0177\u1EF9\u0233\u1E8F\xFF\u1EF7\u1E99\u1EF5\u01B4\u024F\u1EFF"
} ,
base : "z" ,
letters : "z\u24E9\uFF5A\u017A\u1E91\u017C\u017E\u1E93\u1E95\u01B6\u0225\u0240\u2C6C\uA763"
} ,
// Added to original source definitions
// https://github.com/tadashi-aikawa/obsidian-another-quick-switcher/issues/131
base : "2" ,
letters : "\xB2"
} ,
base : "3" ,
letters : "\xB3"
] ;
var diacriticsMap = { } ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < defaultDiacriticsRemovalMap . length ; i ++ ) {
const letters = defaultDiacriticsRemovalMap [ i ] . letters ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < letters . length ; j ++ ) {
diacriticsMap [ letters [ j ] ] = defaultDiacriticsRemovalMap [ i ] . base ;
var diacritics _map _default = diacriticsMap ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/emoji-regex@10.3.0/node_modules/emoji-regex/index.mjs
var emoji _regex _default = ( ) => {
return / [ # * 0 - 9 ] \ u F E 0 F ? \ u 2 0 E 3 | [ \ x A 9 \ x A E \ u 2 0 3 C \ u 2 0 4 9 \ u 2 1 2 2 \ u 2 1 3 9 \ u 2 1 9 4 - \ u 2 1 9 9 \ u 2 1 A 9 \ u 2 1 A A \ u 2 3 1 A \ u 2 3 1 B \ u 2 3 2 8 \ u 2 3 C F \ u 2 3 E D - \ u 2 3 E F \ u 2 3 F 1 \ u 2 3 F 2 \ u 2 3 F 8 - \ u 2 3 F A \ u 2 4 C 2 \ u 2 5 A A \ u 2 5 A B \ u 2 5 B 6 \ u 2 5 C 0 \ u 2 5 F B \ u 2 5 F C \ u 2 5 F E \ u 2 6 0 0 - \ u 2 6 0 4 \ u 2 6 0 E \ u 2 6 1 1 \ u 2 6 1 4 \ u 2 6 1 5 \ u 2 6 1 8 \ u 2 6 2 0 \ u 2 6 2 2 \ u 2 6 2 3 \ u 2 6 2 6 \ u 2 6 2 A \ u 2 6 2 E \ u 2 6 2 F \ u 2 6 3 8 - \ u 2 6 3 A \ u 2 6 4 0 \ u 2 6 4 2 \ u 2 6 4 8 - \ u 2 6 5 3 \ u 2 6 5 F \ u 2 6 6 0 \ u 2 6 6 3 \ u 2 6 6 5 \ u 2 6 6 6 \ u 2 6 6 8 \ u 2 6 7 B \ u 2 6 7 E \ u 2 6 7 F \ u 2 6 9 2 \ u 2 6 9 4 - \ u 2 6 9 7 \ u 2 6 9 9 \ u 2 6 9 B \ u 2 6 9 C \ u 2 6 A 0 \ u 2 6 A 7 \ u 2 6 A A \ u 2 6 B 0 \ u 2 6 B 1 \ u 2 6 B D \ u 2 6 B E \ u 2 6 C 4 \ u 2 6 C 8 \ u 2 6 C F \ u 2 6 D 1 \ u 2 6 E 9 \ u 2 6 F 0 - \ u 2 6 F 5 \ u 2 6 F 7 \ u 2 6 F 8 \ u 2 6 F A \ u 2 7 0 2 \ u 2 7 0 8 \ u 2 7 0 9 \ u 2 7 0 F \ u 2 7 1 2 \ u 2 7 1 4 \ u 2 7 1 6 \ u 2 7 1 D \ u 2 7 2 1 \ u 2 7 3 3 \ u 2 7 3 4 \ u 2 7 4 4 \ u 2 7 4 7 \ u 2 7 5 7 \ u 2 7 6 3 \ u 2 7 A 1 \ u 2 9 3 4 \ u 2 9 3 5 \ u 2 B 0 5 - \ u 2 B 0 7 \ u 2 B 1 B \ u 2 B 1 C \ u 2 B 5 5 \ u 3 0 3 0 \ u 3 0 3 D \ u 3 2 9 7 \ u 3 2 9 9 ] \ u F E 0 F ? | [ \ u 2 6 1 D \ u 2 7 0 C \ u 2 7 0 D ] ( ? : \ u F E 0 F | \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? | [ \ u 2 7 0 A \ u 2 7 0 B ] ( ? : \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? | [ \ u 2 3 E 9 - \ u 2 3 E C \ u 2 3 F 0 \ u 2 3 F 3 \ u 2 5 F D \ u 2 6 9 3 \ u 2 6 A 1 \ u 2 6 A B \ u 2 6 C 5 \ u 2 6 C E \ u 2 6 D 4 \ u 2 6 E A \ u 2 6 F D \ u 2 7 0 5 \ u 2 7 2 8 \ u 2 7 4 C \ u 2 7 4 E \ u 2 7 5 3 - \ u 2 7 5 5 \ u 2 7 9 5 - \ u 2 7 9 7 \ u 2 7 B 0 \ u 2 7 B F \ u 2 B 5 0 ] | \ u 2 6 D 3 \ u F E 0 F ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D \ u D 8 3 D \ u D C A 5 ) ? | \ u 2 6 F 9 ( ? : \ u F E 0 F | \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D [ \ u 2 6 4 0 \ u 2 6 4 2 ] \ u F E 0 F ? ) ? | \ u 2 7 6 4 \ u F E 0 F ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D ( ? : \ u D 8 3 D \ u D D 2 5 | \ u D 8 3 E \ u D E 7 9 ) ) ? | \ u D 8 3 C ( ? : [ \ u D C 0 4 \ u D D 7 0 \ u D D 7 1 \ u D D 7 E \ u D D 7 F \ u D E 0 2 \ u D E 3 7 \ u D F 2 1 \ u D F 2 4 - \ u D F 2 C \ u D F 3 6 \ u D F 7 D \ u D F 9 6 \ u D F 9 7 \ u D F 9 9 - \ u D F 9 B \ u D F 9 E \ u D F 9 F \ u D F C D \ u D F C E \ u D F D 4 - \ u D F D F \ u D F F 5 \ u D F F 7 ] \ u F E 0 F ? | [ \ u D F 8 5 \ u D F C 2 \ u D F C 7 ] ( ? : \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? | [ \ u D F C 4 \ u D F C A ] ( ? : \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D [ \ u 2 6 4 0 \ u 2 6 4 2 ] \ u F E 0 F ? ) ? | [ \ u D F C B \ u D F C C ] ( ? : \ u F E 0 F | \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D [ \ u 2 6 4 0 \ u 2 6 4 2 ] \ u F E 0 F ? ) ? | [ \ u D C C F \ u D D 8 E \ u D D 9 1 - \ u D D 9 A \ u D E 0 1 \ u D E 1 A \ u D E 2 F \ u D E 3 2 - \ u D E 3 6 \ u D E 3 8 - \ u D E 3 A \ u D E 5 0 \ u D E 5 1 \ u D F 0 0 - \ u D F 2 0 \ u D F 2 D - \ u D F 3 5 \ u D F 3 7 - \ u D F 4 3 \ u D F 4 5 - \ u D F 4 A \ u D F 4 C - \ u D F 7 C \ u D F 7 E - \ u D F 8 4 \ u D F 8 6 - \ u D F 9 3 \ u D F A 0 - \ u D F C 1 \ u D F C 5 \ u D F C 6 \ u D F C 8 \ u D F C 9 \ u D F C F - \ u D F D 3 \ u D F E 0 - \ u D F F 0 \ u D F F 8 - \ u D F F F ] | \ u D D E 6 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 8 - \ u D D E C \ u D D E E \ u D D F 1 \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 6 - \ u D D F A \ u D D F C \ u D D F D \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D E 7 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 7 \ u D D E 9 - \ u D D E F \ u D D F 1 - \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 6 - \ u D D F 9 \ u D D F B \ u D D F C \ u D D F E \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D E 8 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E 9 \ u D D E B - \ u D D E E \ u D D F 0 - \ u D D F 5 \ u D D F 7 \ u D D F A - \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D E 9 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E A \ u D D E C \ u D D E F \ u D D F 0 \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D E A \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E A \ u D D E C \ u D D E D \ u D D F 7 - \ u D D F A ] | \ u D D E B \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E E - \ u D D F 0 \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 7 ] | \ u D D E C \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 7 \ u D D E 9 - \ u D D E E \ u D D F 1 - \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F 5 - \ u D D F A \ u D D F C \ u D D F E ] | \ u D D E D \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D F 0 \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F 7 \ u D D F 9 \ u D D F A ] | \ u D D E E \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 8 - \ u D D E A \ u D D F 1 - \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 6 - \ u D D F 9 ] | \ u D D E F \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E A \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 5 ] | \ u D D F 0 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E A \ u D D E C - \ u D D E E \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F 5 \ u D D F 7 \ u D D F C \ u D D F E \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D F 1 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 - \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E E \ u D D F 0 \ u D D F 7 - \ u D D F B \ u D D F E ] | \ u D D F 2 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 8 - \ u D D E D \ u D D F 0 - \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D F 3 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E A - \ u D D E C \ u D D E E \ u D D F 1 \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 5 \ u D D F 7 \ u D D F A \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D F 4 \ u D 8 3 C \ u D D F 2 | \ u D D F 5 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E A - \ u D D E D \ u D D F 0 - \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F 7 - \ u D D F 9 \ u D D F C \ u D D F E ] | \ u D D F 6 \ u D 8 3 C \ u D D E 6 | \ u D D F 7 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E A \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 8 \ u D D F A \ u D D F C ] | \ u D D F 8 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 - \ u D D E A \ u D D E C - \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 7 - \ u D D F 9 \ u D D F B \ u D D F D - \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D F 9 \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E 9 \ u D D E B - \ u D D E D \ u D D E F - \ u D D F 4 \ u D D F 7 \ u D D F 9 \ u D D F B \ u D D F C \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D F A \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E C \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F 8 \ u D D F E \ u D D F F ] | \ u D D F B \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E A \ u D D E C \ u D D E E \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F A ] | \ u D D F C \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E B \ u D D F 8 ] | \ u D D F D \ u D 8 3 C \ u D D F 0 | \ u D D F E \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E A \ u D D F 9 ] | \ u D D F F \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D D E 6 \ u D D F 2 \ u D D F C ] | \ u D F 4 4 ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D \ u D 8 3 D \ u D F E B ) ? | \ u D F 4 B ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D \ u D 8 3 D \ u D F E 9 ) ? | \ u D F C 3 ( ? : \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D ( ? : [ \ u 2 6 4 0 \ u 2 6 4 2 ] \ u F E 0 F ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D \ u 2 7 A 1 \ u F E 0 F ? ) ? | \ u 2 7 A 1 \ u F E 0 F ? ) ) ? | \ u D F F 3 \ u F E 0 F ? ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D ( ? : \ u 2 6 A 7 \ u F E 0 F ? | \ u D 8 3 C \ u D F 0 8 ) ) ? | \ u D F F 4 ( ? : \ u 2 0 0 D \ u 2 6 2 0 \ u F E 0 F ? | \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 6 7 \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 6 2 \ u D B 4 0 ( ? : \ u D C 6 5 \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 6 E \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 6 7 | \ u D C 7 3 \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 6 3 \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 7 4 | \ u D C 7 7 \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 6 C \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 7 3 ) \ u D B 4 0 \ u D C 7 F ) ? ) | \ u D 8 3 D ( ? : [ \ u D C 3 F \ u D C F D \ u D D 4 9 \ u D D 4 A \ u D D 6 F \ u D D 7 0 \ u D D 7 3 \ u D D 7 6 - \ u D D 7 9 \ u D D 8 7 \ u D D 8 A - \ u D D 8 D \ u D D A 5 \ u D D A 8 \ u D D B 1 \ u D D B 2 \ u D D B C \ u D D C 2 - \ u D D C 4 \ u D D D 1 - \ u D D D 3 \ u D D D C - \ u D D D E \ u D D E 1 \ u D D E 3 \ u D D E 8 \ u D D E F \ u D D F 3 \ u D D F A \ u D E C B \ u D E C D - \ u D E C F \ u D E E 0 - \ u D E E 5 \ u D E E 9 \ u D E F 0 \ u D E F 3 ] \ u F E 0 F ? | [ \ u D C 4 2 \ u D C 4 3 \ u D C 4 6 - \ u D C 5 0 \ u D C 6 6 \ u D C 6 7 \ u D C 6 B - \ u D C 6 D \ u D C 7 2 \ u D C 7 4 - \ u D C 7 6 \ u D C 7 8 \ u D C 7 C \ u D C 8 3 \ u D C 8 5 \ u D C 8 F \ u D C 9 1 \ u D C A A \ u D D 7 A \ u D D 9 5 \ u D D 9 6 \ u D E 4 C \ u D E 4 F \ u D E C 0 \ u D E C C ] ( ? : \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u D F F F ] ) ? | [ \ u D C 6 E \ u D C 7 0 \ u D C 7 1 \ u D C 7 3 \ u D C 7 7 \ u D C 8 1 \ u D C 8 2 \ u D C 8 6 \ u D C 8 7 \ u D E 4 5 - \ u D E 4 7 \ u D E 4 B \ u D E 4 D \ u D E 4 E \ u D E A 3 \ u D E B 4 \ u D E B 5 ] ( ? : \ u D 8 3 C [ \ u D F F B - \ u
} ;
// src/util/strings.ts
var regEmoji = new RegExp ( ` *( ${ emoji _regex _default ( ) . source } ) * ` , "g" ) ;
function equalsAsLiterals ( one , another ) {
return one . replace ( /[ \t]/g , "" ) === another . replace ( /[ \t]/g , "" ) ;
function allNumbersOrFewSymbols ( text2 ) {
return Boolean ( text2 . match ( /^[0-9_\-.]+$/ ) ) ;
function allAlphabets ( text2 ) {
return Boolean ( text2 . match ( /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/ ) ) ;
function excludeEmoji ( text2 ) {
return text2 . replace ( regEmoji , "" ) ;
function encodeSpace ( text2 ) {
return text2 . replace ( / /g , "%20" ) ;
function removeFromPattern ( pattern , removeChars ) {
return new RegExp (
pattern . source . replace ( new RegExp ( ` [ ${ removeChars } ] ` , "g" ) , "" ) ,
pattern . flags
) ;
function normalizeAccentsDiacritics ( text2 ) {
return text2 . replace ( /[^\u0000-\u007E]/g , ( x ) => {
var _a ;
return ( _a = diacritics _map _default [ x ] ) != null ? _a : x ;
} ) ;
function synonymAliases ( value , option ) {
let synonym = value ;
if ( option . emoji ) {
synonym = excludeEmoji ( synonym ) ;
if ( option . accentsDiacritics ) {
synonym = normalizeAccentsDiacritics ( synonym ) ;
return synonym === value ? [ ] : [ synonym ] ;
function lowerIncludes ( one , other ) {
return one . toLowerCase ( ) . includes ( other . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
function lowerStartsWith ( a , b ) {
return a . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( b . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
function wrapFuzzy ( func ) {
return ( ... xs ) => func ( ... xs ) ? { type : "concrete_match" } : { type : "none" } ;
function lowerFuzzy ( a , b ) {
return microFuzzy ( a . toLowerCase ( ) , b . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
function lowerFuzzyStarsWith ( a , b ) {
const aLower = a . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const bLower = b . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return aLower [ 0 ] === bLower [ 0 ] ? microFuzzy ( aLower , bLower ) : { type : "none" } ;
function capitalizeFirstLetter ( str ) {
return str . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + str . slice ( 1 ) ;
function startsSmallLetterOnlyFirst ( str ) {
return Boolean ( str . match ( /^[A-Z][^A-Z]+$/ ) ) ;
function isInternalLink ( text2 ) {
return Boolean ( text2 . match ( /^\[\[.+]]$/ ) ) ;
function smartLineBreakSplit ( text2 ) {
return text2 . split ( "\n" ) . filter ( ( x ) => x ) ;
function * splitRaw ( text2 , regexp ) {
let previousIndex = 0 ;
for ( let r of text2 . matchAll ( regexp ) ) {
if ( previousIndex !== r . index ) {
yield text2 . slice ( previousIndex , r . index ) ;
yield text2 [ r . index ] ;
previousIndex = r . index + 1 ;
if ( previousIndex !== text2 . length ) {
yield text2 . slice ( previousIndex , text2 . length ) ;
function findCommonPrefix ( strs ) {
if ( strs . length === 0 ) {
return null ;
const min = Math . min ( ... strs . map ( ( x ) => x . length ) ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < min ; i ++ ) {
if ( uniq ( strs . map ( ( x ) => x [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) . length > 1 ) {
return strs [ 0 ] . substring ( 0 , i ) ;
return strs [ 0 ] . substring ( 0 , min ) ;
function microFuzzy ( value , query ) {
let i = 0 ;
let lastMatchIndex = null ;
let isFuzzy = false ;
let scoreSeed = 0 ;
let combo = 0 ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < value . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( value [ j ] === query [ i ] ) {
if ( lastMatchIndex != null && j - lastMatchIndex > 1 ) {
isFuzzy = true ;
lastMatchIndex = j ;
combo ++ ;
i ++ ;
} else {
if ( combo > 0 ) {
scoreSeed += 2 * * combo ;
combo = 0 ;
if ( i === query . length ) {
if ( combo > 0 ) {
scoreSeed += 2 * * combo ;
return isFuzzy ? { type : "fuzzy_match" , score : scoreSeed / value . length } : { type : "concrete_match" } ;
return { type : "none" } ;
function joinNumberWithSymbol ( tokens ) {
if ( tokens . length === 0 ) {
return [ ] ;
let stock = tokens . shift ( ) ;
const ret = [ ] ;
for ( const token of tokens ) {
if ( allNumbersOrFewSymbols ( token ) && allNumbersOrFewSymbols ( stock ) ) {
stock += token ;
} else {
if ( stock ) {
ret . push ( stock ) ;
stock = token ;
ret . push ( stock ) ;
return ret ;
// src/errors.ts
var ExhaustiveError = class extends Error {
constructor ( value , message = ` Unsupported type: ${ value } ` ) {
super ( message ) ;
} ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizers/AbstractTokenizer.ts
var INPUT _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN = /[\r\n\t\[\]$/:?!=()<>"',|;*~ `_“„«»‹ › ‚ ‘ ’ ”]/g ;
var INDEXING _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN = /[\r\n\t\[\]/:?!=()<>"',|;*~ `_“„«»‹ › ‚ ‘ ’ ”]/g ;
var AbstractTokenizer = class {
constructor ( args ) {
this . inputTrimCharPattern = ( args == null ? void 0 : args . treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord ) ? removeFromPattern ( INPUT _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN , "_" ) : INPUT _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN ;
this . indexingTrimCharPattern = ( args == null ? void 0 : args . treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord ) ? removeFromPattern ( INDEXING _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN , "_" ) : INDEXING _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN ;
getTrimPattern ( target ) {
switch ( target ) {
case "input" :
return this . inputTrimCharPattern ;
case "indexing" :
return this . indexingTrimCharPattern ;
default :
throw new ExhaustiveError ( target ) ;
shouldIgnoreOnCurrent ( _str ) {
return false ;
} ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizers/DefaultTokenizer.ts
function pickTokens ( content , trimPattern ) {
return content . split ( trimPattern ) . filter ( ( x ) => x !== "" ) ;
var DefaultTokenizer = class extends AbstractTokenizer {
tokenize ( content , raw ) {
const tokens = raw ? Array . from ( splitRaw ( content , this . getTrimPattern ( "indexing" ) ) ) . filter (
( x ) => x !== " "
) : pickTokens ( content , this . getTrimPattern ( "indexing" ) ) ;
return tokens . map ( ( x ) => x . replace ( /\.+$/g , "" ) ) ;
recursiveTokenize ( content ) {
const trimIndexes = Array . from (
content . matchAll ( this . getTrimPattern ( "input" ) )
) . sort ( ( a , b ) => a . index - b . index ) . map ( ( x ) => x . index ) ;
return [
{ word : content , offset : 0 } ,
... trimIndexes . map ( ( i ) => ( {
word : content . slice ( i + 1 ) ,
offset : i + 1
} ) )
] ;
} ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizers/ArabicTokenizer.ts
var INPUT _ARABIC _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN = /[\r\n\t\[\]/:?!=()<>"'.,|;*~ `،؛]/g ;
var INDEXING _ARABIC _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN = /[\r\n\t\[\]$/:?!=()<>"'.,|;*~ `،؛]/g ;
var ArabicTokenizer = class extends DefaultTokenizer {
constructor ( _args ) {
super ( ) ;
this . inputTrimCharPattern = INPUT _ARABIC _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN ;
this . indexingTrimCharPattern = INDEXING _ARABIC _TRIM _CHAR _PATTERN ;
} ;
// src/external/tiny-segmenter.ts
function TinySegmenter ( ) {
var patterns = {
"[\u4E00\u4E8C\u4E09\u56DB\u4E94\u516D\u4E03\u516B\u4E5D\u5341\u767E\u5343\u4E07\u5104\u5146]" : "M" ,
"[\u4E00-\u9FA0\u3005\u3006\u30F5\u30F6]" : "H" ,
"[\u3041-\u3093]" : "I" ,
"[\u30A1-\u30F4\u30FC\uFF71-\uFF9D\uFF9E\uFF70]" : "K" ,
"[a-zA-Z\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF21-\uFF3A]" : "A" ,
"[0-9\uFF10-\uFF19]" : "N"
} ;
this . chartype _ = [ ] ;
for ( var i in patterns ) {
var regexp = new RegExp ( ) ;
regexp . compile ( i ) ;
this . chartype _ . push ( [ regexp , patterns [ i ] ] ) ;
this . BIAS _ _ = - 332 ;
this . BC1 _ _ = { HH : 6 , II : 2461 , KH : 406 , OH : - 1378 } ;
this . BC2 _ _ = {
AA : - 3267 ,
AI : 2744 ,
AN : - 878 ,
HH : - 4070 ,
HM : - 1711 ,
HN : 4012 ,
HO : 3761 ,
IA : 1327 ,
IH : - 1184 ,
II : - 1332 ,
IK : 1721 ,
IO : 5492 ,
KI : 3831 ,
KK : - 8741 ,
MH : - 3132 ,
MK : 3334 ,
OO : - 2920
} ;
this . BC3 _ _ = {
HH : 996 ,
HI : 626 ,
HK : - 721 ,
HN : - 1307 ,
HO : - 836 ,
IH : - 301 ,
KK : 2762 ,
MK : 1079 ,
MM : 4034 ,
OA : - 1652 ,
OH : 266
} ;
this . BP1 _ _ = { BB : 295 , OB : 304 , OO : - 125 , UB : 352 } ;
this . BP2 _ _ = { BO : 60 , OO : - 1762 } ;
this . BQ1 _ _ = {
BHH : 1150 ,
BHM : 1521 ,
BII : - 1158 ,
BIM : 886 ,
BMH : 1208 ,
BNH : 449 ,
BOH : - 91 ,
BOO : - 2597 ,
OHI : 451 ,
OIH : - 296 ,
OKA : 1851 ,
OKH : - 1020 ,
OKK : 904 ,
OOO : 2965
} ;
this . BQ2 _ _ = {
BHH : 118 ,
BHI : - 1159 ,
BHM : 466 ,
BIH : - 919 ,
BKK : - 1720 ,
BKO : 864 ,
OHH : - 1139 ,
OHM : - 181 ,
OIH : 153 ,
UHI : - 1146
} ;
this . BQ3 _ _ = {
BHH : - 792 ,
BHI : 2664 ,
BII : - 299 ,
BKI : 419 ,
BMH : 937 ,
BMM : 8335 ,
BNN : 998 ,
BOH : 775 ,
OHH : 2174 ,
OHM : 439 ,
OII : 280 ,
OKH : 1798 ,
OKI : - 793 ,
OKO : - 2242 ,
OMH : - 2402 ,
OOO : 11699
} ;
this . BQ4 _ _ = {
BHH : - 3895 ,
BIH : 3761 ,
BII : - 4654 ,
BIK : 1348 ,
BKK : - 1806 ,
BMI : - 3385 ,
BOO : - 12396 ,
OAH : 926 ,
OHH : 266 ,
OHK : - 2036 ,
ONN : - 973
} ;
this . BW1 _ _ = {
",\u3068" : 660 ,
",\u540C" : 727 ,
B1\u3042 : 1404 ,
B1\u540C : 542 ,
"\u3001\u3068" : 660 ,
"\u3001\u540C" : 727 ,
"\u300D\u3068" : 1682 ,
\u3042\u3063 : 1505 ,
\u3044\u3046 : 1743 ,
\u3044\u3063 : - 2055 ,
\u3044\u308B : 672 ,
\u3046\u3057 : - 4817 ,
\u3046\u3093 : 665 ,
\u304B\u3089 : 3472 ,
\u304C\u3089 : 600 ,
\u3053\u3046 : - 790 ,
\u3053\u3068 : 2083 ,
\u3053\u3093 : - 1262 ,
\u3055\u3089 : - 4143 ,
\u3055\u3093 : 4573 ,
\u3057\u305F : 2641 ,
\u3057\u3066 : 1104 ,
\u3059\u3067 : - 3399 ,
\u305D\u3053 : 1977 ,
\u305D\u308C : - 871 ,
\u305F\u3061 : 1122 ,
\u305F\u3081 : 601 ,
\u3063\u305F : 3463 ,
\u3064\u3044 : - 802 ,
\u3066\u3044 : 805 ,
\u3066\u304D : 1249 ,
\u3067\u304D : 1127 ,
\u3067\u3059 : 3445 ,
\u3067\u306F : 844 ,
\u3068\u3044 : - 4915 ,
\u3068\u307F : 1922 ,
\u3069\u3053 : 3887 ,
\u306A\u3044 : 5713 ,
\u306A\u3063 : 3015 ,
\u306A\u3069 : 7379 ,
\u306A\u3093 : - 1113 ,
\u306B\u3057 : 2468 ,
\u306B\u306F : 1498 ,
\u306B\u3082 : 1671 ,
\u306B\u5BFE : - 912 ,
\u306E\u4E00 : - 501 ,
\u306E\u4E2D : 741 ,
\u307E\u305B : 2448 ,
\u307E\u3067 : 1711 ,
\u307E\u307E : 2600 ,
\u307E\u308B : - 2155 ,
\u3084\u3080 : - 1947 ,
\u3088\u3063 : - 2565 ,
\u308C\u305F : 2369 ,
\u308C\u3067 : - 913 ,
\u3092\u3057 : 1860 ,
\u3092\u898B : 731 ,
\u4EA1\u304F : - 1886 ,
\u4EAC\u90FD : 2558 ,
\u53D6\u308A : - 2784 ,
\u5927\u304D : - 2604 ,
\u5927\u962A : 1497 ,
\u5E73\u65B9 : - 2314 ,
\u5F15\u304D : - 1336 ,
\u65E5\u672C : - 195 ,
\u672C\u5F53 : - 2423 ,
\u6BCE\u65E5 : - 2113 ,
\u76EE\u6307 : - 724 ,
\uFF22\uFF11\u3042 : 1404 ,
\uFF22\uFF11\u540C : 542 ,
"\uFF63\u3068" : 1682
} ;
this . BW2 _ _ = {
".." : - 11822 ,
11 : - 669 ,
"\u2015\u2015" : - 5730 ,
"\u2212\u2212" : - 13175 ,
\u3044\u3046 : - 1609 ,
\u3046\u304B : 2490 ,
\u304B\u3057 : - 1350 ,
\u304B\u3082 : - 602 ,
\u304B\u3089 : - 7194 ,
\u304B\u308C : 4612 ,
\u304C\u3044 : 853 ,
\u304C\u3089 : - 3198 ,
\u304D\u305F : 1941 ,
\u304F\u306A : - 1597 ,
\u3053\u3068 : - 8392 ,
\u3053\u306E : - 4193 ,
\u3055\u305B : 4533 ,
\u3055\u308C : 13168 ,
\u3055\u3093 : - 3977 ,
\u3057\u3044 : - 1819 ,
\u3057\u304B : - 545 ,
\u3057\u305F : 5078 ,
\u3057\u3066 : 972 ,
\u3057\u306A : 939 ,
\u305D\u306E : - 3744 ,
\u305F\u3044 : - 1253 ,
\u305F\u305F : - 662 ,
\u305F\u3060 : - 3857 ,
\u305F\u3061 : - 786 ,
\u305F\u3068 : 1224 ,
\u305F\u306F : - 939 ,
\u3063\u305F : 4589 ,
\u3063\u3066 : 1647 ,
\u3063\u3068 : - 2094 ,
\u3066\u3044 : 6144 ,
\u3066\u304D : 3640 ,
\u3066\u304F : 2551 ,
\u3066\u306F : - 3110 ,
\u3066\u3082 : - 3065 ,
\u3067\u3044 : 2666 ,
\u3067\u304D : - 1528 ,
\u3067\u3057 : - 3828 ,
\u3067\u3059 : - 4761 ,
\u3067\u3082 : - 4203 ,
\u3068\u3044 : 1890 ,
\u3068\u3053 : - 1746 ,
\u3068\u3068 : - 2279 ,
\u3068\u306E : 720 ,
\u3068\u307F : 5168 ,
\u3068\u3082 : - 3941 ,
\u306A\u3044 : - 2488 ,
\u306A\u304C : - 1313 ,
\u306A\u3069 : - 6509 ,
\u306A\u306E : 2614 ,
\u306A\u3093 : 3099 ,
\u306B\u304A : - 1615 ,
\u306B\u3057 : 2748 ,
\u306B\u306A : 2454 ,
\u306B\u3088 : - 7236 ,
\u306B\u5BFE : - 14943 ,
\u306B\u5F93 : - 4688 ,
\u306B\u95A2 : - 11388 ,
\u306E\u304B : 2093 ,
\u306E\u3067 : - 7059 ,
\u306E\u306B : - 6041 ,
\u306E\u306E : - 6125 ,
\u306F\u3044 : 1073 ,
\u306F\u304C : - 1033 ,
\u306F\u305A : - 2532 ,
\u3070\u308C : 1813 ,
\u307E\u3057 : - 1316 ,
\u307E\u3067 : - 6621 ,
\u307E\u308C : 5409 ,
\u3081\u3066 : - 3153 ,
\u3082\u3044 : 2230 ,
\u3082\u306E : - 10713 ,
\u3089\u304B : - 944 ,
\u3089\u3057 : - 1611 ,
\u3089\u306B : - 1897 ,
\u308A\u3057 : 651 ,
\u308A\u307E : 1620 ,
\u308C\u305F : 4270 ,
\u308C\u3066 : 849 ,
\u308C\u3070 : 4114 ,
\u308D\u3046 : 6067 ,
\u308F\u308C : 7901 ,
\u3092\u901A : - 11877 ,
\u3093\u3060 : 728 ,
\u3093\u306A : - 4115 ,
\u4E00\u4EBA : 602 ,
\u4E00\u65B9 : - 1375 ,
\u4E00\u65E5 : 970 ,
\u4E00\u90E8 : - 1051 ,
\u4E0A\u304C : - 4479 ,
\u4F1A\u793E : - 1116 ,
\u51FA\u3066 : 2163 ,
\u5206\u306E : - 7758 ,
\u540C\u515A : 970 ,
\u540C\u65E5 : - 913 ,
\u5927\u962A : - 2471 ,
\u59D4\u54E1 : - 1250 ,
\u5C11\u306A : - 1050 ,
\u5E74\u5EA6 : - 8669 ,
\u5E74\u9593 : - 1626 ,
\u5E9C\u770C : - 2363 ,
\u624B\u6A29 : - 1982 ,
\u65B0\u805E : - 4066 ,
\u65E5\u65B0 : - 722 ,
\u65E5\u672C : - 7068 ,
\u65E5\u7C73 : 3372 ,
\u66DC\u65E5 : - 601 ,
\u671D\u9BAE : - 2355 ,
\u672C\u4EBA : - 2697 ,
\u6771\u4EAC : - 1543 ,
\u7136\u3068 : - 1384 ,
\u793E\u4F1A : - 1276 ,
\u7ACB\u3066 : - 990 ,
\u7B2C\u306B : - 1612 ,
\u7C73\u56FD : - 4268 ,
"\uFF11\uFF11" : - 669
} ;
this . BW3 _ _ = {
\u3042\u305F : - 2194 ,
\u3042\u308A : 719 ,
\u3042\u308B : 3846 ,
"\u3044." : - 1185 ,
"\u3044\u3002" : - 1185 ,
\u3044\u3044 : 5308 ,
\u3044\u3048 : 2079 ,
\u3044\u304F : 3029 ,
\u3044\u305F : 2056 ,
\u3044\u3063 : 1883 ,
\u3044\u308B : 5600 ,
\u3044\u308F : 1527 ,
\u3046\u3061 : 1117 ,
\u3046\u3068 : 4798 ,
\u3048\u3068 : 1454 ,
"\u304B." : 2857 ,
"\u304B\u3002" : 2857 ,
\u304B\u3051 : - 743 ,
\u304B\u3063 : - 4098 ,
\u304B\u306B : - 669 ,
\u304B\u3089 : 6520 ,
\u304B\u308A : - 2670 ,
"\u304C," : 1816 ,
"\u304C\u3001" : 1816 ,
\u304C\u304D : - 4855 ,
\u304C\u3051 : - 1127 ,
\u304C\u3063 : - 913 ,
\u304C\u3089 : - 4977 ,
\u304C\u308A : - 2064 ,
\u304D\u305F : 1645 ,
\u3051\u3069 : 1374 ,
\u3053\u3068 : 7397 ,
\u3053\u306E : 1542 ,
\u3053\u308D : - 2757 ,
\u3055\u3044 : - 714 ,
\u3055\u3092 : 976 ,
"\u3057," : 1557 ,
"\u3057\u3001" : 1557 ,
\u3057\u3044 : - 3714 ,
\u3057\u305F : 3562 ,
\u3057\u3066 : 1449 ,
\u3057\u306A : 2608 ,
\u3057\u307E : 1200 ,
"\u3059." : - 1310 ,
"\u3059\u3002" : - 1310 ,
\u3059\u308B : 6521 ,
"\u305A," : 3426 ,
"\u305A\u3001" : 3426 ,
\u305A\u306B : 841 ,
\u305D\u3046 : 428 ,
"\u305F." : 8875 ,
"\u305F\u3002" : 8875 ,
\u305F\u3044 : - 594 ,
\u305F\u306E : 812 ,
\u305F\u308A : - 1183 ,
\u305F\u308B : - 853 ,
"\u3060." : 4098 ,
"\u3060\u3002" : 4098 ,
\u3060\u3063 : 1004 ,
\u3063\u305F : - 4748 ,
\u3063\u3066 : 300 ,
\u3066\u3044 : 6240 ,
\u3066\u304A : 855 ,
\u3066\u3082 : 302 ,
\u3067\u3059 : 1437 ,
\u3067\u306B : - 1482 ,
\u3067\u306F : 2295 ,
\u3068\u3046 : - 1387 ,
\u3068\u3057 : 2266 ,
\u3068\u306E : 541 ,
\u3068\u3082 : - 3543 ,
\u3069\u3046 : 4664 ,
\u306A\u3044 : 1796 ,
\u306A\u304F : - 903 ,
\u306A\u3069 : 2135 ,
"\u306B," : - 1021 ,
"\u306B\u3001" : - 1021 ,
\u306B\u3057 : 1771 ,
\u306B\u306A : 1906 ,
\u306B\u306F : 2644 ,
"\u306E," : - 724 ,
"\u306E\u3001" : - 724 ,
\u306E\u5B50 : - 1e3 ,
"\u306F," : 1337 ,
"\u306F\u3001" : 1337 ,
\u3079\u304D : 2181 ,
\u307E\u3057 : 1113 ,
\u307E\u3059 : 6943 ,
\u307E\u3063 : - 1549 ,
\u307E\u3067 : 6154 ,
\u307E\u308C : - 793 ,
\u3089\u3057 : 1479 ,
\u3089\u308C : 6820 ,
\u308B\u308B : 3818 ,
"\u308C," : 854 ,
"\u308C\u3001" : 854 ,
\u308C\u305F : 1850 ,
\u308C\u3066 : 1375 ,
\u308C\u3070 : - 3246 ,
\u308C\u308B : 1091 ,
\u308F\u308C : - 605 ,
\u3093\u3060 : 606 ,
\u3093\u3067 : 798 ,
\u30AB\u6708 : 990 ,
\u4F1A\u8B70 : 860 ,
\u5165\u308A : 1232 ,
\u5927\u4F1A : 2217 ,
\u59CB\u3081 : 1681 ,
\u5E02 : 965 ,
\u65B0\u805E : - 5055 ,
"\u65E5," : 974 ,
"\u65E5\u3001" : 974 ,
\u793E\u4F1A : 2024 ,
\uFF76\u6708 : 990
} ;
this . TC1 _ _ = {
AAA : 1093 ,
HHH : 1029 ,
HHM : 580 ,
HII : 998 ,
HOH : - 390 ,
HOM : - 331 ,
IHI : 1169 ,
IOH : - 142 ,
IOI : - 1015 ,
IOM : 467 ,
MMH : 187 ,
OOI : - 1832
} ;
this . TC2 _ _ = {
HHO : 2088 ,
HII : - 1023 ,
HMM : - 1154 ,
IHI : - 1965 ,
KKH : 703 ,
OII : - 2649
} ;
this . TC3 _ _ = {
AAA : - 294 ,
HHH : 346 ,
HHI : - 341 ,
HII : - 1088 ,
HIK : 731 ,
HOH : - 1486 ,
IHH : 128 ,
IHI : - 3041 ,
IHO : - 1935 ,
IIH : - 825 ,
IIM : - 1035 ,
IOI : - 542 ,
KHH : - 1216 ,
KKA : 491 ,
KKH : - 1217 ,
KOK : - 1009 ,
MHH : - 2694 ,
MHM : - 457 ,
MHO : 123 ,
MMH : - 471 ,
NNH : - 1689 ,
NNO : 662 ,
OHO : - 3393
} ;
this . TC4 _ _ = {
HHH : - 203 ,
HHI : 1344 ,
HHK : 365 ,
HHM : - 122 ,
HHN : 182 ,
HHO : 669 ,
HIH : 804 ,
HII : 679 ,
HOH : 446 ,
IHH : 695 ,
IHO : - 2324 ,
IIH : 321 ,
III : 1497 ,
IIO : 656 ,
IOO : 54 ,
KAK : 4845 ,
KKA : 3386 ,
KKK : 3065 ,
MHH : - 405 ,
MHI : 201 ,
MMH : - 241 ,
MMM : 661 ,
MOM : 841
} ;
this . TQ1 _ _ = {
BHHH : - 227 ,
BHHI : 316 ,
BHIH : - 132 ,
BIHH : 60 ,
BIII : 1595 ,
BNHH : - 744 ,
BOHH : 225 ,
BOOO : - 908 ,
OAKK : 482 ,
OHHH : 281 ,
OHIH : 249 ,
OIHI : 200 ,
OIIH : - 68
} ;
this . TQ2 _ _ = { BIHH : - 1401 , BIII : - 1033 , BKAK : - 543 , BOOO : - 5591 } ;
this . TQ3 _ _ = {
BHHH : 478 ,
BHHM : - 1073 ,
BHIH : 222 ,
BHII : - 504 ,
BIIH : - 116 ,
BIII : - 105 ,
BMHI : - 863 ,
BMHM : - 464 ,
BOMH : 620 ,
OHHH : 346 ,
OHHI : 1729 ,
OHII : 997 ,
OHMH : 481 ,
OIHH : 623 ,
OIIH : 1344 ,
OKAK : 2792 ,
OKHH : 587 ,
OKKA : 679 ,
OOHH : 110 ,
OOII : - 685
} ;
this . TQ4 _ _ = {
BHHH : - 721 ,
BHHM : - 3604 ,
BHII : - 966 ,
BIIH : - 607 ,
BIII : - 2181 ,
OAAA : - 2763 ,
OAKK : 180 ,
OHHH : - 294 ,
OHHI : 2446 ,
OHHO : 480 ,
OHIH : - 1573 ,
OIHH : 1935 ,
OIHI : - 493 ,
OIIH : 626 ,
OIII : - 4007 ,
OKAK : - 8156
} ;
this . TW1 _ _ = { \u306B\u3064\u3044 : - 4681 , \u6771\u4EAC\u90FD : 2026 } ;
this . TW2 _ _ = {
\u3042\u308B\u7A0B : - 2049 ,
\u3044\u3063\u305F : - 1256 ,
\u3053\u308D\u304C : - 2434 ,
\u3057\u3087\u3046 : 3873 ,
\u305D\u306E\u5F8C : - 4430 ,
\u3060\u3063\u3066 : - 1049 ,
\u3066\u3044\u305F : 1833 ,
\u3068\u3057\u3066 : - 4657 ,
\u3068\u3082\u306B : - 4517 ,
\u3082\u306E\u3067 : 1882 ,
\u4E00\u6C17\u306B : - 792 ,
\u521D\u3081\u3066 : - 1512 ,
\u540C\u6642\u306B : - 8097 ,
\u5927\u304D\u306A : - 1255 ,
\u5BFE\u3057\u3066 : - 2721 ,
\u793E\u4F1A\u515A : - 3216
} ;
this . TW3 _ _ = {
\u3044\u305F\u3060 : - 1734 ,
\u3057\u3066\u3044 : 1314 ,
\u3068\u3057\u3066 : - 4314 ,
\u306B\u3064\u3044 : - 5483 ,
\u306B\u3068\u3063 : - 5989 ,
\u306B\u5F53\u305F : - 6247 ,
"\u306E\u3067," : - 727 ,
"\u306E\u3067\u3001" : - 727 ,
\u306E\u3082\u306E : - 600 ,
\u308C\u304B\u3089 : - 3752 ,
\u5341\u4E8C\u6708 : - 2287
} ;
this . TW4 _ _ = {
"\u3044\u3046." : 8576 ,
"\u3044\u3046\u3002" : 8576 ,
\u304B\u3089\u306A : - 2348 ,
\u3057\u3066\u3044 : 2958 ,
"\u305F\u304C," : 1516 ,
"\u305F\u304C\u3001" : 1516 ,
\u3066\u3044\u308B : 1538 ,
\u3068\u3044\u3046 : 1349 ,
\u307E\u3057\u305F : 5543 ,
\u307E\u305B\u3093 : 1097 ,
\u3088\u3046\u3068 : - 4258 ,
\u3088\u308B\u3068 : 5865
} ;
this . UC1 _ _ = { A : 484 , K : 93 , M : 645 , O : - 505 } ;
this . UC2 _ _ = { A : 819 , H : 1059 , I : 409 , M : 3987 , N : 5775 , O : 646 } ;
this . UC3 _ _ = { A : - 1370 , I : 2311 } ;
this . UC4 _ _ = {
A : - 2643 ,
H : 1809 ,
I : - 1032 ,
K : - 3450 ,
M : 3565 ,
N : 3876 ,
O : 6646
} ;
this . UC5 _ _ = { H : 313 , I : - 1238 , K : - 799 , M : 539 , O : - 831 } ;
this . UC6 _ _ = { H : - 506 , I : - 253 , K : 87 , M : 247 , O : - 387 } ;
this . UP1 _ _ = { O : - 214 } ;
this . UP2 _ _ = { B : 69 , O : 935 } ;
this . UP3 _ _ = { B : 189 } ;
this . UQ1 _ _ = {
BH : 21 ,
BI : - 12 ,
BK : - 99 ,
BN : 142 ,
BO : - 56 ,
OH : - 95 ,
OI : 477 ,
OK : 410 ,
OO : - 2422
} ;
this . UQ2 _ _ = { BH : 216 , BI : 113 , OK : 1759 } ;
this . UQ3 _ _ = {
BA : - 479 ,
BH : 42 ,
BI : 1913 ,
BK : - 7198 ,
BM : 3160 ,
BN : 6427 ,
BO : 14761 ,
OI : - 827 ,
ON : - 3212
} ;
this . UW1 _ _ = {
"," : 156 ,
"\u3001" : 156 ,
"\u300C" : - 463 ,
\u3042 : - 941 ,
\u3046 : - 127 ,
\u304C : - 553 ,
\u304D : 121 ,
\u3053 : 505 ,
\u3067 : - 201 ,
\u3068 : - 547 ,
\u3069 : - 123 ,
\u306B : - 789 ,
\u306E : - 185 ,
\u306F : - 847 ,
\u3082 : - 466 ,
\u3084 : - 470 ,
\u3088 : 182 ,
\u3089 : - 292 ,
\u308A : 208 ,
\u308C : 169 ,
\u3092 : - 446 ,
\u3093 : - 137 ,
"\u30FB" : - 135 ,
\u4E3B : - 402 ,
\u4EAC : - 268 ,
\u533A : - 912 ,
\u5348 : 871 ,
\u56FD : - 460 ,
\u5927 : 561 ,
\u59D4 : 729 ,
\u5E02 : - 411 ,
\u65E5 : - 141 ,
\u7406 : 361 ,
\u751F : - 408 ,
\u770C : - 386 ,
\u90FD : - 718 ,
"\uFF62" : - 463 ,
"\uFF65" : - 135
} ;
this . UW2 _ _ = {
"," : - 829 ,
"\u3001" : - 829 ,
"\u3007" : 892 ,
"\u300C" : - 645 ,
"\u300D" : 3145 ,
\u3042 : - 538 ,
\u3044 : 505 ,
\u3046 : 134 ,
\u304A : - 502 ,
\u304B : 1454 ,
\u304C : - 856 ,
\u304F : - 412 ,
\u3053 : 1141 ,
\u3055 : 878 ,
\u3056 : 540 ,
\u3057 : 1529 ,
\u3059 : - 675 ,
\u305B : 300 ,
\u305D : - 1011 ,
\u305F : 188 ,
\u3060 : 1837 ,
\u3064 : - 949 ,
\u3066 : - 291 ,
\u3067 : - 268 ,
\u3068 : - 981 ,
\u3069 : 1273 ,
\u306A : 1063 ,
\u306B : - 1764 ,
\u306E : 130 ,
\u306F : - 409 ,
\u3072 : - 1273 ,
\u3079 : 1261 ,
\u307E : 600 ,
\u3082 : - 1263 ,
\u3084 : - 402 ,
\u3088 : 1639 ,
\u308A : - 579 ,
\u308B : - 694 ,
\u308C : 571 ,
\u3092 : - 2516 ,
\u3093 : 2095 ,
\u30A2 : - 587 ,
\u30AB : 306 ,
\u30AD : 568 ,
\u30C3 : 831 ,
\u4E09 : - 758 ,
\u4E0D : - 2150 ,
\u4E16 : - 302 ,
\u4E2D : - 968 ,
\u4E3B : - 861 ,
\u4E8B : 492 ,
\u4EBA : - 123 ,
\u4F1A : 978 ,
\u4FDD : 362 ,
\u5165 : 548 ,
\u521D : - 3025 ,
\u526F : - 1566 ,
\u5317 : - 3414 ,
\u533A : - 422 ,
\u5927 : - 1769 ,
\u5929 : - 865 ,
\u592A : - 483 ,
\u5B50 : - 1519 ,
\u5B66 : 760 ,
\u5B9F : 1023 ,
\u5C0F : - 2009 ,
\u5E02 : - 813 ,
\u5E74 : - 1060 ,
\u5F37 : 1067 ,
\u624B : - 1519 ,
\u63FA : - 1033 ,
\u653F : 1522 ,
\u6587 : - 1355 ,
\u65B0 : - 1682 ,
\u65E5 : - 1815 ,
\u660E : - 1462 ,
\u6700 : - 630 ,
\u671D : - 1843 ,
\u672C : - 1650 ,
\u6771 : - 931 ,
\u679C : - 665 ,
\u6B21 : - 2378 ,
\u6C11 : - 180 ,
\u6C17 : - 1740 ,
\u7406 : 752 ,
\u767A : 529 ,
\u76EE : - 1584 ,
\u76F8 : - 242 ,
\u770C : - 1165 ,
\u7ACB : - 763 ,
\u7B2C : 810 ,
\u7C73 : 509 ,
\u81EA : - 1353 ,
\u884C : 838 ,
\u897F : - 744 ,
\u898B : - 3874 ,
\u8ABF : 1010 ,
\u8B70 : 1198 ,
\u8FBC : 3041 ,
\u958B : 1758 ,
\u9593 : - 1257 ,
"\uFF62" : - 645 ,
"\uFF63" : 3145 ,
\uFF6F : 831 ,
\uFF71 : - 587 ,
\uFF76 : 306 ,
\uFF77 : 568
} ;
this . UW3 _ _ = {
"," : 4889 ,
1 : - 800 ,
"\u2212" : - 1723 ,
"\u3001" : 4889 ,
\u3005 : - 2311 ,
"\u3007" : 5827 ,
"\u300D" : 2670 ,
"\u3013" : - 3573 ,
\u3042 : - 2696 ,
\u3044 : 1006 ,
\u3046 : 2342 ,
\u3048 : 1983 ,
\u304A : - 4864 ,
\u304B : - 1163 ,
\u304C : 3271 ,
\u304F : 1004 ,
\u3051 : 388 ,
\u3052 : 401 ,
\u3053 : - 3552 ,
\u3054 : - 3116 ,
\u3055 : - 1058 ,
\u3057 : - 395 ,
\u3059 : 584 ,
\u305B : 3685 ,
\u305D : - 5228 ,
\u305F : 842 ,
\u3061 : - 521 ,
\u3063 : - 1444 ,
\u3064 : - 1081 ,
\u3066 : 6167 ,
\u3067 : 2318 ,
\u3068 : 1691 ,
\u3069 : - 899 ,
\u306A : - 2788 ,
\u306B : 2745 ,
\u306E : 4056 ,
\u306F : 4555 ,
\u3072 : - 2171 ,
\u3075 : - 1798 ,
\u3078 : 1199 ,
\u307B : - 5516 ,
\u307E : - 4384 ,
\u307F : - 120 ,
\u3081 : 1205 ,
\u3082 : 2323 ,
\u3084 : - 788 ,
\u3088 : - 202 ,
\u3089 : 727 ,
\u308A : 649 ,
\u308B : 5905 ,
\u308C : 2773 ,
\u308F : - 1207 ,
\u3092 : 6620 ,
\u3093 : - 518 ,
\u30A2 : 551 ,
\u30B0 : 1319 ,
\u30B9 : 874 ,
\u30C3 : - 1350 ,
\u30C8 : 521 ,
\u30E0 : 1109 ,
\u30EB : 1591 ,
\u30ED : 2201 ,
\u30F3 : 278 ,
"\u30FB" : - 3794 ,
\u4E00 : - 1619 ,
\u4E0B : - 1759 ,
\u4E16 : - 2087 ,
\u4E21 : 3815 ,
\u4E2D : 653 ,
\u4E3B : - 758 ,
\u4E88 : - 1193 ,
\u4E8C : 974 ,
\u4EBA : 2742 ,
\u4ECA : 792 ,
\u4ED6 : 1889 ,
\u4EE5 : - 1368 ,
\u4F4E : 811 ,
\u4F55 : 4265 ,
\u4F5C : - 361 ,
\u4FDD : - 2439 ,
\u5143 : 4858 ,
\u515A : 3593 ,
\u5168 : 1574 ,
\u516C : - 3030 ,
\u516D : 755 ,
\u5171 : - 1880 ,
\u5186 : 5807 ,
\u518D : 3095 ,
\u5206 : 457 ,
\u521D : 2475 ,
\u5225 : 1129 ,
\u524D : 2286 ,
\u526F : 4437 ,
\u529B : 365 ,
\u52D5 : - 949 ,
\u52D9 : - 1872 ,
\u5316 : 1327 ,
\u5317 : - 1038 ,
\u533A : 4646 ,
\u5343 : - 2309 ,
\u5348 : - 783 ,
\u5354 : - 1006 ,
\u53E3 : 483 ,
\u53F3 : 1233 ,
\u5404 : 3588 ,
\u5408 : - 241 ,
\u540C : 3906 ,
\u548C : - 837 ,
\u54E1 : 4513 ,
\u56FD : 642 ,
\u578B : 1389 ,
\u5834 : 1219 ,
\u5916 : - 241 ,
\u59BB : 2016 ,
\u5B66 : - 1356 ,
\u5B89 : - 423 ,
\u5B9F : - 1008 ,
\u5BB6 : 1078 ,
\u5C0F : - 513 ,
\u5C11 : - 3102 ,
\u5DDE : 1155 ,
\u5E02 : 3197 ,
\u5E73 : - 1804 ,
\u5E74 : 2416 ,
\u5E83 : - 1030 ,
\u5E9C : 1605 ,
\u5EA6 : 1452 ,
\u5EFA : - 2352 ,
\u5F53 : - 3885 ,
\u5F97 : 1905 ,
\u601D : - 1291 ,
\u6027 : 1822 ,
\u6238 : - 488 ,
\u6307 : - 3973 ,
\u653F : - 2013 ,
\u6559 : - 1479 ,
\u6570 : 3222 ,
\u6587 : - 1489 ,
\u65B0 : 1764 ,
\u65E5 : 2099 ,
\u65E7 : 5792 ,
\u6628 : - 661 ,
\u6642 : - 1248 ,
\u66DC : - 951 ,
\u6700 : - 937 ,
\u6708 : 4125 ,
\u671F : 360 ,
\u674E : 3094 ,
\u6751 : 364 ,
\u6771 : - 805 ,
\u6838 : 5156 ,
\u68EE : 2438 ,
\u696D : 484 ,
\u6C0F : 2613 ,
\u6C11 : - 1694 ,
\u6C7A : - 1073 ,
\u6CD5 : 1868 ,
\u6D77 : - 495 ,
\u7121 : 979 ,
\u7269 : 461 ,
\u7279 : - 3850 ,
\u751F : - 273 ,
\u7528 : 914 ,
\u753A : 1215 ,
\u7684 : 7313 ,
\u76F4 : - 1835 ,
\u7701 : 792 ,
\u770C : 6293 ,
\u77E5 : - 1528 ,
\u79C1 : 4231 ,
\u7A0E : 401 ,
\u7ACB : - 960 ,
\u7B2C : 1201 ,
\u7C73 : 7767 ,
\u7CFB : 3066 ,
\u7D04 : 3663 ,
\u7D1A : 1384 ,
\u7D71 : - 4229 ,
\u7DCF : 1163 ,
\u7DDA : 1255 ,
\u8005 : 6457 ,
\u80FD : 725 ,
\u81EA : - 2869 ,
\u82F1 : 785 ,
\u898B : 1044 ,
\u8ABF : - 562 ,
\u8CA1 : - 733 ,
\u8CBB : 1777 ,
\u8ECA : 1835 ,
\u8ECD : 1375 ,
\u8FBC : - 1504 ,
\u901A : - 1136 ,
\u9078 : - 681 ,
\u90CE : 1026 ,
\u90E1 : 4404 ,
\u90E8 : 1200 ,
\u91D1 : 2163 ,
\u9577 : 421 ,
\u958B : - 1432 ,
\u9593 : 1302 ,
\u95A2 : - 1282 ,
\u96E8 : 2009 ,
\u96FB : - 1045 ,
\u975E : 2066 ,
\u99C5 : 1620 ,
"\uFF11" : - 800 ,
"\uFF63" : 2670 ,
"\uFF65" : - 3794 ,
\uFF6F : - 1350 ,
\uFF71 : 551 ,
\uFF78\uFF9E : 1319 ,
\uFF7D : 874 ,
\uFF84 : 521 ,
\uFF91 : 1109 ,
\uFF99 : 1591 ,
\uFF9B : 2201 ,
\uFF9D : 278
} ;
this . UW4 _ _ = {
"," : 3930 ,
"." : 3508 ,
"\u2015" : - 4841 ,
"\u3001" : 3930 ,
"\u3002" : 3508 ,
"\u3007" : 4999 ,
"\u300C" : 1895 ,
"\u300D" : 3798 ,
"\u3013" : - 5156 ,
\u3042 : 4752 ,
\u3044 : - 3435 ,
\u3046 : - 640 ,
\u3048 : - 2514 ,
\u304A : 2405 ,
\u304B : 530 ,
\u304C : 6006 ,
\u304D : - 4482 ,
\u304E : - 3821 ,
\u304F : - 3788 ,
\u3051 : - 4376 ,
\u3052 : - 4734 ,
\u3053 : 2255 ,
\u3054 : 1979 ,
\u3055 : 2864 ,
\u3057 : - 843 ,
\u3058 : - 2506 ,
\u3059 : - 731 ,
\u305A : 1251 ,
\u305B : 181 ,
\u305D : 4091 ,
\u305F : 5034 ,
\u3060 : 5408 ,
\u3061 : - 3654 ,
\u3063 : - 5882 ,
\u3064 : - 1659 ,
\u3066 : 3994 ,
\u3067 : 7410 ,
\u3068 : 4547 ,
\u306A : 5433 ,
\u306B : 6499 ,
\u306C : 1853 ,
\u306D : 1413 ,
\u306E : 7396 ,
\u306F : 8578 ,
\u3070 : 1940 ,
\u3072 : 4249 ,
\u3073 : - 4134 ,
\u3075 : 1345 ,
\u3078 : 6665 ,
\u3079 : - 744 ,
\u307B : 1464 ,
\u307E : 1051 ,
\u307F : - 2082 ,
\u3080 : - 882 ,
\u3081 : - 5046 ,
\u3082 : 4169 ,
\u3083 : - 2666 ,
\u3084 : 2795 ,
\u3087 : - 1544 ,
\u3088 : 3351 ,
\u3089 : - 2922 ,
\u308A : - 9726 ,
\u308B : - 14896 ,
\u308C : - 2613 ,
\u308D : - 4570 ,
\u308F : - 1783 ,
\u3092 : 13150 ,
\u3093 : - 2352 ,
\u30AB : 2145 ,
\u30B3 : 1789 ,
\u30BB : 1287 ,
\u30C3 : - 724 ,
\u30C8 : - 403 ,
\u30E1 : - 1635 ,
\u30E9 : - 881 ,
\u30EA : - 541 ,
\u30EB : - 856 ,
\u30F3 : - 3637 ,
"\u30FB" : - 4371 ,
\u30FC : - 11870 ,
\u4E00 : - 2069 ,
\u4E2D : 2210 ,
\u4E88 : 782 ,
\u4E8B : - 190 ,
\u4E95 : - 1768 ,
\u4EBA : 1036 ,
\u4EE5 : 544 ,
\u4F1A : 950 ,
\u4F53 : - 1286 ,
\u4F5C : 530 ,
\u5074 : 4292 ,
\u5148 : 601 ,
\u515A : - 2006 ,
\u5171 : - 1212 ,
\u5185 : 584 ,
\u5186 : 788 ,
\u521D : 1347 ,
\u524D : 1623 ,
\u526F : 3879 ,
\u529B : - 302 ,
\u52D5 : - 740 ,
\u52D9 : - 2715 ,
\u5316 : 776 ,
\u533A : 4517 ,
\u5354 : 1013 ,
\u53C2 : 1555 ,
\u5408 : - 1834 ,
\u548C : - 681 ,
\u54E1 : - 910 ,
\u5668 : - 851 ,
\u56DE : 1500 ,
\u56FD : - 619 ,
\u5712 : - 1200 ,
\u5730 : 866 ,
\u5834 : - 1410 ,
\u5841 : - 2094 ,
\u58EB : - 1413 ,
\u591A : 1067 ,
\u5927 : 571 ,
\u5B50 : - 4802 ,
\u5B66 : - 1397 ,
\u5B9A : - 1057 ,
\u5BFA : - 809 ,
\u5C0F : 1910 ,
\u5C4B : - 1328 ,
\u5C71 : - 1500 ,
\u5CF6 : - 2056 ,
\u5DDD : - 2667 ,
\u5E02 : 2771 ,
\u5E74 : 374 ,
\u5E81 : - 4556 ,
\u5F8C : 456 ,
\u6027 : 553 ,
\u611F : 916 ,
\u6240 : - 1566 ,
\u652F : 856 ,
\u6539 : 787 ,
\u653F : 2182 ,
\u6559 : 704 ,
\u6587 : 522 ,
\u65B9 : - 856 ,
\u65E5 : 1798 ,
\u6642 : 1829 ,
\u6700 : 845 ,
\u6708 : - 9066 ,
\u6728 : - 485 ,
\u6765 : - 442 ,
\u6821 : - 360 ,
\u696D : - 1043 ,
\u6C0F : 5388 ,
\u6C11 : - 2716 ,
\u6C17 : - 910 ,
\u6CA2 : - 939 ,
\u6E08 : - 543 ,
\u7269 : - 735 ,
\u7387 : 672 ,
\u7403 : - 1267 ,
\u751F : - 1286 ,
\u7523 : - 1101 ,
\u7530 : - 2900 ,
\u753A : 1826 ,
\u7684 : 2586 ,
\u76EE : 922 ,
\u7701 : - 3485 ,
\u770C : 2997 ,
\u7A7A : - 867 ,
\u7ACB : - 2112 ,
\u7B2C : 788 ,
\u7C73 : 2937 ,
\u7CFB : 786 ,
\u7D04 : 2171 ,
\u7D4C : 1146 ,
\u7D71 : - 1169 ,
\u7DCF : 940 ,
\u7DDA : - 994 ,
\u7F72 : 749 ,
\u8005 : 2145 ,
\u80FD : - 730 ,
\u822C : - 852 ,
\u884C : - 792 ,
\u898F : 792 ,
\u8B66 : - 1184 ,
\u8B70 : - 244 ,
\u8C37 : - 1e3 ,
\u8CDE : 730 ,
\u8ECA : - 1481 ,
\u8ECD : 1158 ,
\u8F2A : - 1433 ,
\u8FBC : - 3370 ,
\u8FD1 : 929 ,
\u9053 : - 1291 ,
\u9078 : 2596 ,
\u90CE : - 4866 ,
\u90FD : 1192 ,
\u91CE : - 1100 ,
\u9280 : - 2213 ,
\u9577 : 357 ,
\u9593 : - 2344 ,
\u9662 : - 2297 ,
\u969B : - 2604 ,
\u96FB : - 878 ,
\u9818 : - 1659 ,
\u984C : - 792 ,
\u9928 : - 1984 ,
\u9996 : 1749 ,
\u9AD8 : 2120 ,
"\uFF62" : 1895 ,
"\uFF63" : 3798 ,
"\uFF65" : - 4371 ,
\uFF6F : - 724 ,
\uFF70 : - 11870 ,
\uFF76 : 2145 ,
\uFF7A : 1789 ,
\uFF7E : 1287 ,
\uFF84 : - 403 ,
\uFF92 : - 1635 ,
\uFF97 : - 881 ,
\uFF98 : - 541 ,
\uFF99 : - 856 ,
\uFF9D : - 3637
} ;
this . UW5 _ _ = {
"," : 465 ,
"." : - 299 ,
1 : - 514 ,
E2 : - 32768 ,
"]" : - 2762 ,
"\u3001" : 465 ,
"\u3002" : - 299 ,
"\u300C" : 363 ,
\u3042 : 1655 ,
\u3044 : 331 ,
\u3046 : - 503 ,
\u3048 : 1199 ,
\u304A : 527 ,
\u304B : 647 ,
\u304C : - 421 ,
\u304D : 1624 ,
\u304E : 1971 ,
\u304F : 312 ,
\u3052 : - 983 ,
\u3055 : - 1537 ,
\u3057 : - 1371 ,
\u3059 : - 852 ,
\u3060 : - 1186 ,
\u3061 : 1093 ,
\u3063 : 52 ,
\u3064 : 921 ,
\u3066 : - 18 ,
\u3067 : - 850 ,
\u3068 : - 127 ,
\u3069 : 1682 ,
\u306A : - 787 ,
\u306B : - 1224 ,
\u306E : - 635 ,
\u306F : - 578 ,
\u3079 : 1001 ,
\u307F : 502 ,
\u3081 : 865 ,
\u3083 : 3350 ,
\u3087 : 854 ,
\u308A : - 208 ,
\u308B : 429 ,
\u308C : 504 ,
\u308F : 419 ,
\u3092 : - 1264 ,
\u3093 : 327 ,
\u30A4 : 241 ,
\u30EB : 451 ,
\u30F3 : - 343 ,
\u4E2D : - 871 ,
\u4EAC : 722 ,
\u4F1A : - 1153 ,
\u515A : - 654 ,
\u52D9 : 3519 ,
\u533A : - 901 ,
\u544A : 848 ,
\u54E1 : 2104 ,
\u5927 : - 1296 ,
\u5B66 : - 548 ,
\u5B9A : 1785 ,
\u5D50 : - 1304 ,
\u5E02 : - 2991 ,
\u5E2D : 921 ,
\u5E74 : 1763 ,
\u601D : 872 ,
\u6240 : - 814 ,
\u6319 : 1618 ,
\u65B0 : - 1682 ,
\u65E5 : 218 ,
\u6708 : - 4353 ,
\u67FB : 932 ,
\u683C : 1356 ,
\u6A5F : - 1508 ,
\u6C0F : - 1347 ,
\u7530 : 240 ,
\u753A : - 3912 ,
\u7684 : - 3149 ,
\u76F8 : 1319 ,
\u7701 : - 1052 ,
\u770C : - 4003 ,
\u7814 : - 997 ,
\u793E : - 278 ,
\u7A7A : - 813 ,
\u7D71 : 1955 ,
\u8005 : - 2233 ,
\u8868 : 663 ,
\u8A9E : - 1073 ,
\u8B70 : 1219 ,
\u9078 : - 1018 ,
\u90CE : - 368 ,
\u9577 : 786 ,
\u9593 : 1191 ,
\u984C : 2368 ,
\u9928 : - 689 ,
"\uFF11" : - 514 ,
\uFF25\uFF12 : - 32768 ,
"\uFF62" : 363 ,
\uFF72 : 241 ,
\uFF99 : 451 ,
\uFF9D : - 343
} ;
this . UW6 _ _ = {
"," : 227 ,
"." : 808 ,
1 : - 270 ,
E1 : 306 ,
"\u3001" : 227 ,
"\u3002" : 808 ,
\u3042 : - 307 ,
\u3046 : 189 ,
\u304B : 241 ,
\u304C : - 73 ,
\u304F : - 121 ,
\u3053 : - 200 ,
\u3058 : 1782 ,
\u3059 : 383 ,
\u305F : - 428 ,
\u3063 : 573 ,
\u3066 : - 1014 ,
\u3067 : 101 ,
\u3068 : - 105 ,
\u306A : - 253 ,
\u306B : - 149 ,
\u306E : - 417 ,
\u306F : - 236 ,
\u3082 : - 206 ,
\u308A : 187 ,
\u308B : - 135 ,
\u3092 : 195 ,
\u30EB : - 673 ,
\u30F3 : - 496 ,
\u4E00 : - 277 ,
\u4E2D : 201 ,
\u4EF6 : - 800 ,
\u4F1A : 624 ,
\u524D : 302 ,
\u533A : 1792 ,
\u54E1 : - 1212 ,
\u59D4 : 798 ,
\u5B66 : - 960 ,
\u5E02 : 887 ,
\u5E83 : - 695 ,
\u5F8C : 535 ,
\u696D : - 697 ,
\u76F8 : 753 ,
\u793E : - 507 ,
\u798F : 974 ,
\u7A7A : - 822 ,
\u8005 : 1811 ,
\u9023 : 463 ,
\u90CE : 1082 ,
"\uFF11" : - 270 ,
\uFF25\uFF11 : 306 ,
\uFF99 : - 673 ,
\uFF9D : - 496
} ;
return this ;
TinySegmenter . prototype . ctype _ = function ( str ) {
for ( var i in this . chartype _ ) {
if ( str . match ( this . chartype _ [ i ] [ 0 ] ) ) {
return this . chartype _ [ i ] [ 1 ] ;
return "O" ;
} ;
TinySegmenter . prototype . ts _ = function ( v ) {
if ( v ) {
return v ;
return 0 ;
} ;
TinySegmenter . prototype . segment = function ( input ) {
if ( input == null || input == void 0 || input == "" ) {
return [ ] ;
var result = [ ] ;
var seg = [ "B3" , "B2" , "B1" ] ;
var ctype = [ "O" , "O" , "O" ] ;
var o = input . split ( "" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < o . length ; ++ i ) {
seg . push ( o [ i ] ) ;
ctype . push ( this . ctype _ ( o [ i ] ) ) ;
seg . push ( "E1" ) ;
seg . push ( "E2" ) ;
seg . push ( "E3" ) ;
ctype . push ( "O" ) ;
ctype . push ( "O" ) ;
ctype . push ( "O" ) ;
var word = seg [ 3 ] ;
var p1 = "U" ;
var p2 = "U" ;
var p3 = "U" ;
for ( var i = 4 ; i < seg . length - 3 ; ++ i ) {
var score = this . BIAS _ _ ;
var w1 = seg [ i - 3 ] ;
var w2 = seg [ i - 2 ] ;
var w3 = seg [ i - 1 ] ;
var w4 = seg [ i ] ;
var w5 = seg [ i + 1 ] ;
var w6 = seg [ i + 2 ] ;
var c1 = ctype [ i - 3 ] ;
var c2 = ctype [ i - 2 ] ;
var c3 = ctype [ i - 1 ] ;
var c4 = ctype [ i ] ;
var c5 = ctype [ i + 1 ] ;
var c6 = ctype [ i + 2 ] ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UP1 _ _ [ p1 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UP2 _ _ [ p2 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UP3 _ _ [ p3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BP1 _ _ [ p1 + p2 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BP2 _ _ [ p2 + p3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UW1 _ _ [ w1 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UW2 _ _ [ w2 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UW3 _ _ [ w3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UW4 _ _ [ w4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UW5 _ _ [ w5 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UW6 _ _ [ w6 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BW1 _ _ [ w2 + w3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BW2 _ _ [ w3 + w4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BW3 _ _ [ w4 + w5 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TW1 _ _ [ w1 + w2 + w3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TW2 _ _ [ w2 + w3 + w4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TW3 _ _ [ w3 + w4 + w5 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TW4 _ _ [ w4 + w5 + w6 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UC1 _ _ [ c1 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UC2 _ _ [ c2 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UC3 _ _ [ c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UC4 _ _ [ c4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UC5 _ _ [ c5 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UC6 _ _ [ c6 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BC1 _ _ [ c2 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BC2 _ _ [ c3 + c4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BC3 _ _ [ c4 + c5 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TC1 _ _ [ c1 + c2 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TC2 _ _ [ c2 + c3 + c4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TC3 _ _ [ c3 + c4 + c5 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TC4 _ _ [ c4 + c5 + c6 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UQ1 _ _ [ p1 + c1 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UQ2 _ _ [ p2 + c2 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . UQ3 _ _ [ p3 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BQ1 _ _ [ p2 + c2 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BQ2 _ _ [ p2 + c3 + c4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BQ3 _ _ [ p3 + c2 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . BQ4 _ _ [ p3 + c3 + c4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TQ1 _ _ [ p2 + c1 + c2 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TQ2 _ _ [ p2 + c2 + c3 + c4 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TQ3 _ _ [ p3 + c1 + c2 + c3 ] ) ;
score += this . ts _ ( this . TQ4 _ _ [ p3 + c2 + c3 + c4 ] ) ;
var p = "O" ;
if ( score > 0 ) {
result . push ( word ) ;
word = "" ;
p = "B" ;
p1 = p2 ;
p2 = p3 ;
p3 = p ;
word += seg [ i ] ;
result . push ( word ) ;
return result ;
} ;
var tiny _segmenter _default = TinySegmenter ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizers/JapaneseTokenizer.ts
var segmenter = new tiny _segmenter _default ( ) ;
function pickTokensAsJapanese ( content , trimPattern ) {
return content . split ( trimPattern ) . filter ( ( x ) => x !== "" ) . flatMap ( ( x ) => joinNumberWithSymbol ( segmenter . segment ( x ) ) ) ;
var JapaneseTokenizer = class extends AbstractTokenizer {
tokenize ( content , raw ) {
return pickTokensAsJapanese (
content ,
raw ? / /g : this . getTrimPattern ( "indexing" )
) ;
recursiveTokenize ( content ) {
const tokens = joinNumberWithSymbol (
segmenter . segment ( content ) . flatMap (
( x ) => x === " " ? x : x . split ( " " ) . map ( ( t ) => t === "" ? " " : t )
) ;
const ret = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < tokens . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i === 0 || tokens [ i ] . length !== 1 || tokens [ i ] !== " " ) {
ret . push ( {
word : tokens . slice ( i ) . join ( "" ) ,
offset : tokens . slice ( 0 , i ) . join ( "" ) . length
} ) ;
return ret ;
shouldIgnoreOnCurrent ( str ) {
return Boolean ( str . match ( /^[ぁ-んa-z A -Z。、ー ]*$/ ) ) ;
} ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizers/EnglishOnlyTokenizer.ts
var ENGLISH _PATTERN = /[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\\]/ ;
var EnglishOnlyTokenizer = class extends DefaultTokenizer {
tokenize ( content , raw ) {
const tokenized = Array . from ( this . _tokenize ( content , "indexing" ) ) . filter (
( x ) => x . word . match ( ENGLISH _PATTERN )
) ;
return raw ? tokenized . map ( ( x ) => x . word ) : tokenized . map ( ( x ) => x . word ) . filter ( ( x ) => ! x . match ( this . getTrimPattern ( "indexing" ) ) ) ;
recursiveTokenize ( content ) {
const offsets = Array . from ( this . _tokenize ( content , "input" ) ) . filter ( ( x ) => ! x . word . match ( this . getTrimPattern ( "input" ) ) ) . map ( ( x ) => x . offset ) ;
return [
... offsets . map ( ( i ) => ( {
word : content . slice ( i ) ,
offset : i
} ) )
] ;
* _tokenize ( content , target ) {
let startIndex = 0 ;
let previousType = "none" ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < content . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( content [ i ] . match ( super . getTrimPattern ( target ) ) ) {
yield { word : content . slice ( startIndex , i ) , offset : startIndex } ;
previousType = "trim" ;
startIndex = i ;
continue ;
if ( content [ i ] . match ( ENGLISH _PATTERN ) ) {
if ( previousType === "english" || previousType === "none" ) {
previousType = "english" ;
continue ;
yield { word : content . slice ( startIndex , i ) , offset : startIndex } ;
previousType = "english" ;
startIndex = i ;
continue ;
if ( previousType === "others" || previousType === "none" ) {
previousType = "others" ;
continue ;
yield { word : content . slice ( startIndex , i ) , offset : startIndex } ;
previousType = "others" ;
startIndex = i ;
yield {
word : content . slice ( startIndex , content . length ) ,
offset : startIndex
} ;
} ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizers/ChineseTokenizer.ts
var import _chinese _tokenizer = _ _toESM ( require _main ( ) ) ;
var ChineseTokenizer = class _ChineseTokenizer extends AbstractTokenizer {
static create ( dict ) {
const ins = new _ChineseTokenizer ( ) ;
ins . _tokenize = import _chinese _tokenizer . default . load ( dict ) ;
return ins ;
tokenize ( content , raw ) {
return content . split ( raw ? / /g : this . getTrimPattern ( "indexing" ) ) . filter ( ( x ) => x !== "" ) . flatMap ( ( x ) => this . _tokenize ( x ) ) . map ( ( x ) => x . text ) ;
recursiveTokenize ( content ) {
const tokens = this . _tokenize ( content ) . map ( ( x ) => x . text ) ;
const ret = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < tokens . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( i === 0 || tokens [ i ] . length !== 1 || ! Boolean ( tokens [ i ] . match ( this . getTrimPattern ( "input" ) ) ) ) {
ret . push ( {
word : tokens . slice ( i ) . join ( "" ) ,
offset : tokens . slice ( 0 , i ) . join ( "" ) . length
} ) ;
return ret ;
} ;
// src/tokenizer/tokenizer.ts
async function createTokenizer ( strategy , app2 , settings ) {
switch ( strategy . name ) {
case "default" :
return new DefaultTokenizer ( {
treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord : settings . treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord
} ) ;
case "english-only" :
return new EnglishOnlyTokenizer ( {
treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord : settings . treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord
} ) ;
case "arabic" :
return new ArabicTokenizer ( ) ;
case "japanese" :
return new JapaneseTokenizer ( ) ;
case "chinese" :
const hasCedict = await app2 . vault . adapter . exists ( settings . cedictPath ) ;
if ( ! hasCedict ) {
return Promise . reject (
new Error ( ` cedict_ts.u8 doesn't exist in ${ settings . cedictPath } . ` )
) ;
const dict = await app2 . vault . adapter . read ( settings . cedictPath ) ;
return ChineseTokenizer . create ( dict ) ;
// src/tokenizer/TokenizeStrategy.ts
var _TokenizeStrategy = class _TokenizeStrategy {
constructor ( name , triggerThreshold , indexingThreshold , canTreatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord ) {
this . name = name ;
this . triggerThreshold = triggerThreshold ;
this . indexingThreshold = indexingThreshold ;
this . canTreatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord = canTreatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord ;
_TokenizeStrategy . _values . push ( this ) ;
static fromName ( name ) {
return _TokenizeStrategy . _values . find ( ( x ) => x . name === name ) ;
static values ( ) {
return _TokenizeStrategy . _values ;
} ;
_TokenizeStrategy . _values = [ ] ;
_TokenizeStrategy . DEFAULT = new _TokenizeStrategy ( "default" , 3 , 5 , true ) ;
_TokenizeStrategy . ENGLISH _ONLY = new _TokenizeStrategy (
"english-only" ,
3 ,
5 ,
) ;
_TokenizeStrategy . JAPANESE = new _TokenizeStrategy ( "japanese" , 2 , 2 , false ) ;
_TokenizeStrategy . ARABIC = new _TokenizeStrategy ( "arabic" , 3 , 3 , false ) ;
_TokenizeStrategy . CHINESE = new _TokenizeStrategy ( "chinese" , 1 , 2 , false ) ;
var TokenizeStrategy = _TokenizeStrategy ;
// src/app-helper.ts
var import _obsidian = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
var AppHelper = class {
constructor ( app2 ) {
this . unsafeApp = app2 ;
async exists ( path ) {
return await this . unsafeApp . vault . adapter . exists ( path ) ;
async loadFile ( path ) {
if ( ! await this . exists ( path ) ) {
throw Error ( ` The file is not found: ${ path } ` ) ;
return this . unsafeApp . vault . adapter . read ( path ) ;
async loadJson ( path ) {
return JSON . parse ( await this . loadFile ( path ) ) ;
async saveJson ( path , data ) {
await this . unsafeApp . vault . adapter . write ( path , JSON . stringify ( data ) ) ;
equalsAsEditorPosition ( one , other ) {
return one . line === other . line && one . ch === other . ch ;
getAliases ( file ) {
var _a , _b ;
return ( _b = ( 0 , import _obsidian . parseFrontMatterAliases ) (
( _a = this . unsafeApp . metadataCache . getFileCache ( file ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . frontmatter
) ) != null ? _b : [ ] ;
getFrontMatter ( file ) {
var _a , _b , _c , _d ;
const frontMatter = ( _a = this . unsafeApp . metadataCache . getFileCache ( file ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . frontmatter ;
if ( ! frontMatter ) {
return void 0 ;
const tags = ( _c = ( _b = ( 0 , import _obsidian . parseFrontMatterTags ) ( frontMatter ) ) == null ? void 0 : _b . map ( ( x ) => x . slice ( 1 ) ) ) != null ? _c : [ ] ;
const aliases = ( _d = ( 0 , import _obsidian . parseFrontMatterAliases ) ( frontMatter ) ) != null ? _d : [ ] ;
const { position , ... rest } = frontMatter ;
return {
... Object . fromEntries (
Object . entries ( rest ) . map ( ( [ k , _v ] ) => [
k ,
( 0 , import _obsidian . parseFrontMatterStringArray ) ( frontMatter , k )
] )
) ,
tags ,
tag : tags ,
aliases ,
alias : aliases
} ;
getBoolFrontMatter ( file , key ) {
var _a , _b ;
return Boolean (
( _b = ( _a = this . unsafeApp . metadataCache . getFileCache ( file ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . frontmatter ) == null ? void 0 : _b [ key ]
) ;
getMarkdownViewInActiveLeaf ( ) {
if ( ! this . unsafeApp . workspace . getActiveViewOfType ( import _obsidian . MarkdownView ) ) {
return null ;
return this . unsafeApp . workspace . activeLeaf . view ;
getActiveFile ( ) {
return this . unsafeApp . workspace . getActiveFile ( ) ;
isActiveFile ( file ) {
var _a ;
return ( ( _a = this . getActiveFile ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . path ) === file . path ;
getPreviousFile ( ) {
var _a ;
const fName = ( _a = this . unsafeApp . workspace . getLastOpenFiles ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! fName ) {
return null ;
return this . getMarkdownFileByPath ( fName ) ;
getCurrentDirname ( ) {
var _a , _b ;
return ( _b = ( _a = this . getActiveFile ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . parent . path ) != null ? _b : null ;
getCurrentEditor ( ) {
var _a , _b ;
return ( _b = ( _a = this . getMarkdownViewInActiveLeaf ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . editor ) != null ? _b : null ;
getSelection ( ) {
var _a ;
return ( _a = this . getCurrentEditor ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . getSelection ( ) ;
getCurrentOffset ( editor ) {
return editor . posToOffset ( editor . getCursor ( ) ) ;
getContentUntilCursor ( editor ) {
return editor . getValue ( ) . slice ( 0 , this . getCurrentOffset ( editor ) ) ;
getCurrentLine ( editor ) {
return editor . getLine ( editor . getCursor ( ) . line ) ;
getCurrentLineUntilCursor ( editor ) {
return this . getCurrentLine ( editor ) . slice ( 0 , editor . getCursor ( ) . ch ) ;
optimizeMarkdownLinkText ( linkText ) {
var _a ;
const activeFile = this . getActiveFile ( ) ;
if ( ! activeFile ) {
return null ;
const path = this . linkText2Path ( linkText ) ;
if ( ! path ) {
return { displayed : linkText , link : linkText } ;
const file = this . getMarkdownFileByPath ( path ) ;
if ( ! file ) {
return null ;
const markdownLink = this . unsafeApp . fileManager . generateMarkdownLink (
file ,
activeFile . path
) ;
if ( markdownLink . startsWith ( "[[" ) ) {
const text2 = ( _a = markdownLink . matchAll ( /^\[\[(?<text>.+)]]$/g ) . next ( ) . value . groups ) == null ? void 0 : _a . text ;
return { displayed : text2 , link : text2 } ;
} else {
const { displayed , link } = markdownLink . matchAll ( /^\[(?<displayed>.+)]\((?<link>.+)\.md\)$/g ) . next ( ) . value . groups ;
return { displayed , link } ;
linkText2Path ( linkText ) {
var _a , _b ;
const activeFile = this . getActiveFile ( ) ;
if ( ! activeFile ) {
return null ;
return ( _b = ( _a = this . unsafeApp . metadataCache . getFirstLinkpathDest (
linkText ,
activeFile . path
) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . path ) != null ? _b : null ;
inMathBlock ( editor ) {
var _a , _b ;
const numberOfDollarPair = ( _b = ( _a = this . getContentUntilCursor ( editor ) . match ( /\$\$\n/g ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . length ) != null ? _b : 0 ;
return numberOfDollarPair % 2 !== 0 ;
searchPhantomLinks ( ) {
return Object . entries ( this . unsafeApp . metadataCache . unresolvedLinks ) . flatMap (
( [ path , obj ] ) => Object . keys ( obj ) . map ( ( link ) => ( { path , link } ) )
) ;
getUnresolvedLinks ( file ) {
var _a ;
const countsByLink = ( _a = this . unsafeApp . metadataCache . unresolvedLinks [ file . path ] ) != null ? _a : { } ;
return new Set ( Object . keys ( countsByLink ) ) ;
getMarkdownFileByPath ( path ) {
if ( ! path . endsWith ( ".md" ) ) {
return null ;
const abstractFile = this . unsafeApp . vault . getAbstractFileByPath ( path ) ;
if ( ! abstractFile ) {
return null ;
return abstractFile ;
openMarkdownFile ( file , newLeaf , offset = 0 ) {
var _a ;
const leaf = this . unsafeApp . workspace . getLeaf ( newLeaf ) ;
leaf . openFile ( file , ( _a = this . unsafeApp . workspace . activeLeaf ) == null ? void 0 : _a . getViewState ( ) ) . then ( ( ) => {
this . unsafeApp . workspace . setActiveLeaf ( leaf , true , true ) ;
const viewOfType = this . unsafeApp . workspace . getActiveViewOfType ( import _obsidian . MarkdownView ) ;
if ( viewOfType ) {
const editor = viewOfType . editor ;
const pos = editor . offsetToPos ( offset ) ;
editor . setCursor ( pos ) ;
editor . scrollIntoView ( { from : pos , to : pos } , true ) ;
} ) ;
getCurrentFrontMatter ( ) {
var _a , _b ;
const editor = this . getCurrentEditor ( ) ;
if ( ! editor ) {
return null ;
if ( ! this . getActiveFile ( ) ) {
return null ;
if ( editor . getLine ( 0 ) !== "---" ) {
return null ;
const endPosition = editor . getValue ( ) . indexOf ( "---" , 3 ) ;
const currentOffset = this . getCurrentOffset ( editor ) ;
if ( endPosition !== - 1 && currentOffset >= endPosition ) {
return null ;
const keyLocations = Array . from (
editor . getValue ( ) . matchAll ( /\s*['"]?(?<key>.+?)['"]?:/g )
) ;
if ( keyLocations . length === 0 ) {
return null ;
const currentKeyLocation = keyLocations . filter ( ( x ) => x . index < currentOffset ) . last ( ) ;
if ( ! currentKeyLocation ) {
return null ;
return ( _b = ( _a = currentKeyLocation . groups ) == null ? void 0 : _a . key ) != null ? _b : null ;
/ * *
* Unsafe method
* /
isIMEOn ( ) {
var _a , _b , _c ;
if ( ! this . unsafeApp . workspace . getActiveViewOfType ( import _obsidian . MarkdownView ) ) {
return false ;
const markdownView = this . unsafeApp . workspace . activeLeaf . view ;
const cm5or6 = markdownView . editor . cm ;
if ( ( ( _a = cm5or6 == null ? void 0 : cm5or6 . inputState ) == null ? void 0 : _a . composing ) > 0 ) {
return true ;
return ! ! ( ( _c = ( _b = cm5or6 == null ? void 0 : cm5or6 . display ) == null ? void 0 : _b . input ) == null ? void 0 : _c . composing ) ;
isMobile ( ) {
return this . unsafeApp . isMobile ;
async writeLog ( log ) {
await this . unsafeApp . vault . adapter . append ( ( 0 , import _obsidian . normalizePath ) ( "log.md" ) , log ) ;
get useWikiLinks ( ) {
return ! this . unsafeApp . vault . config . useMarkdownLinks ;
get newLinkFormat ( ) {
var _a ;
return ( _a = this . unsafeApp . vault . config . newLinkFormat ) != null ? _a : "shortest" ;
} ;
// src/model/Word.ts
var _WordTypeMeta = class _WordTypeMeta {
constructor ( type , priority , group ) {
this . type = type ;
this . priority = priority ;
this . group = group ;
_WordTypeMeta . _values . push ( this ) ;
_WordTypeMeta . _dict [ type ] = this ;
static of ( type ) {
return _WordTypeMeta . _dict [ type ] ;
static values ( ) {
return _WordTypeMeta . _values ;
} ;
_WordTypeMeta . _values = [ ] ;
_WordTypeMeta . _dict = { } ;
_WordTypeMeta . FRONT _MATTER = new _WordTypeMeta (
"frontMatter" ,
100 ,
) ;
_WordTypeMeta . INTERNAL _LINK = new _WordTypeMeta (
"internalLink" ,
90 ,
) ;
_WordTypeMeta . CUSTOM _DICTIONARY = new _WordTypeMeta (
"customDictionary" ,
80 ,
) ;
_WordTypeMeta . CURRENT _FILE = new _WordTypeMeta (
"currentFile" ,
70 ,
) ;
_WordTypeMeta . CURRENT _VAULT = new _WordTypeMeta (
"currentVault" ,
60 ,
) ;
var WordTypeMeta = _WordTypeMeta ;
// src/provider/suggester.ts
function suggestionUniqPredicate ( a , b ) {
if ( a . value !== b . value ) {
return false ;
if ( WordTypeMeta . of ( a . type ) . group !== WordTypeMeta . of ( b . type ) . group ) {
return false ;
if ( a . type === "internalLink" && ! a . phantom && a . createdPath !== b . createdPath ) {
return false ;
return true ;
function pushWord ( wordsByFirstLetter , key , word ) {
if ( wordsByFirstLetter [ key ] === void 0 ) {
wordsByFirstLetter [ key ] = [ word ] ;
return ;
wordsByFirstLetter [ key ] . push ( word ) ;
function judge ( word , query , queryStartWithUpper , options ) {
var _a , _b , _c ;
if ( query === "" ) {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : word . value
} ,
value : word . value ,
alias : false
} ;
const matcher = ( options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) ? lowerFuzzy : wrapFuzzy ( lowerStartsWith ) ;
const matched = matcher ( word . value , query ) ;
if ( matched . type === "concrete_match" || matched . type === "fuzzy_match" && matched . score > ( ( _a = options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) == null ? void 0 : _a . minMatchScore ) ) {
if ( queryStartWithUpper && word . type !== "internalLink" && word . type !== "frontMatter" ) {
const c = capitalizeFirstLetter ( word . value ) ;
return {
word : {
... word ,
value : c ,
hit : c ,
fuzzy : matched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : c ,
alias : false
} ;
} else {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : word . value ,
fuzzy : matched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : word . value ,
alias : false
} ;
const matchedAlias = ( _b = word . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _b . map ( ( a ) => ( { aliases : a , matched : matcher ( a , query ) } ) ) . sort (
( a , b ) => a . matched . type === "concrete_match" && b . matched . type !== "concrete_match" ? - 1 : 0
) . find ( ( x ) => x . matched . type !== "none" ) ;
if ( matchedAlias && ( matchedAlias . matched . type === "concrete_match" || matchedAlias . matched . type === "fuzzy_match" && matchedAlias . matched . score > ( ( _c = options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) == null ? void 0 : _c . minMatchScore ) ) ) {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : matchedAlias . aliases ,
fuzzy : matchedAlias . matched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : matchedAlias . aliases ,
alias : true
} ;
return {
word ,
alias : false
} ;
function suggestWords ( indexedWords , query , maxNum , option = { } ) {
var _a , _b , _c , _d , _e , _f , _g , _h , _i , _j , _k , _l , _m , _n , _o , _p ;
const { frontMatter , selectionHistoryStorage } = option ;
const queryStartWithUpper = capitalizeFirstLetter ( query ) === query ;
const flattenFrontMatterWords = ( ) => {
var _a2 , _b2 ;
if ( frontMatter === "alias" || frontMatter === "aliases" ) {
return [ ] ;
if ( frontMatter && ( ( _a2 = indexedWords . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _a2 [ frontMatter ] ) ) {
return Object . values ( ( _b2 = indexedWords . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _b2 [ frontMatter ] ) . flat ( ) ;
return [ ] ;
} ;
const words = queryStartWithUpper ? frontMatter ? flattenFrontMatterWords ( ) : [
... ( _a = indexedWords . currentFile [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _a : [ ] ,
... ( _b = indexedWords . currentFile [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _b : [ ] ,
... ( _c = indexedWords . currentVault [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _c : [ ] ,
... ( _d = indexedWords . currentVault [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _d : [ ] ,
... ( _e = indexedWords . customDictionary [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _e : [ ] ,
... ( _f = indexedWords . customDictionary [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _f : [ ] ,
... ( _g = indexedWords . internalLink [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _g : [ ] ,
... ( _h = indexedWords . internalLink [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _h : [ ]
] : frontMatter ? flattenFrontMatterWords ( ) : [
... ( _i = indexedWords . currentFile [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _i : [ ] ,
... ( _j = indexedWords . currentFile [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _j : [ ] ,
... ( _k = indexedWords . currentVault [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _k : [ ] ,
... ( _l = indexedWords . currentVault [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _l : [ ] ,
... ( _m = indexedWords . customDictionary [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _m : [ ] ,
... ( _n = indexedWords . customDictionary [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _n : [ ] ,
... ( _o = indexedWords . internalLink [ query . charAt ( 0 ) ] ) != null ? _o : [ ] ,
... ( _p = indexedWords . internalLink [ query . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ] ) != null ? _p : [ ]
] ;
const filteredJudgement = Array . from ( words ) . map ( ( x ) => judge ( x , query , queryStartWithUpper , option ) ) . filter ( ( x ) => x . value !== void 0 ) ;
const latestUpdated = max (
filteredJudgement . map (
( x ) => {
var _a2 , _b2 ;
return ( _b2 = ( _a2 = selectionHistoryStorage == null ? void 0 : selectionHistoryStorage . getSelectionHistory ( x . word ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a2 . lastUpdated ) != null ? _b2 : 0 ;
) ,
) ;
const candidate = filteredJudgement . sort ( ( a , b ) => {
const aWord = a . word ;
const bWord = b . word ;
if ( a . word . fuzzy !== b . word . fuzzy ) {
return a . word . fuzzy ? 1 : - 1 ;
const notSameWordType = aWord . type !== bWord . type ;
if ( frontMatter && notSameWordType ) {
return bWord . type === "frontMatter" ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( selectionHistoryStorage ) {
const ret = selectionHistoryStorage . compare (
aWord ,
bWord ,
) ;
if ( ret !== 0 ) {
return ret ;
if ( a . value . length !== b . value . length ) {
return a . value . length > b . value . length ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( notSameWordType ) {
return WordTypeMeta . of ( bWord . type ) . priority > WordTypeMeta . of ( aWord . type ) . priority ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( a . alias !== b . alias ) {
return a . alias ? 1 : - 1 ;
return 0 ;
} ) . map ( ( x ) => x . word ) . slice ( 0 , maxNum ) ;
return uniqWith ( candidate , suggestionUniqPredicate ) ;
function judgeByPartialMatch ( word , query , queryStartWithUpper , options ) {
var _a , _b , _c , _d , _e , _f ;
if ( query === "" ) {
return {
word : { ... word , hit : word . value } ,
value : word . value ,
alias : false
} ;
const startsWithMatcher = ( options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) ? lowerFuzzyStarsWith : wrapFuzzy ( lowerStartsWith ) ;
const includesMatcher = ( options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) ? lowerFuzzy : wrapFuzzy ( lowerIncludes ) ;
const startsWithMatched = startsWithMatcher ( word . value , query ) ;
if ( startsWithMatched . type === "concrete_match" || startsWithMatched . type === "fuzzy_match" && startsWithMatched . score > ( ( _a = options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) == null ? void 0 : _a . minMatchScore ) ) {
if ( queryStartWithUpper && word . type !== "internalLink" && word . type !== "frontMatter" ) {
const c = capitalizeFirstLetter ( word . value ) ;
return {
word : {
... word ,
value : c ,
hit : c ,
fuzzy : startsWithMatched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : c ,
alias : false
} ;
} else {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : word . value ,
fuzzy : startsWithMatched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : word . value ,
alias : false
} ;
const startsWithAliasMatched = ( _b = word . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _b . map ( ( a ) => ( { aliases : a , matched : startsWithMatcher ( a , query ) } ) ) . sort (
( a , b ) => a . matched . type === "concrete_match" && b . matched . type !== "concrete_match" ? - 1 : 0
) . find ( ( x ) => x . matched . type !== "none" ) ;
if ( startsWithAliasMatched && ( startsWithAliasMatched . matched . type === "concrete_match" || startsWithAliasMatched . matched . type === "fuzzy_match" && startsWithAliasMatched . matched . score > ( ( _c = options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) == null ? void 0 : _c . minMatchScore ) ) ) {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : startsWithAliasMatched . aliases ,
fuzzy : startsWithAliasMatched . matched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : startsWithAliasMatched . aliases ,
alias : true
} ;
const includesMatched = includesMatcher ( word . value , query ) ;
if ( includesMatched && ( includesMatched . type === "concrete_match" || includesMatched . type === "fuzzy_match" && includesMatched . score > ( ( _d = options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) == null ? void 0 : _d . minMatchScore ) ) ) {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : word . value ,
fuzzy : includesMatched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : word . value ,
alias : false
} ;
const matchedAliasIncluded = ( _e = word . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _e . map ( ( a ) => ( { aliases : a , matched : includesMatcher ( a , query ) } ) ) . sort (
( a , b ) => a . matched . type === "concrete_match" && b . matched . type !== "concrete_match" ? - 1 : 0
) . find ( ( x ) => x . matched . type !== "none" ) ;
if ( matchedAliasIncluded && ( matchedAliasIncluded . matched . type === "concrete_match" || matchedAliasIncluded . matched . type === "fuzzy_match" && matchedAliasIncluded . matched . score > ( ( _f = options == null ? void 0 : options . fuzzy ) == null ? void 0 : _f . minMatchScore ) ) ) {
return {
word : {
... word ,
hit : matchedAliasIncluded . aliases ,
fuzzy : matchedAliasIncluded . matched . type === "fuzzy_match"
} ,
value : matchedAliasIncluded . aliases ,
alias : true
} ;
return { word , alias : false } ;
function suggestWordsByPartialMatch ( indexedWords , query , maxNum , option = { } ) {
const { frontMatter , selectionHistoryStorage } = option ;
const queryStartWithUpper = capitalizeFirstLetter ( query ) === query ;
const flatObjectValues = ( object ) => Object . values ( object ) . flat ( ) ;
const flattenFrontMatterWords = ( ) => {
var _a , _b ;
if ( frontMatter === "alias" || frontMatter === "aliases" ) {
return [ ] ;
if ( frontMatter && ( ( _a = indexedWords . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _a [ frontMatter ] ) ) {
return Object . values ( ( _b = indexedWords . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _b [ frontMatter ] ) . flat ( ) ;
return [ ] ;
} ;
const words = frontMatter ? flattenFrontMatterWords ( ) : [
... flatObjectValues ( indexedWords . currentFile ) ,
... flatObjectValues ( indexedWords . currentVault ) ,
... flatObjectValues ( indexedWords . customDictionary ) ,
... flatObjectValues ( indexedWords . internalLink )
] ;
const filteredJudgement = Array . from ( words ) . map ( ( x ) => judgeByPartialMatch ( x , query , queryStartWithUpper , option ) ) . filter ( ( x ) => x . value !== void 0 ) ;
const latestUpdated = max (
filteredJudgement . map (
( x ) => {
var _a , _b ;
return ( _b = ( _a = selectionHistoryStorage == null ? void 0 : selectionHistoryStorage . getSelectionHistory ( x . word ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . lastUpdated ) != null ? _b : 0 ;
) ,
) ;
const candidate = filteredJudgement . sort ( ( a , b ) => {
const aWord = a . word ;
const bWord = b . word ;
if ( a . word . fuzzy !== b . word . fuzzy ) {
return a . word . fuzzy ? 1 : - 1 ;
const notSameWordType = aWord . type !== bWord . type ;
if ( frontMatter && notSameWordType ) {
return bWord . type === "frontMatter" ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( selectionHistoryStorage ) {
const ret = selectionHistoryStorage . compare (
aWord ,
bWord ,
) ;
if ( ret !== 0 ) {
return ret ;
const as = lowerStartsWith ( a . value , query ) ;
const bs = lowerStartsWith ( b . value , query ) ;
if ( as !== bs ) {
return bs ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( a . value . length !== b . value . length ) {
return a . value . length > b . value . length ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( notSameWordType ) {
return WordTypeMeta . of ( bWord . type ) . priority > WordTypeMeta . of ( aWord . type ) . priority ? 1 : - 1 ;
if ( a . alias !== b . alias ) {
return a . alias ? 1 : - 1 ;
return 0 ;
} ) . map ( ( x ) => x . word ) . slice ( 0 , maxNum ) ;
return uniqWith ( candidate , suggestionUniqPredicate ) ;
// src/provider/CustomDictionaryWordProvider.ts
var import _obsidian2 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// src/util/path.ts
function basename ( path , ext ) {
var _a , _b ;
const name = ( _b = ( _a = path . match ( /.+[\\/]([^\\/]+)[\\/]?$/ ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a [ 1 ] ) != null ? _b : path ;
return ext && name . endsWith ( ext ) ? name . replace ( ext , "" ) : name ;
function dirname ( path ) {
var _a , _b ;
return ( _b = ( _a = path . match ( /(.+)[\\/].+$/ ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a [ 1 ] ) != null ? _b : "." ;
function isURL ( path ) {
return Boolean ( path . match ( new RegExp ( "^https?://" ) ) ) ;
var DEFAULT _HISTORIES _PATH = ".obsidian/plugins/various-complements/histories.json" ;
// src/provider/CustomDictionaryWordProvider.ts
function escape ( value ) {
return value . replace ( /\\/g , "__VariousComplementsEscape__" ) . replace ( /\n/g , "\\n" ) . replace ( /\t/g , "\\t" ) . replace ( /__VariousComplementsEscape__/g , "\\\\" ) ;
function unescape ( value ) {
return value . replace ( /\\\\/g , "__VariousComplementsEscape__" ) . replace ( /\\n/g , "\n" ) . replace ( /\\t/g , " " ) . replace ( /__VariousComplementsEscape__/g , "\\" ) ;
function jsonToWords ( json , path , systemCaretSymbol ) {
return json . words . map ( ( x ) => {
var _a ;
return {
value : x . displayed || x . value ,
description : x . description ,
aliases : x . aliases ,
type : "customDictionary" ,
createdPath : path ,
insertedText : x . displayed ? x . value : void 0 ,
caretSymbol : ( _a = json . caretSymbol ) != null ? _a : systemCaretSymbol ,
ignoreSpaceAfterCompletion : json . ignoreSpaceAfterCompletion
} ;
} ) ;
function lineToWord ( line , delimiter , path , delimiterForDisplay , delimiterForHide , systemCaretSymbol ) {
const [ v , description , ... aliases ] = line . split ( delimiter . value ) ;
let value = unescape ( v ) ;
let insertedText ;
let displayedText = value ;
if ( delimiterForDisplay && value . includes ( delimiterForDisplay ) ) {
[ displayedText , insertedText ] = value . split ( delimiterForDisplay ) ;
if ( delimiterForHide && value . includes ( delimiterForHide ) ) {
insertedText = value . replace ( delimiterForHide , "" ) ;
displayedText = ` ${ value . split ( delimiterForHide ) [ 0 ] } ... ` ;
return {
value : displayedText ,
description ,
aliases ,
type : "customDictionary" ,
createdPath : path ,
insertedText ,
caretSymbol : systemCaretSymbol
} ;
function wordToLine ( word , delimiter , dividerForDisplay ) {
const value = word . insertedText && dividerForDisplay ? ` ${ word . value } ${ dividerForDisplay } ${ word . insertedText } ` : word . value ;
const escapedValue = escape ( value ) ;
if ( ! word . description && ! word . aliases ) {
return escapedValue ;
if ( ! word . aliases ) {
return [ escapedValue , word . description ] . join ( delimiter . value ) ;
return [ escapedValue , word . description , ... word . aliases ] . join (
delimiter . value
) ;
var CustomDictionaryWordProvider = class {
constructor ( app2 , appHelper ) {
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordByValue = { } ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
this . appHelper = appHelper ;
this . fileSystemAdapter = app2 . vault . adapter ;
get editablePaths ( ) {
return this . paths . filter ( ( x ) => ! isURL ( x ) && ! x . endsWith ( ".json" ) ) ;
async loadWords ( path , option ) {
const contents = isURL ( path ) ? await ( 0 , import _obsidian2 . request ) ( { url : path } ) : await this . fileSystemAdapter . read ( path ) ;
const words = path . endsWith ( ".json" ) ? jsonToWords ( JSON . parse ( contents ) , path , option . caretSymbol ) : contents . split ( /\r\n|\n/ ) . map ( ( x ) => x . replace ( /%%.*%%/g , "" ) ) . filter ( ( x ) => x ) . map (
( x ) => lineToWord (
x ,
this . delimiter ,
path ,
option . delimiterForDisplay ,
option . delimiterForHide ,
option . caretSymbol
) ;
return words . filter (
( x ) => ! option . regexp || x . value . match ( new RegExp ( option . regexp ) )
) ;
async refreshCustomWords ( option ) {
this . clearWords ( ) ;
for ( const path of this . paths ) {
try {
const words = await this . loadWords ( path , option ) ;
words . forEach (
( x ) => this . addWord ( x , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} )
) ;
} catch ( e ) {
new import _obsidian2 . Notice (
` \u 26A0 Fail to load ${ path } -- Various Complements Plugin --
$ { e } ` ,
) ;
async addWordWithDictionary ( word , dictionaryPath , synonymOption ) {
this . addWord ( word , synonymOption ) ;
await this . fileSystemAdapter . append (
dictionaryPath ,
"\n" + wordToLine ( word , this . delimiter , this . dividerForDisplay )
) ;
addWord ( word , synonymOption ) {
var _a , _b ;
this . words . push ( word ) ;
const wordWithSynonym = {
... word ,
aliases : [
... ( _a = word . aliases ) != null ? _a : [ ] ,
... synonymAliases ( word . value , synonymOption )
} ;
this . wordByValue [ wordWithSynonym . value ] = wordWithSynonym ;
pushWord (
this . wordsByFirstLetter ,
wordWithSynonym . value . charAt ( 0 ) ,
) ;
( _b = wordWithSynonym . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _b . forEach (
( a ) => pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , a . charAt ( 0 ) , wordWithSynonym )
) ;
clearWords ( ) {
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordByValue = { } ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
get wordCount ( ) {
return this . words . length ;
setSettings ( paths , delimiter , dividerForDisplay ) {
this . paths = paths ;
this . delimiter = delimiter ;
this . dividerForDisplay = dividerForDisplay ;
} ;
// src/provider/CurrentFileWordProvider.ts
var CurrentFileWordProvider = class {
constructor ( app2 , appHelper ) {
this . app = app2 ;
this . appHelper = appHelper ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
this . words = [ ] ;
async refreshWords ( option ) {
var _a ;
this . clearWords ( ) ;
const editor = this . appHelper . getCurrentEditor ( ) ;
if ( ! editor ) {
return ;
const file = this . app . workspace . getActiveFile ( ) ;
if ( ! file ) {
return ;
const currentToken = this . tokenizer . tokenize (
editor . getLine ( editor . getCursor ( ) . line ) . slice ( 0 , editor . getCursor ( ) . ch )
) . last ( ) ;
const excludePatterns = option . excludeWordPatterns . map (
( x ) => new RegExp ( ` ^ ${ x } $ ` )
) ;
const content = await this . app . vault . cachedRead ( file ) ;
const tokens = this . tokenizer . tokenize ( content ) . filter ( ( x ) => {
if ( x . length < option . minNumberOfCharacters ) {
return false ;
if ( this . tokenizer . shouldIgnoreOnCurrent ( x ) ) {
return false ;
return option . onlyEnglish ? allAlphabets ( x ) : true ;
} ) . map ( ( x ) => startsSmallLetterOnlyFirst ( x ) ? x . toLowerCase ( ) : x ) . filter ( ( x ) => ! excludePatterns . some ( ( rp ) => x . match ( rp ) ) ) ;
this . words = uniq ( tokens ) . filter ( ( x ) => x !== currentToken ) . map ( ( x ) => ( {
value : x ,
type : "currentFile" ,
createdPath : file . path ,
aliases : synonymAliases ( x , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} )
} ) ) ;
for ( const word of this . words ) {
pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , word . value . charAt ( 0 ) , word ) ;
( _a = word . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _a . forEach (
( a ) => pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , a . charAt ( 0 ) , word )
) ;
clearWords ( ) {
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
get wordCount ( ) {
return this . words . length ;
setSettings ( tokenizer ) {
this . tokenizer = tokenizer ;
} ;
// src/provider/InternalLinkWordProvider.ts
var InternalLinkWordProvider = class {
constructor ( app2 , appHelper ) {
this . app = app2 ;
this . appHelper = appHelper ;
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
refreshWords ( option ) {
var _a ;
this . clearWords ( ) ;
const resolvedInternalLinkWords = this . app . vault . getMarkdownFiles ( ) . filter ( ( f ) => {
if ( option . excludePathPrefixPatterns . some ( ( x ) => f . path . startsWith ( x ) ) ) {
return false ;
if ( ! option . frontMatterKeyForExclusion ) {
return true ;
return ! this . appHelper . getBoolFrontMatter (
f ,
option . frontMatterKeyForExclusion
) ;
} ) . flatMap ( ( x ) => {
const aliases = this . appHelper . getAliases ( x ) ;
if ( option . wordAsInternalLinkAlias ) {
return [
value : x . basename ,
type : "internalLink" ,
createdPath : x . path ,
aliases : synonymAliases ( x . basename , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} ) ,
description : x . path
} ,
... aliases . map ( ( a ) => ( {
value : a ,
type : "internalLink" ,
createdPath : x . path ,
aliases : synonymAliases ( a , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} ) ,
description : x . path ,
aliasMeta : {
origin : x . path
} ) )
] ;
} else {
return [
value : x . basename ,
type : "internalLink" ,
createdPath : x . path ,
aliases : [
... synonymAliases ( x . basename , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} ) ,
... aliases ,
... aliases . flatMap (
( al ) => synonymAliases ( al , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} )
] ,
description : x . path
] ;
} ) ;
const unresolvedInternalLinkWords = this . appHelper . searchPhantomLinks ( ) . map ( ( { path , link } ) => {
return {
value : link ,
type : "internalLink" ,
createdPath : path ,
aliases : synonymAliases ( link , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} ) ,
description : ` Appeared in -> ${ path } ` ,
phantom : true
} ;
} ) ;
this . words = [ ... resolvedInternalLinkWords , ... unresolvedInternalLinkWords ] ;
for ( const word of this . words ) {
pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , word . value . charAt ( 0 ) , word ) ;
( _a = word . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _a . forEach (
( a ) => pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , a . charAt ( 0 ) , word )
) ;
clearWords ( ) {
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
get wordCount ( ) {
return this . words . length ;
} ;
// src/provider/MatchStrategy.ts
var _MatchStrategy = class _MatchStrategy {
constructor ( name , handler ) {
this . name = name ;
this . handler = handler ;
_MatchStrategy . _values . push ( this ) ;
static fromName ( name ) {
return _MatchStrategy . _values . find ( ( x ) => x . name === name ) ;
static values ( ) {
return _MatchStrategy . _values ;
} ;
_MatchStrategy . _values = [ ] ;
_MatchStrategy . PREFIX = new _MatchStrategy ( "prefix" , suggestWords ) ;
_MatchStrategy . PARTIAL = new _MatchStrategy (
"partial" ,
) ;
var MatchStrategy = _MatchStrategy ;
// src/option/ColumnDelimiter.ts
var _ColumnDelimiter = class _ColumnDelimiter {
constructor ( name , value ) {
this . name = name ;
this . value = value ;
_ColumnDelimiter . _values . push ( this ) ;
static fromName ( name ) {
return _ColumnDelimiter . _values . find ( ( x ) => x . name === name ) ;
static values ( ) {
return _ColumnDelimiter . _values ;
} ;
_ColumnDelimiter . _values = [ ] ;
_ColumnDelimiter . TAB = new _ColumnDelimiter ( "Tab" , " " ) ;
_ColumnDelimiter . COMMA = new _ColumnDelimiter ( "Comma" , "," ) ;
_ColumnDelimiter . PIPE = new _ColumnDelimiter ( "Pipe" , "|" ) ;
var ColumnDelimiter = _ColumnDelimiter ;
// src/provider/CurrentVaultWordProvider.ts
var CurrentVaultWordProvider = class {
constructor ( app2 , appHelper ) {
this . app = app2 ;
this . appHelper = appHelper ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
this . words = [ ] ;
async refreshWords ( option ) {
var _a ;
this . clearWords ( ) ;
const currentDirname = this . appHelper . getCurrentDirname ( ) ;
const markdownFilePaths = this . app . vault . getMarkdownFiles ( ) . map ( ( x ) => x . path ) . filter ( ( p ) => this . includePrefixPatterns . every ( ( x ) => p . startsWith ( x ) ) ) . filter ( ( p ) => this . excludePrefixPatterns . every ( ( x ) => ! p . startsWith ( x ) ) ) . filter (
( p ) => ! this . onlyUnderCurrentDirectory || dirname ( p ) === currentDirname
) ;
const excludePatterns = option . excludeWordPatterns . map (
( x ) => new RegExp ( ` ^ ${ x } $ ` )
) ;
let wordByValue = { } ;
for ( const path of markdownFilePaths ) {
const content = await this . app . vault . adapter . read ( path ) ;
const tokens = this . tokenizer . tokenize ( content ) . filter (
( x ) => x . length >= option . minNumberOfCharacters && ! this . tokenizer . shouldIgnoreOnCurrent ( x )
) . map ( ( x ) => startsSmallLetterOnlyFirst ( x ) ? x . toLowerCase ( ) : x ) . filter ( ( x ) => ! excludePatterns . some ( ( rp ) => x . match ( rp ) ) ) ;
for ( const token of tokens ) {
wordByValue [ token ] = {
value : token ,
type : "currentVault" ,
createdPath : path ,
description : path ,
aliases : synonymAliases ( token , {
emoji : option . makeSynonymAboutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : option . makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics
} )
} ;
this . words = Object . values ( wordByValue ) ;
for ( const word of this . words ) {
pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , word . value . charAt ( 0 ) , word ) ;
( _a = word . aliases ) == null ? void 0 : _a . forEach (
( a ) => pushWord ( this . wordsByFirstLetter , a . charAt ( 0 ) , word )
) ;
clearWords ( ) {
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordsByFirstLetter = { } ;
get wordCount ( ) {
return this . words . length ;
setSettings ( tokenizer , includePrefixPatterns , excludePrefixPatterns , onlyUnderCurrentDirectory ) {
this . tokenizer = tokenizer ;
this . includePrefixPatterns = includePrefixPatterns ;
this . excludePrefixPatterns = excludePrefixPatterns ;
this . onlyUnderCurrentDirectory = onlyUnderCurrentDirectory ;
} ;
// src/option/DescriptionOnSuggestion.ts
var _DescriptionOnSuggestion = class _DescriptionOnSuggestion {
constructor ( name , toDisplay ) {
this . name = name ;
this . toDisplay = toDisplay ;
_DescriptionOnSuggestion . _values . push ( this ) ;
static fromName ( name ) {
return _DescriptionOnSuggestion . _values . find ( ( x ) => x . name === name ) ;
static values ( ) {
return _DescriptionOnSuggestion . _values ;
} ;
_DescriptionOnSuggestion . _values = [ ] ;
_DescriptionOnSuggestion . NONE = new _DescriptionOnSuggestion ( "None" , ( ) => null ) ;
_DescriptionOnSuggestion . SHORT = new _DescriptionOnSuggestion ( "Short" , ( word ) => {
if ( ! word . description ) {
return null ;
return word . type === "customDictionary" ? word . description : basename ( word . description ) ;
} ) ;
_DescriptionOnSuggestion . FULL = new _DescriptionOnSuggestion (
"Full" ,
( word ) => {
var _a ;
return ( _a = word . description ) != null ? _a : null ;
) ;
var DescriptionOnSuggestion = _DescriptionOnSuggestion ;
// src/provider/FrontMatterWordProvider.ts
function synonymAliases2 ( name ) {
const lessEmojiValue = excludeEmoji ( name ) ;
return name === lessEmojiValue ? [ ] : [ lessEmojiValue ] ;
function frontMatterToWords ( file , key , values ) {
return values . map ( ( x ) => ( {
key ,
value : x ,
type : "frontMatter" ,
createdPath : file . path ,
aliases : synonymAliases2 ( x )
} ) ) ;
function pickWords ( file , fm ) {
return Object . entries ( fm ) . filter (
( [ _key , value ] ) => value != null && ( typeof value === "string" || typeof value [ 0 ] === "string" )
) . flatMap ( ( [ key , value ] ) => frontMatterToWords ( file , key , value ) ) ;
function extractAndUniqWords ( wordsByCreatedPath ) {
return uniqBy (
Object . values ( wordsByCreatedPath ) . flat ( ) ,
( w ) => w . key + w . value . toLowerCase ( )
) ;
function indexingWords ( words ) {
const wordsByKey = groupBy ( words , ( x ) => x . key ) ;
return Object . fromEntries (
Object . entries ( wordsByKey ) . map (
( [ key , words2 ] ) => [
key ,
groupBy ( words2 , ( w ) => w . value . charAt ( 0 ) )
) ;
var FrontMatterWordProvider = class {
constructor ( app2 , appHelper ) {
this . app = app2 ;
this . appHelper = appHelper ;
this . wordsByCreatedPath = { } ;
refreshWords ( ) {
this . clearWords ( ) ;
this . app . vault . getMarkdownFiles ( ) . forEach ( ( f ) => {
const fm = this . appHelper . getFrontMatter ( f ) ;
if ( ! fm ) {
return ;
this . wordsByCreatedPath [ f . path ] = pickWords ( f , fm ) ;
} ) ;
this . words = extractAndUniqWords ( this . wordsByCreatedPath ) ;
this . wordsByFirstLetterByKey = indexingWords ( this . words ) ;
updateWordIndex ( file ) {
const fm = this . appHelper . getFrontMatter ( file ) ;
if ( ! fm ) {
return ;
this . wordsByCreatedPath [ file . path ] = pickWords ( file , fm ) ;
updateWords ( ) {
this . words = extractAndUniqWords ( this . wordsByCreatedPath ) ;
this . wordsByFirstLetterByKey = indexingWords ( this . words ) ;
clearWords ( ) {
this . wordsByCreatedPath = { } ;
this . words = [ ] ;
this . wordsByFirstLetterByKey = { } ;
get wordCount ( ) {
return this . words . length ;
} ;
// src/provider/SpecificMatchStrategy.ts
var neverUsedHandler = ( ... _args ) => [ ] ;
var _SpecificMatchStrategy = class _SpecificMatchStrategy {
constructor ( name , handler ) {
this . name = name ;
this . handler = handler ;
_SpecificMatchStrategy . _values . push ( this ) ;
static fromName ( name ) {
return _SpecificMatchStrategy . _values . find ( ( x ) => x . name === name ) ;
static values ( ) {
return _SpecificMatchStrategy . _values ;
} ;
_SpecificMatchStrategy . _values = [ ] ;
_SpecificMatchStrategy . INHERIT = new _SpecificMatchStrategy (
"inherit" ,
) ;
_SpecificMatchStrategy . PREFIX = new _SpecificMatchStrategy ( "prefix" , suggestWords ) ;
_SpecificMatchStrategy . PARTIAL = new _SpecificMatchStrategy (
"partial" ,
) ;
var SpecificMatchStrategy = _SpecificMatchStrategy ;
// src/storage/SelectionHistoryStorage.ts
var SEC = 1e3 ;
var MIN = SEC * 60 ;
var HOUR = MIN * 60 ;
var DAY = HOUR * 24 ;
var WEEK = DAY * 7 ;
function calcScore ( history , latestUpdated ) {
if ( ! history ) {
return 0 ;
if ( history . lastUpdated === latestUpdated ) {
return Number . MAX _SAFE _INTEGER ;
const behind = Date . now ( ) - history . lastUpdated ;
if ( behind < MIN ) {
return 8 * history . count ;
} else if ( behind < HOUR ) {
return 4 * history . count ;
} else if ( behind < DAY ) {
return 2 * history . count ;
} else if ( behind < WEEK ) {
return 0.5 * history . count ;
} else {
return 0.25 * history . count ;
var SelectionHistoryStorage = class {
constructor ( data = { } , maxDaysToKeepHistory , maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep ) {
this . data = data ;
const now2 = Date . now ( ) ;
this . version = now2 ;
this . persistedVersion = now2 ;
this . maxDaysToKeepHistory = maxDaysToKeepHistory ;
this . maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep = maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep ;
// noinspection FunctionWithMultipleLoopsJS
purge ( ) {
var _a ;
const now2 = Date . now ( ) ;
const times = [ ] ;
for ( const hit of Object . keys ( this . data ) ) {
for ( const value of Object . keys ( this . data [ hit ] ) ) {
for ( const kind of Object . keys ( this . data [ hit ] [ value ] ) ) {
if ( this . maxDaysToKeepHistory && now2 - this . data [ hit ] [ value ] [ kind ] . lastUpdated > this . maxDaysToKeepHistory * DAY ) {
delete this . data [ hit ] [ value ] [ kind ] ;
} else {
times . push ( this . data [ hit ] [ value ] [ kind ] . lastUpdated ) ;
if ( Object . isEmpty ( this . data [ hit ] [ value ] ) ) {
delete this . data [ hit ] [ value ] ;
if ( Object . isEmpty ( this . data [ hit ] ) ) {
delete this . data [ hit ] ;
if ( this . maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep ) {
const threshold = ( _a = times . sort ( ( a , b ) => a > b ? - 1 : 1 ) . slice ( 0 , this . maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep ) . at ( - 1 ) ) != null ? _a : 0 ;
for ( const hit of Object . keys ( this . data ) ) {
for ( const value of Object . keys ( this . data [ hit ] ) ) {
for ( const kind of Object . keys ( this . data [ hit ] [ value ] ) ) {
if ( this . data [ hit ] [ value ] [ kind ] . lastUpdated < threshold ) {
delete this . data [ hit ] [ value ] [ kind ] ;
if ( Object . isEmpty ( this . data [ hit ] [ value ] ) ) {
delete this . data [ hit ] [ value ] ;
if ( Object . isEmpty ( this . data [ hit ] ) ) {
delete this . data [ hit ] ;
getSelectionHistory ( word ) {
var _a , _b ;
return ( _b = ( _a = this . data [ word . hit ] ) == null ? void 0 : _a [ word . value ] ) == null ? void 0 : _b [ word . type ] ;
increment ( word ) {
if ( ! this . data [ word . hit ] ) {
this . data [ word . hit ] = { } ;
if ( ! this . data [ word . hit ] [ word . value ] ) {
this . data [ word . hit ] [ word . value ] = { } ;
if ( this . data [ word . hit ] [ word . value ] [ word . type ] ) {
this . data [ word . hit ] [ word . value ] [ word . type ] = {
count : this . data [ word . hit ] [ word . value ] [ word . type ] . count + 1 ,
lastUpdated : Date . now ( )
} ;
} else {
this . data [ word . hit ] [ word . value ] [ word . type ] = {
count : 1 ,
lastUpdated : Date . now ( )
} ;
this . version = Date . now ( ) ;
compare ( w1 , w2 , latestUpdated ) {
const score1 = calcScore ( this . getSelectionHistory ( w1 ) , latestUpdated ) ;
const score2 = calcScore ( this . getSelectionHistory ( w2 ) , latestUpdated ) ;
if ( score1 === score2 ) {
return 0 ;
return score1 > score2 ? - 1 : 1 ;
get shouldPersist ( ) {
return this . version > this . persistedVersion ;
syncPersistVersion ( ) {
this . persistedVersion = this . version ;
} ;
// src/ui/popup-commands.ts
var import _obsidian4 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// src/ui/component/InputDialog.ts
var import _obsidian3 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
var InputDialog = class extends import _obsidian3 . Modal {
constructor ( args ) {
super ( app ) ;
this . args = args ;
this . submitted = false ;
onOpen ( ) {
var _a ;
this . titleEl . setText ( this . args . title ) ;
this . inputEl = this . contentEl . createEl ( "input" , {
type : "text" ,
placeholder : ( _a = this . args . placeholder ) != null ? _a : "" ,
cls : "carnelian-input-dialog-input" ,
value : this . args . defaultValue
} ) ;
/ * *
* This function returns
* - Promise < string > if submitted not empty string
* - Promise < "" > if submitted empty string
* - Promise < null > if canceled
* /
open ( args ) {
super . open ( ) ;
this . promise = new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
const listener = ( ev ) => {
if ( ev . isComposing ) {
return ;
if ( ev . code === "Enter" ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
resolve ( this . inputEl . value ) ;
this . submitted = true ;
this . close ( ) ;
} ;
this . inputEl . addEventListener ( "keydown" , listener ) ;
this . onClose = ( ) => {
super . onClose ( ) ;
this . inputEl . removeEventListener ( "keydown" , listener ) ;
if ( ! this . submitted ) {
resolve ( null ) ;
} ;
if ( args == null ? void 0 : args . initialSelect ) {
this . inputEl . select ( ) ;
} ) ;
return this . promise ;
} ;
// src/ui/popup-commands.ts
function select ( popup , evt , index ) {
if ( evt . isComposing ) {
return ;
if ( index !== void 0 ) {
popup . setSelectionLock ( false ) ;
popup . suggestions . setSelectedItem ( index , evt ) ;
if ( popup . selectionLock ) {
popup . close ( ) ;
return true ;
} else {
popup . suggestions . useSelectedItem ( { } ) ;
return false ;
async function selectWithCustomAlias ( popup , evt ) {
var _a , _b ;
if ( ! popup . context || evt . isComposing ) {
return null ;
if ( popup . selectionLock ) {
popup . close ( ) ;
return null ;
const item = popup . suggestions . values [ popup . suggestions . selectedItem ] ;
if ( item . type !== "internalLink" ) {
return null ;
const input = await new InputDialog ( {
title : "Type custom alias" ,
defaultValue : item . value
} ) . open ( { initialSelect : true } ) ;
if ( ! input ) {
return null ;
if ( item . value === input ) {
return item ;
item . aliasMeta = {
origin : ( _b = ( _a = item . aliasMeta ) == null ? void 0 : _a . origin ) != null ? _b : item . value
} ;
item . value = input ;
return item ;
function insertAsText ( popup , evt ) {
if ( ! popup . context || evt . isComposing ) {
return ;
if ( popup . selectionLock ) {
popup . close ( ) ;
return true ;
const item = popup . suggestions . values [ popup . suggestions . selectedItem ] ;
const editor = popup . context . editor ;
editor . replaceRange (
item . value ,
... popup . context . start ,
ch : popup . contextStartCh + item . offset
} ,
popup . context . end
) ;
return false ;
function selectNext ( popup , evt ) {
if ( popup . settings . noAutoFocusUntilCycle && popup . selectionLock ) {
popup . setSelectionLock ( false ) ;
} else {
popup . suggestions . setSelectedItem ( popup . suggestions . selectedItem + 1 , evt ) ;
return false ;
function selectPrevious ( popup , evt ) {
if ( popup . settings . noAutoFocusUntilCycle && popup . selectionLock ) {
popup . setSelectionLock ( false ) ;
} else {
popup . suggestions . setSelectedItem ( popup . suggestions . selectedItem - 1 , evt ) ;
return false ;
function open ( popup ) {
const item = popup . suggestions . values [ popup . suggestions . selectedItem ] ;
if ( item . type !== "currentVault" && item . type !== "internalLink" && item . type !== "frontMatter" ) {
return false ;
const markdownFile = popup . appHelper . getMarkdownFileByPath ( item . createdPath ) ;
if ( ! markdownFile ) {
new import _obsidian4 . Notice ( ` Can't open ${ item . createdPath } ` ) ;
return false ;
popup . appHelper . openMarkdownFile ( markdownFile , true ) ;
return false ;
function completion ( popup ) {
if ( ! popup . context ) {
return ;
const editor = popup . context . editor ;
const currentPhrase = editor . getRange (
... popup . context . start ,
ch : popup . contextStartCh
} ,
popup . context . end
) ;
const tokens = popup . tokenizer . recursiveTokenize ( currentPhrase ) ;
const commonPrefixWithToken = tokens . map ( ( t ) => ( {
token : t ,
commonPrefix : findCommonPrefix (
popup . suggestions . values . map ( ( x ) => excludeEmoji ( x . value ) ) . filter ( ( x ) => x . toLowerCase ( ) . startsWith ( t . word . toLowerCase ( ) ) )
} ) ) . find ( ( x ) => x . commonPrefix != null ) ;
if ( ! commonPrefixWithToken || currentPhrase === commonPrefixWithToken . commonPrefix ) {
return false ;
editor . replaceRange (
commonPrefixWithToken . commonPrefix ,
... popup . context . start ,
ch : popup . contextStartCh + commonPrefixWithToken . token . offset
} ,
popup . context . end
) ;
return true ;
// src/ui/AutoCompleteSuggest.ts
function buildLogMessage ( message , msec ) {
return ` ${ message } : ${ Math . round ( msec ) } [ms] ` ;
var AutoCompleteSuggest = class _AutoCompleteSuggest extends import _obsidian5 . EditorSuggest {
constructor ( app2 , statusBar ) {
super ( app2 ) ;
this . selectionLock = false ;
this . pastCurrentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace = "" ;
this . previousCurrentLine = "" ;
this . previousLinksCacheInActiveFile = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( ) ;
this . keymapEventHandler = [ ] ;
this . spareEditorSuggestContext = null ;
this . appHelper = new AppHelper ( app2 ) ;
this . statusBar = statusBar ;
triggerComplete ( opt ) {
const editor = this . appHelper . getCurrentEditor ( ) ;
const activeFile = this . app . workspace . getActiveFile ( ) ;
if ( ! editor || ! activeFile ) {
return ;
this . runManually = true ;
if ( opt == null ? void 0 : opt . fallbackLinkify ) {
this . completionMode = this . completionMode === "prefix" ? "partial" : "new" ;
this . trigger ( editor , activeFile , true ) ;
hideCompletion ( ) {
this . close ( ) ;
/ * *
* This method update settings
* /
async unsafeLoadHistoryData ( ) {
const historyPath = ( 0 , import _obsidian5 . normalizePath ) (
this . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . historyFilePath || DEFAULT _HISTORIES _PATH
) ;
if ( await this . appHelper . exists ( historyPath ) ) {
return this . appHelper . loadJson ( historyPath ) ;
return { } ;
static async new ( app2 , settings , statusBar , onPersistSelectionHistory ) {
const ins = new _AutoCompleteSuggest ( app2 , statusBar ) ;
ins . currentFileWordProvider = new CurrentFileWordProvider (
ins . app ,
ins . appHelper
) ;
ins . currentVaultWordProvider = new CurrentVaultWordProvider (
ins . app ,
ins . appHelper
) ;
ins . customDictionaryWordProvider = new CustomDictionaryWordProvider (
ins . app ,
ins . appHelper
) ;
ins . internalLinkWordProvider = new InternalLinkWordProvider (
ins . app ,
ins . appHelper
) ;
ins . frontMatterWordProvider = new FrontMatterWordProvider (
ins . app ,
ins . appHelper
) ;
await ins . updateSettings ( settings ) ;
await ins . refreshIntelligentSuggestionPrioritization ( ) ;
ins . modifyEventRef = app2 . vault . on ( "modify" , async ( _ ) => {
var _a ;
await ins . refreshCurrentFileTokens ( ) ;
if ( ( _a = ins . selectionHistoryStorage ) == null ? void 0 : _a . shouldPersist ) {
ins . selectionHistoryStorage . syncPersistVersion ( ) ;
onPersistSelectionHistory ( ) ;
} ) ;
ins . activeLeafChangeRef = app2 . workspace . on (
"active-leaf-change" ,
async ( _ ) => {
await ins . refreshCurrentFileTokens ( ) ;
ins . refreshInternalLinkTokens ( ) ;
ins . updateFrontMatterToken ( ) ;
) ;
ins . metadataCacheChangeRef = app2 . metadataCache . on ( "changed" , async ( f ) => {
ins . updateFrontMatterTokenIndex ( f ) ;
if ( ! ins . appHelper . isActiveFile ( f ) ) {
ins . updateFrontMatterToken ( ) ;
if ( settings . updateInternalLinksOnSave ) {
await sleep ( 50 ) ;
const currentCache = ins . appHelper . getUnresolvedLinks ( f ) ;
if ( ! setEquals ( ins . previousLinksCacheInActiveFile , currentCache ) ) {
ins . refreshInternalLinkTokens ( ) ;
ins . previousLinksCacheInActiveFile = currentCache ;
} ) ;
const cacheResolvedRef = app2 . metadataCache . on ( "resolved" , async ( ) => {
ins . refreshInternalLinkTokens ( ) ;
ins . refreshFrontMatterTokens ( ) ;
ins . refreshCustomDictionaryTokens ( ) ;
ins . refreshCurrentVaultTokens ( ) ;
ins . app . metadataCache . offref ( cacheResolvedRef ) ;
} ) ;
ins . completionMode = ins . matchStrategy . name ;
return ins ;
predictableComplete ( ) {
const editor = this . appHelper . getCurrentEditor ( ) ;
if ( ! editor ) {
return ;
const cursor = editor . getCursor ( ) ;
const currentToken = this . tokenizer . tokenize ( editor . getLine ( cursor . line ) . slice ( 0 , cursor . ch ) ) . last ( ) ;
if ( ! currentToken ) {
return ;
let suggestion = this . tokenizer . tokenize (
editor . getRange ( { line : Math . max ( cursor . line - 50 , 0 ) , ch : 0 } , cursor )
) . reverse ( ) . slice ( 1 ) . find ( ( x ) => x . startsWith ( currentToken ) ) ;
if ( ! suggestion ) {
suggestion = this . tokenizer . tokenize (
editor . getRange ( cursor , {
line : Math . min ( cursor . line + 50 , editor . lineCount ( ) - 1 ) ,
ch : 0
} )
) . find ( ( x ) => x . startsWith ( currentToken ) ) ;
if ( ! suggestion ) {
return ;
editor . replaceRange (
suggestion ,
{ line : cursor . line , ch : cursor . ch - currentToken . length } ,
{ line : cursor . line , ch : cursor . ch }
) ;
this . close ( ) ;
this . debounceClose ( ) ;
unregister ( ) {
this . app . vault . offref ( this . modifyEventRef ) ;
this . app . workspace . offref ( this . activeLeafChangeRef ) ;
this . app . metadataCache . offref ( this . metadataCacheChangeRef ) ;
// settings getters
get tokenizerStrategy ( ) {
return TokenizeStrategy . fromName ( this . settings . strategy ) ;
get matchStrategy ( ) {
return MatchStrategy . fromName ( this . settings . matchStrategy ) ;
get frontMatterComplementStrategy ( ) {
return SpecificMatchStrategy . fromName (
this . settings . frontMatterComplementMatchStrategy
) ;
get minNumberTriggered ( ) {
return this . settings . minNumberOfCharactersTriggered || this . tokenizerStrategy . triggerThreshold ;
get currentFileMinNumberOfCharacters ( ) {
return this . settings . currentFileMinNumberOfCharacters || this . tokenizerStrategy . indexingThreshold ;
get currentVaultMinNumberOfCharacters ( ) {
return this . settings . currentVaultMinNumberOfCharacters || this . tokenizerStrategy . indexingThreshold ;
get descriptionOnSuggestion ( ) {
return DescriptionOnSuggestion . fromName (
this . settings . descriptionOnSuggestion
) ;
get excludeInternalLinkPrefixPathPatterns ( ) {
return this . settings . excludeInternalLinkPathPrefixPatterns . split ( "\n" ) . filter ( ( x ) => x ) ;
// --- end ---
get indexedWords ( ) {
return {
currentFile : this . currentFileWordProvider . wordsByFirstLetter ,
currentVault : this . currentVaultWordProvider . wordsByFirstLetter ,
customDictionary : this . customDictionaryWordProvider . wordsByFirstLetter ,
internalLink : this . internalLinkWordProvider . wordsByFirstLetter ,
frontMatter : this . frontMatterWordProvider . wordsByFirstLetterByKey
} ;
async updateSettings ( settings ) {
this . settings = settings ;
this . statusBar . setMatchStrategy ( this . matchStrategy ) ;
this . statusBar . setComplementAutomatically (
this . settings . complementAutomatically
) ;
try {
this . tokenizer = await createTokenizer (
this . tokenizerStrategy ,
this . app ,
this . settings
) ;
} catch ( e ) {
new import _obsidian5 . Notice ( e . message ) ;
this . currentFileWordProvider . setSettings ( this . tokenizer ) ;
this . currentVaultWordProvider . setSettings (
this . tokenizer ,
settings . includeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns . split ( "\n" ) . filter ( ( x ) => x ) ,
settings . excludeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns . split ( "\n" ) . filter ( ( x ) => x ) ,
settings . includeCurrentVaultOnlyFilesUnderCurrentDirectory
) ;
this . customDictionaryWordProvider . setSettings (
settings . customDictionaryPaths . split ( "\n" ) . filter ( ( x ) => x ) ,
ColumnDelimiter . fromName ( settings . columnDelimiter ) ,
settings . delimiterToDivideSuggestionsForDisplayFromInsertion || null
) ;
this . debounceGetSuggestions = ( 0 , import _obsidian5 . debounce ) (
( context , cb ) => {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
this . showDebugLog ( ( ) => ` [context.query]: ${ context . query } ` ) ;
const parsedQuery = JSON . parse ( context . query ) ;
const createNewLinkSuggestions = ( ) => parsedQuery . queries . slice ( ) . reverse ( ) . filter ( ( q ) => q . word . length >= this . minNumberTriggered ) . map ( ( q ) => ( {
value : q . word ,
createdPath : "FIXME: " ,
type : "internalLink" ,
phantom : true ,
offset : q . offset
} ) ) ;
if ( parsedQuery . completionMode === "new" ) {
cb ( createNewLinkSuggestions ( ) ) ;
return ;
const matchStrategy = MatchStrategy . fromName (
parsedQuery . completionMode
) ;
let words = parsedQuery . queries . filter (
( x , i , xs ) => parsedQuery . currentFrontMatter || this . settings . minNumberOfWordsTriggeredPhrase + i - 1 < xs . length && x . word . length >= this . minNumberTriggered && ! x . word . endsWith ( " " )
) . map ( ( q ) => {
const handler = parsedQuery . currentFrontMatter && this . frontMatterComplementStrategy !== SpecificMatchStrategy . INHERIT ? this . frontMatterComplementStrategy . handler : matchStrategy . handler ;
return handler (
this . indexedWords ,
q . word ,
this . settings . maxNumberOfSuggestions ,
frontMatter : parsedQuery . currentFrontMatter ,
selectionHistoryStorage : this . selectionHistoryStorage ,
fuzzy : this . settings . fuzzyMatch ? {
minMatchScore : this . settings . minFuzzyMatchScore
} : void 0
) . map ( ( word ) => ( { ... word , offset : q . offset } ) ) ;
} ) . flat ( ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => Number ( a . fuzzy ) - Number ( b . fuzzy ) ) ;
if ( this . completionMode != this . matchStrategy . name && this . completionMode === "partial" ) {
words = words . filter ( ( x ) => x . type === "internalLink" ) ;
if ( words . length === 0 ) {
cb ( createNewLinkSuggestions ( ) ) ;
return ;
cb (
uniqWith ( words , suggestionUniqPredicate ) . slice (
0 ,
this . settings . maxNumberOfSuggestions
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage ( "Get suggestions" , performance . now ( ) - start )
) ;
} ,
this . settings . delayMilliSeconds ,
) ;
this . debounceClose = ( 0 , import _obsidian5 . debounce ) ( ( ) => {
this . close ( ) ;
} , this . settings . delayMilliSeconds + 50 ) ;
this . registerHotkeys ( ) ;
registerKeyAsIgnored ( modifiers , key ) {
this . keymapEventHandler . push (
this . scope . register ( modifiers , key , ( ) => {
this . close ( ) ;
return true ;
} )
) ;
setHotKey ( name , handler ) {
this . settings . hotkeys [ name ] . forEach ( ( hk ) => {
this . keymapEventHandler . push (
this . scope . register ( hk . modifiers , hk . key , handler )
) ;
} ) ;
setHotKeys ( ... params ) {
params . forEach ( ( args ) => this . setHotKey ( ... args ) ) ;
registerHotkeys ( ) {
this . keymapEventHandler . forEach ( ( x ) => this . scope . unregister ( x ) ) ;
this . keymapEventHandler = [ ] ;
const ipKeys = [ "Enter" , "Tab" , "ArrowUp" , "ArrowDown" , "Home" , "End" ] ;
this . scope . keys . filter (
( x ) => {
var _a ;
return ipKeys . map ( ( x2 ) => x2 . toLowerCase ( ) ) . includes ( ( ( _a = x . key ) != null ? _a : "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
) . forEach ( ( x ) => this . scope . unregister ( x ) ) ;
this . scope . keys . find ( ( x ) => {
var _a ;
return ( ( _a = x . key ) == null ? void 0 : _a . toLowerCase ( ) ) === "escape" ;
} ) . func = ( ) => {
this . close ( ) ;
return this . settings . propagateEsc ;
} ;
this . setHotKeys (
[ "select" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt ) ] ,
[ "up" , ( evt ) => selectPrevious ( this , evt ) ] ,
[ "down" , ( evt ) => selectNext ( this , evt ) ] ,
[ "select 1st" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 0 ) ] ,
[ "select 2nd" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 1 ) ] ,
[ "select 3rd" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 2 ) ] ,
[ "select 4th" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 3 ) ] ,
[ "select 5th" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 4 ) ] ,
[ "select 6th" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 5 ) ] ,
[ "select 7th" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 6 ) ] ,
[ "select 8th" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 7 ) ] ,
[ "select 9th" , ( evt ) => select ( this , evt , 8 ) ] ,
"select with custom alias" ,
( evt ) => {
this . spareEditorSuggestContext = this . context ;
selectWithCustomAlias ( this , evt ) . then ( ( item ) => {
if ( item ) {
this . selectSuggestion ( item ) ;
} ) ;
return false ;
] ,
[ "open" , ( _ ) => open ( this ) ] ,
[ "completion" , ( _ ) => completion ( this ) ] ,
[ "insert as text" , ( evt ) => insertAsText ( this , evt ) ]
) ;
ipKeys . forEach ( ( x ) => this . registerKeyAsIgnored ( [ ] , x ) ) ;
async refreshCurrentFileTokens ( ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setCurrentFileIndexing ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableCurrentFileComplement ) {
this . statusBar . setCurrentFileDisabled ( ) ;
this . currentFileWordProvider . clearWords ( ) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462} Skip: Index current file tokens" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
await this . currentFileWordProvider . refreshWords ( {
onlyEnglish : this . settings . onlyComplementEnglishOnCurrentFileComplement ,
minNumberOfCharacters : this . currentFileMinNumberOfCharacters ,
makeSynonymAboutEmoji : this . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji ,
makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics : this . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters ,
excludeWordPatterns : this . settings . excludeCurrentFileWordPatterns
} ) ;
this . statusBar . setCurrentFileIndexed (
this . currentFileWordProvider . wordCount
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage ( "Index current file tokens" , performance . now ( ) - start )
) ;
async refreshCurrentVaultTokens ( ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setCurrentVaultIndexing ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableCurrentVaultComplement ) {
this . statusBar . setCurrentVaultDisabled ( ) ;
this . currentVaultWordProvider . clearWords ( ) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462} Skip: Index current vault tokens" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
await this . currentVaultWordProvider . refreshWords ( {
minNumberOfCharacters : this . currentVaultMinNumberOfCharacters ,
makeSynonymAboutEmoji : this . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji ,
makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics : this . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters ,
excludeWordPatterns : this . settings . excludeCurrentVaultWordPatterns
} ) ;
this . statusBar . setCurrentVaultIndexed (
this . currentVaultWordProvider . wordCount
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage ( "Index current vault tokens" , performance . now ( ) - start )
) ;
async refreshCustomDictionaryTokens ( ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setCustomDictionaryIndexing ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableCustomDictionaryComplement ) {
this . statusBar . setCustomDictionaryDisabled ( ) ;
this . customDictionaryWordProvider . clearWords ( ) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462}Skip: Index custom dictionary tokens" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
await this . customDictionaryWordProvider . refreshCustomWords ( {
regexp : this . settings . customDictionaryWordRegexPattern ,
delimiterForHide : this . settings . delimiterToHideSuggestion || void 0 ,
delimiterForDisplay : this . settings . delimiterToDivideSuggestionsForDisplayFromInsertion || void 0 ,
caretSymbol : this . settings . caretLocationSymbolAfterComplement || void 0 ,
makeSynonymAboutEmoji : this . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji ,
makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics : this . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters
} ) ;
this . statusBar . setCustomDictionaryIndexed (
this . customDictionaryWordProvider . wordCount
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"Index custom dictionary tokens" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
refreshInternalLinkTokens ( ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setInternalLinkIndexing ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableInternalLinkComplement ) {
this . statusBar . setInternalLinkDisabled ( ) ;
this . internalLinkWordProvider . clearWords ( ) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462}Skip: Index internal link tokens" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
this . internalLinkWordProvider . refreshWords ( {
wordAsInternalLinkAlias : this . settings . suggestInternalLinkWithAlias ,
excludePathPrefixPatterns : this . excludeInternalLinkPrefixPathPatterns ,
makeSynonymAboutEmoji : this . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji ,
makeSynonymAboutAccentsDiacritics : this . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters ,
frontMatterKeyForExclusion : this . settings . frontMatterKeyForExclusionInternalLink
} ) ;
this . statusBar . setInternalLinkIndexed (
this . internalLinkWordProvider . wordCount
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage ( "Index internal link tokens" , performance . now ( ) - start )
) ;
refreshFrontMatterTokens ( ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setFrontMatterIndexing ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement ) {
this . statusBar . setFrontMatterDisabled ( ) ;
this . frontMatterWordProvider . clearWords ( ) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462}Skip: Index front matter tokens" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
this . frontMatterWordProvider . refreshWords ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setFrontMatterIndexed (
this . frontMatterWordProvider . wordCount
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage ( "Index front matter tokens" , performance . now ( ) - start )
) ;
async refreshIntelligentSuggestionPrioritization ( ) {
if ( this . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . enabled ) {
this . selectionHistoryStorage = new SelectionHistoryStorage (
await this . unsafeLoadHistoryData ( ) ,
this . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . maxDaysToKeepHistory ,
this . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep
) ;
this . selectionHistoryStorage . purge ( ) ;
} else {
this . selectionHistoryStorage = void 0 ;
updateFrontMatterTokenIndex ( file ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement ) {
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462}Skip: Update front matter token index" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
this . frontMatterWordProvider . updateWordIndex ( file ) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"Update front matter token index" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
updateFrontMatterToken ( ) {
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
if ( ! this . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement ) {
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage (
"\u{1F462}Skip: Update front matter token" ,
performance . now ( ) - start
) ;
return ;
this . frontMatterWordProvider . updateWords ( ) ;
this . statusBar . setFrontMatterIndexed (
this . frontMatterWordProvider . wordCount
) ;
this . showDebugLog (
( ) => buildLogMessage ( "Update front matter token" , performance . now ( ) - start )
) ;
onTrigger ( cursor , editor ) {
var _a , _b , _c , _d , _e ;
const start = performance . now ( ) ;
const showDebugLog = ( message ) => {
this . showDebugLog ( ( ) => ` [onTrigger] ${ message } ` ) ;
} ;
const onReturnNull = ( message ) => {
showDebugLog ( message ) ;
this . runManually = false ;
this . completionMode = this . matchStrategy . name ;
this . close ( ) ;
} ;
if ( ! this . settings . complementAutomatically && ! this . isOpen && ! this . runManually ) {
onReturnNull ( "Don't show suggestions" ) ;
return null ;
if ( this . settings . disableSuggestionsDuringImeOn && this . appHelper . isIMEOn ( ) && ! this . runManually ) {
onReturnNull ( "Don't show suggestions for IME" ) ;
return null ;
const currentFrontMatter = this . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement ? this . appHelper . getCurrentFrontMatter ( ) : void 0 ;
showDebugLog ( ` Current front matter is ${ currentFrontMatter } ` ) ;
const cl = this . appHelper . getCurrentLine ( editor ) ;
if ( equalsAsLiterals ( this . previousCurrentLine , cl ) && ! this . runManually && ! currentFrontMatter ) {
this . previousCurrentLine = cl ;
onReturnNull ( "Don't show suggestions because there are no changes" ) ;
return null ;
this . previousCurrentLine = cl ;
const currentLineUntilCursor = this . appHelper . getCurrentLineUntilCursor ( editor ) ;
if ( currentLineUntilCursor . startsWith ( "---" ) ) {
onReturnNull (
"Don't show suggestions because it supposes front matter or horizontal line"
) ;
return null ;
const suppressedPattern = this . settings . patternsToSuppressTrigger . find (
( p ) => new RegExp ( p ) . test ( currentLineUntilCursor )
) ;
if ( suppressedPattern ) {
onReturnNull (
` Don't show suggestions because it is the ignored pattern: ${ suppressedPattern } `
) ;
return null ;
if ( this . settings . disableSuggestionsInMathBlock && this . appHelper . inMathBlock ( editor ) ) {
onReturnNull (
` Suggestions are disabled while the cursor is inside a Math block. `
) ;
return null ;
const tokens = this . tokenizer . tokenize ( currentLineUntilCursor , true ) ;
showDebugLog ( ` tokens is ${ tokens } ` ) ;
const tokenized = this . tokenizer . recursiveTokenize ( currentLineUntilCursor ) ;
let currentTokens = tokenized . slice (
tokenized . length > this . settings . maxNumberOfWordsAsPhrase ? tokenized . length - this . settings . maxNumberOfWordsAsPhrase : 0
) ;
showDebugLog ( ` currentTokens is ${ JSON . stringify ( currentTokens ) } ` ) ;
const currentPhrase = ( _a = currentTokens . first ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a . word ;
showDebugLog ( ` currentPhrase is ${ currentPhrase } ` ) ;
if ( ! currentPhrase ) {
onReturnNull ( ` Don't show suggestions because currentPhrase is empty ` ) ;
return null ;
const currentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace = ( _b = currentLineUntilCursor . split ( " " ) . last ( ) ) != null ? _b : "" ;
if ( currentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace === this . pastCurrentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace && ! this . runManually ) {
onReturnNull (
` Don't show suggestions because currentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace doesn't change `
) ;
return null ;
this . pastCurrentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace = currentTokenSeparatedWhiteSpace ;
if ( new RegExp ( ` ^[ ${ this . settings . firstCharactersDisableSuggestions } ] ` ) . test (
) ) {
onReturnNull (
` Don't show suggestions for avoiding to conflict with the other commands. `
) ;
return null ;
if ( currentPhrase . length === 1 && Boolean ( currentPhrase . match ( this . tokenizer . getTrimPattern ( "input" ) ) ) ) {
onReturnNull (
` Don't show suggestions because currentPhrase is TRIM_PATTERN `
) ;
return null ;
if ( ! this . runManually && ! currentFrontMatter && currentPhrase . length < this . minNumberTriggered ) {
onReturnNull (
"Don't show suggestions because currentPhrase is less than minNumberTriggered option"
) ;
return null ;
if ( this . runManually ) {
this . setSelectionLock ( false ) ;
} else {
this . setSelectionLock ( this . settings . noAutoFocusUntilCycle ) ;
showDebugLog ( buildLogMessage ( "onTrigger" , performance . now ( ) - start ) ) ;
this . runManually = false ;
const patterns = this . settings . phrasePatternsToSuppressTrigger ;
const suppressedTokens = patterns . length === 0 || currentFrontMatter ? currentTokens : currentTokens . filter (
( t ) => patterns . every ( ( p ) => ! new RegExp ( ` ^ ${ p } $ ` ) . test ( t . word ) )
) ;
if ( suppressedTokens . length === 0 ) {
onReturnNull (
"Don't show suggestions because all tokens are ignored by token pattern"
) ;
return null ;
const currentToken = currentTokens . last ( ) . word ;
if ( currentFrontMatter && currentToken . match ( /[^ ] $/ ) ) {
currentTokens . push ( { word : "" , offset : currentLineUntilCursor . length } ) ;
this . contextStartCh = cursor . ch - currentPhrase . length ;
return {
start : {
ch : cursor . ch - ( ( _e = ( _d = ( _c = currentTokens . last ( ) ) == null ? void 0 : _c . word ) == null ? void 0 : _d . length ) != null ? _e : 0 ) ,
// For multi-word completion
line : cursor . line
} ,
end : cursor ,
query : JSON . stringify ( {
currentFrontMatter ,
completionMode : this . completionMode ,
queries : suppressedTokens . map ( ( x ) => ( {
... x ,
offset : x . offset - currentTokens [ 0 ] . offset
} ) )
} )
} ;
getSuggestions ( context ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve ) => {
this . debounceGetSuggestions ( context , ( words ) => {
resolve ( words ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
renderSuggestion ( word , el ) {
const base = createDiv ( ) ;
let text2 = word . value ;
if ( word . type === "customDictionary" && word . insertedText && this . settings . displayedTextSuffix ) {
text2 += this . settings . displayedTextSuffix ;
base . createDiv ( {
text : text2 ,
cls : word . type === "internalLink" && word . aliasMeta ? "various-complements__suggestion-item__content__alias" : void 0
} ) ;
const description = this . descriptionOnSuggestion . toDisplay ( word ) ;
if ( description ) {
base . createDiv ( {
cls : "various-complements__suggestion-item__description" ,
text : ` ${ description } `
} ) ;
el . appendChild ( base ) ;
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item" ) ;
switch ( word . type ) {
case "currentFile" :
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item__current-file" ) ;
break ;
case "currentVault" :
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item__current-vault" ) ;
break ;
case "customDictionary" :
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item__custom-dictionary" ) ;
break ;
case "internalLink" :
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item__internal-link" ) ;
if ( word . phantom ) {
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item__phantom" ) ;
break ;
case "frontMatter" :
el . addClass ( "various-complements__suggestion-item__front-matter" ) ;
break ;
constructInternalLinkText ( word , forceWithAlias ) {
if ( ( this . settings . suggestInternalLinkWithAlias || forceWithAlias ) && word . aliasMeta ) {
const { link : link2 } = this . appHelper . optimizeMarkdownLinkText (
word . aliasMeta . origin
) ;
return this . appHelper . useWikiLinks ? ` [[ ${ link2 } | ${ word . value } ]] ` : ` [ ${ word . value } ]( ${ encodeSpace ( link2 ) } .md) ` ;
const pattern = this . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . enabled ? new RegExp (
this . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . beforeRegExp
) : null ;
const match = ( value ) => pattern ? Boolean ( value . match ( pattern ) ) : false ;
const replaceByPattern = ( value ) => pattern ? value . replace (
pattern ,
this . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . after
) : value ;
const { displayed , link } = this . appHelper . optimizeMarkdownLinkText (
word . phantom ? word . value : word . createdPath
) ;
if ( this . appHelper . newLinkFormat === "shortest" && displayed . includes ( "/" ) ) {
return this . appHelper . useWikiLinks ? ` [[ ${ link } | ${ word . value } ]] ` : ` [ ${ word . value } ]( ${ encodeSpace ( link ) } .md) ` ;
if ( this . appHelper . useWikiLinks ) {
return match ( link ) ? ` [[ ${ link } | ${ replaceByPattern ( link ) } ]] ` : ` [[ ${ link } ]] ` ;
return match ( displayed ) ? ` [ ${ replaceByPattern ( displayed ) } ]( ${ encodeSpace ( link ) } .md) ` : ` [ ${ displayed } ]( ${ encodeSpace ( link ) } .md) ` ;
selectSuggestion ( word ) {
var _a , _b ;
this . completionMode = this . matchStrategy . name ;
let forceWithAlias = false ;
let context = this . context ;
if ( ! context ) {
context = this . spareEditorSuggestContext ;
this . spareEditorSuggestContext = null ;
forceWithAlias = true ;
if ( ! context ) {
return ;
let insertedText = word . value ;
if ( word . type === "internalLink" ) {
insertedText = this . constructInternalLinkText ( word , forceWithAlias ) ;
if ( word . type === "frontMatter" ) {
if ( isInternalLink ( insertedText ) ) {
insertedText = ` " ${ insertedText } " ` ;
if ( this . settings . insertCommaAfterFrontMatterCompletion ) {
insertedText = ` ${ insertedText } , ` ;
} else {
if ( this . settings . insertSpaceAfterCompletion && ! ( word . type === "customDictionary" && word . ignoreSpaceAfterCompletion ) ) {
insertedText = ` ${ insertedText } ` ;
let positionToMove = - 1 ;
if ( word . type === "customDictionary" ) {
if ( word . insertedText ) {
insertedText = word . insertedText ;
const caret = word . caretSymbol ;
if ( caret ) {
positionToMove = insertedText . indexOf ( caret ) ;
insertedText = insertedText . replace ( caret , "" ) ;
const editor = context . editor ;
editor . replaceRange (
insertedText ,
... context . start ,
ch : this . contextStartCh + word . offset
} ,
context . end
) ;
if ( positionToMove !== - 1 ) {
editor . setCursor (
editor . offsetToPos (
editor . posToOffset ( editor . getCursor ( ) ) - insertedText . length + positionToMove
) ;
if ( this . appHelper . equalsAsEditorPosition ( context . start , context . end ) ) {
editor . setCursor (
editor . offsetToPos (
editor . posToOffset ( editor . getCursor ( ) ) + insertedText . length
) ;
( _a = this . selectionHistoryStorage ) == null ? void 0 : _a . increment ( word ) ;
if ( this . settings . showLogAboutPerformanceInConsole ) {
console . log ( "--- history ---" ) ;
console . log ( ( _b = this . selectionHistoryStorage ) == null ? void 0 : _b . data ) ;
this . close ( ) ;
this . debounceClose ( ) ;
showDebugLog ( toMessage ) {
if ( this . settings . showLogAboutPerformanceInConsole ) {
console . log ( toMessage ( ) ) ;
setSelectionLock ( lock ) {
this . selectionLock = lock ;
const lockClass = "various-complements__selection-lock" ;
const body = document . querySelector ( "body" ) ;
if ( lock ) {
body . addClass ( lockClass ) ;
} else {
body . removeClass ( lockClass ) ;
} ;
// src/setting/settings.ts
var import _obsidian7 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// src/setting/settings-helper.ts
var TextComponentEvent ;
( ( TextComponentEvent2 ) => {
function onChange ( component , handler , option ) {
component . inputEl . addEventListener ( "change" , async ( ev ) => {
if ( ! ( ev . target instanceof HTMLInputElement ) ) {
return ;
handler ( ev . target . value ) ;
} ) ;
if ( option == null ? void 0 : option . className ) {
component . inputEl . className = option . className ;
return component ;
TextComponentEvent2 . onChange = onChange ;
} ) ( TextComponentEvent || ( TextComponentEvent = { } ) ) ;
// src/keys.ts
var import _obsidian6 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
var MOD = import _obsidian6 . Platform . isMacOS ? "Cmd" : "Ctrl" ;
var ALT = import _obsidian6 . Platform . isMacOS ? "Option" : "Alt" ;
function hotkey2String ( hotkey ) {
if ( ! hotkey ) {
return "" ;
const mods = hotkey . modifiers . join ( " " ) ;
return mods ? ` ${ mods } ${ hotkey . key } ` : hotkey . key ;
function string2Hotkey ( hotKey , hideHotkeyGuide ) {
const keys = hotKey . split ( " " ) ;
if ( keys . length === 1 ) {
return keys [ 0 ] === "" ? null : { modifiers : [ ] , key : keys [ 0 ] , hideHotkeyGuide } ;
return {
modifiers : keys . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ,
key : keys . at ( - 1 ) ,
} ;
// src/types.ts
function isPresent ( arg ) {
return arg != null ;
// src/setting/settings.ts
// general
strategy : "default" ,
cedictPath : "./cedict_ts.u8" ,
matchStrategy : "prefix" ,
fuzzyMatch : true ,
minFuzzyMatchScore : 0.5 ,
matchingWithoutEmoji : true ,
treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters : false ,
treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord : false ,
maxNumberOfSuggestions : 5 ,
maxNumberOfWordsAsPhrase : 3 ,
minNumberOfCharactersTriggered : 0 ,
minNumberOfWordsTriggeredPhrase : 1 ,
complementAutomatically : true ,
delayMilliSeconds : 0 ,
disableSuggestionsDuringImeOn : false ,
disableSuggestionsInMathBlock : false ,
insertSpaceAfterCompletion : false ,
firstCharactersDisableSuggestions : ":/^" ,
patternsToSuppressTrigger : [ "^~~~.*" , "^```.*" ] ,
phrasePatternsToSuppressTrigger : [ ] ,
noAutoFocusUntilCycle : false ,
// appearance
showMatchStrategy : false ,
showComplementAutomatically : false ,
showIndexingStatus : false ,
descriptionOnSuggestion : "Short" ,
// key customization
hotkeys : {
select : [ { modifiers : [ ] , key : "Enter" } ] ,
"select with custom alias" : [ ] ,
up : [ { modifiers : [ ] , key : "ArrowUp" } ] ,
down : [ { modifiers : [ ] , key : "ArrowDown" } ] ,
"select 1st" : [ ] ,
"select 2nd" : [ ] ,
"select 3rd" : [ ] ,
"select 4th" : [ ] ,
"select 5th" : [ ] ,
"select 6th" : [ ] ,
"select 7th" : [ ] ,
"select 8th" : [ ] ,
"select 9th" : [ ] ,
open : [ ] ,
completion : [ ] ,
"insert as text" : [ ]
} ,
propagateEsc : false ,
// current file complement
enableCurrentFileComplement : true ,
currentFileMinNumberOfCharacters : 0 ,
onlyComplementEnglishOnCurrentFileComplement : false ,
excludeCurrentFileWordPatterns : [ ] ,
// current vault complement
enableCurrentVaultComplement : false ,
currentVaultMinNumberOfCharacters : 0 ,
includeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns : "" ,
excludeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns : "" ,
includeCurrentVaultOnlyFilesUnderCurrentDirectory : false ,
excludeCurrentVaultWordPatterns : [ ] ,
// custom dictionary complement
enableCustomDictionaryComplement : false ,
customDictionaryPaths : ` https://raw.githubusercontent.com/first20hours/google-10000-english/master/google-10000-english-no-swears.txt ` ,
columnDelimiter : "Tab" ,
customDictionaryWordRegexPattern : "" ,
delimiterToHideSuggestion : "" ,
delimiterToDivideSuggestionsForDisplayFromInsertion : "" ,
caretLocationSymbolAfterComplement : "" ,
displayedTextSuffix : " => ..." ,
// internal link complement
enableInternalLinkComplement : true ,
suggestInternalLinkWithAlias : false ,
excludeInternalLinkPathPrefixPatterns : "" ,
updateInternalLinksOnSave : true ,
insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink : {
enabled : false ,
beforeRegExp : "" ,
after : ""
} ,
frontMatterKeyForExclusionInternalLink : "" ,
// front matter complement
enableFrontMatterComplement : false ,
frontMatterComplementMatchStrategy : "inherit" ,
insertCommaAfterFrontMatterCompletion : false ,
intelligentSuggestionPrioritization : {
enabled : true ,
historyFilePath : "" ,
maxDaysToKeepHistory : 30 ,
maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep : 0
} ,
// mobile
disableOnMobile : false ,
// debug
showLogAboutPerformanceInConsole : false
} ;
var VariousComplementsSettingTab = class extends import _obsidian7 . PluginSettingTab {
constructor ( app2 , plugin ) {
super ( app2 , plugin ) ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
async display ( ) {
let { containerEl } = this ;
containerEl . empty ( ) ;
containerEl . createEl ( "h2" , { text : "Various Complements - Settings" } ) ;
await this . addMainSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addAppearanceSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addKeyCustomizationSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addCurrentFileComplementSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addCurrentVaultComplementSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addCustomDictionaryComplementSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addInternalLinkComplementSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addFrontMatterComplementSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addIntelligentSuggestionPrioritizationSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addMobileSettings ( containerEl ) ;
this . addDebugSettings ( containerEl ) ;
async addMainSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Main" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__main"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Strategy" ) . addDropdown (
( tc ) => tc . addOptions ( mirrorMap ( TokenizeStrategy . values ( ) , ( x ) => x . name ) ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . strategy ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . strategy = value ;
this . display ( ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( {
currentFile : true ,
currentVault : true
} ) ;
} )
) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . strategy === TokenizeStrategy . CHINESE . name ) {
const df = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
df . append (
createSpan ( {
text : "The path to `cedict_ts.u8`. You can download it from "
} ) ,
createEl ( "a" , {
href : "https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/dictionary?page=cc-cedict" ,
text : " the site "
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "CC-CEDICT path" ) . setDesc ( df ) . setClass ( "various-complements__settings__nested" ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
TextComponentEvent . onChange ( cb , async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . cedictPath = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
await this . display ( ) ;
} ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . cedictPath ) ;
} ) ;
const hasCedict = await app . vault . adapter . exists (
this . plugin . settings . cedictPath
) ;
if ( ! hasCedict ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "div" , {
text : ` \u 26A0 cedict_ts.u8 doesn't exist in ${ this . plugin . settings . cedictPath } . ` ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__warning"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Match strategy" ) . addDropdown (
( tc ) => tc . addOptions ( mirrorMap ( MatchStrategy . values ( ) , ( x ) => x . name ) ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . matchStrategy ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . matchStrategy = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
} )
) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . matchStrategy === MatchStrategy . PARTIAL . name ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "div" , {
text : "\u26A0 `partial` is more than 10 times slower than `prefix`" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__warning"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Fuzzy match" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . fuzzyMatch ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . fuzzyMatch = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Min fuzzy match score" ) . setDesc (
"It only shows suggestions whose fuzzy matched score is more than the specific value."
) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 5 , 0.1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . minFuzzyMatchScore ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . minFuzzyMatchScore = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Treat accent diacritics as alphabetic characters." ) . setDesc ( "Ex: If enabled, 'aaa' matches with '\xE1\xE4\u0101'" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( {
internalLink : true ,
customDictionary : true ,
currentVault : true ,
currentFile : true
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( TokenizeStrategy . fromName ( this . plugin . settings . strategy ) . canTreatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Treat an underscore as a part of a word." ) . setDesc (
"If this setting is enabled, aaa_bbb will be tokenized as a single token aaa_bbb, rather than being split into aaa and bbb."
) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . treatUnderscoreAsPartOfWord = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( {
internalLink : true ,
customDictionary : true ,
currentVault : true ,
currentFile : true
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Matching without emoji" ) . setDesc ( "Ex: If enabled, 'aaa' matches with '\u{1F600}aaa'" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( {
internalLink : true ,
customDictionary : true ,
currentVault : true ,
currentFile : true
} ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Max number of suggestions" ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 1 , 255 , 1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . maxNumberOfSuggestions ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . maxNumberOfSuggestions = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Max number of words as a phrase" ) . setDesc ( ` [ \u 26A0Warning] It makes slower more than N times (N is set value) ` ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 1 , 10 , 1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . maxNumberOfWordsAsPhrase ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . maxNumberOfWordsAsPhrase = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Min number of characters for trigger" ) . setDesc (
"Setting the value to 0 does not mean the suggestion will be triggered without any inputted character. Instead, a designated value will be used depending on the Strategy you choose."
) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 10 , 1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . minNumberOfCharactersTriggered ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . minNumberOfCharactersTriggered = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Min number of words for trigger" ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 1 , 10 , 1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . minNumberOfWordsTriggeredPhrase ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . minNumberOfWordsTriggeredPhrase = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Complement automatically" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . complementAutomatically ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . complementAutomatically = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Delay milli-seconds for trigger" ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 1e3 , 10 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . delayMilliSeconds ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . delayMilliSeconds = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Disable suggestions during IME on" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . disableSuggestionsDuringImeOn
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . disableSuggestionsDuringImeOn = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Disable suggestions in the Math block" ) . setDesc ( "It doesn't support the inline Math block." ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . disableSuggestionsInMathBlock
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . disableSuggestionsInMathBlock = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Insert space after completion" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . insertSpaceAfterCompletion ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . insertSpaceAfterCompletion = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "First characters to disable suggestions" ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . firstCharactersDisableSuggestions
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . firstCharactersDisableSuggestions = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Line patterns to suppress trigger" ) . setDesc (
"Regular expression line patterns (partial match) until the cursor, that suppresses the activation of autocomplete. Multiple patterns can be defined with line breaks."
) . addTextArea ( ( tc ) => {
const el = tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . patternsToSuppressTrigger . join ( "\n" ) ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . patternsToSuppressTrigger = smartLineBreakSplit ( value ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path-dense" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Phrase patterns to suppress trigger" ) . setDesc (
"Regular expression patterns (exact match) that suppress the activation of autocomplete. Multiple patterns can be defined with line breaks."
) . addTextArea ( ( tc ) => {
const el = tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . phrasePatternsToSuppressTrigger . join ( "\n" )
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . phrasePatternsToSuppressTrigger = smartLineBreakSplit ( value ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path-dense" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "No auto-focus until the cycle" ) . setDesc ( "No focus on the suggestions until the cycle key is pressed." ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . noAutoFocusUntilCycle ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . noAutoFocusUntilCycle = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
addAppearanceSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Appearance" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__appearance"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show Match strategy" ) . setDesc (
"Show Match strategy at the status bar. Changing this option requires a restart to take effect."
) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . showMatchStrategy ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . showMatchStrategy = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show Complement automatically" ) . setDesc (
"Show complement automatically at the status bar. Changing this option requires a restart to take effect."
) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . showComplementAutomatically ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . showComplementAutomatically = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show Indexing status" ) . setDesc (
"Show indexing status at the status bar. Changing this option requires a restart to take effect."
) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . showIndexingStatus ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . showIndexingStatus = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Description on a suggestion" ) . addDropdown (
( tc ) => tc . addOptions (
mirrorMap ( DescriptionOnSuggestion . values ( ) , ( x ) => x . name )
) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . descriptionOnSuggestion ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . descriptionOnSuggestion = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
addKeyCustomizationSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Key customization" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__key-customization"
} ) ;
const div = createDiv ( {
cls : "various-complements__settings__popup-hotkey"
} ) ;
containerEl . append ( div ) ;
const li = createEl ( "li" ) ;
li . append (
"You can know the keycode at " ,
createEl ( "a" , {
text : "keycode.info" ,
href : "https://keycode.info/"
} ) ,
". (Press any key and show 'event.key')"
) ;
const ul = createEl ( "ul" ) ;
ul . createEl ( "li" , {
text : "'Ctrl a' means pressing the Ctrl key and the A key."
} ) ;
ul . createEl ( "li" , {
text : "'Enter|Tab' means pressing the Enter key or the Tab key."
} ) ;
ul . createEl ( "li" , {
text : "Use 'Mod' instead of 'Ctrl' on Windows or 'Cmd' on macOS."
} ) ;
ul . append ( li ) ;
const df = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) ;
df . append ( ul ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( div ) . setHeading ( ) . setName ( "Hotkeys" ) . setDesc ( df ) ;
const hotkeys = this . plugin . settings . hotkeys ;
Object . keys ( hotkeys ) . forEach ( ( k ) => {
const key = k ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( div ) . setName ( key ) . setClass ( "various-complements__settings__popup-hotkey-item" ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
return cb . setValue ( hotkeys [ key ] . map ( hotkey2String ) . join ( "|" ) ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
hotkeys [ key ] = value . split ( "|" ) . map ( ( x ) => string2Hotkey ( x , false ) ) . filter ( isPresent ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Propagate ESC" ) . setDesc (
"It is handy if you use Vim mode because you can switch to Normal mode by one ESC, whether it shows suggestions or not."
) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . propagateEsc ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . propagateEsc = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
addCurrentFileComplementSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Current file complement" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__current-file"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Enable Current file complement" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enableCurrentFileComplement ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enableCurrentFileComplement = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { currentFile : true } ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . enableCurrentFileComplement ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Min number of characters for indexing" ) . setDesc ( "It uses a default value of Strategy if set 0." ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 15 , 1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . currentFileMinNumberOfCharacters ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . currentFileMinNumberOfCharacters = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { currentFile : true } ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Only complement English on current file complement" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . onlyComplementEnglishOnCurrentFileComplement
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . onlyComplementEnglishOnCurrentFileComplement = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { currentFile : true } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Exclude word patterns for indexing" ) . setDesc (
"Regexp patterns for words to be excluded from the suggestions, separated by line breaks."
) . addTextArea ( ( tc ) => {
const el = tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . excludeCurrentFileWordPatterns . join ( "\n" )
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . excludeCurrentFileWordPatterns = smartLineBreakSplit ( value ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path-dense" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
addCurrentVaultComplementSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Current vault complement" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__current-vault"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Enable Current vault complement" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enableCurrentVaultComplement ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enableCurrentVaultComplement = value ;
this . display ( ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { currentVault : true } ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . enableCurrentVaultComplement ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Min number of characters for indexing" ) . setDesc ( "It uses a default value of Strategy if set 0." ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 15 , 1 ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . currentVaultMinNumberOfCharacters ) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . currentVaultMinNumberOfCharacters = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Include prefix path patterns" ) . setDesc ( "Prefix match path patterns to include files." ) . addTextArea ( ( tac ) => {
const el = tac . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . includeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns
) . setPlaceholder ( "Private/" ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . includeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Exclude prefix path patterns" ) . setDesc ( "Prefix match path patterns to exclude files." ) . addTextArea ( ( tac ) => {
const el = tac . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . excludeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns
) . setPlaceholder ( "Private/" ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . excludeCurrentVaultPathPrefixPatterns = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Include only files under current directory" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . includeCurrentVaultOnlyFilesUnderCurrentDirectory
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . includeCurrentVaultOnlyFilesUnderCurrentDirectory = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Exclude word patterns for indexing" ) . setDesc (
"Regexp patterns for words to be excluded from the suggestions, separated by line breaks."
) . addTextArea ( ( tc ) => {
const el = tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . excludeCurrentVaultWordPatterns . join ( "\n" )
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . excludeCurrentVaultWordPatterns = smartLineBreakSplit ( value ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path-dense" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
addCustomDictionaryComplementSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Custom dictionary complement" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__custom-dictionary"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Enable Custom dictionary complement" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . enableCustomDictionaryComplement
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enableCustomDictionaryComplement = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { customDictionary : true } ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . enableCustomDictionaryComplement ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Custom dictionary paths" ) . setDesc (
"Specify either a relative path from Vault root or URL for each line."
) . addTextArea ( ( tac ) => {
const el = tac . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . customDictionaryPaths ) . setPlaceholder ( "dictionary.md" ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . customDictionaryPaths = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Column delimiter" ) . addDropdown (
( tc ) => tc . addOptions ( mirrorMap ( ColumnDelimiter . values ( ) , ( x ) => x . name ) ) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . columnDelimiter ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . columnDelimiter = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Word regex pattern" ) . setDesc ( "Only load words that match the regular expression pattern." ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . customDictionaryWordRegexPattern
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . customDictionaryWordRegexPattern = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Delimiter to hide a suggestion" ) . setDesc (
"If set ';;;', 'abcd;;;efg' is shown as 'abcd' on suggestions, but completes to 'abcdefg'."
) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . delimiterToHideSuggestion ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . delimiterToHideSuggestion = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName (
"Delimiter to divide suggestions for display from ones for insertion"
) . setDesc (
"If set ' >>> ', 'displayed >>> inserted' is shown as 'displayed' on suggestions, but completes to 'inserted'."
) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . delimiterToDivideSuggestionsForDisplayFromInsertion
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . delimiterToDivideSuggestionsForDisplayFromInsertion = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Caret location symbol after complement" ) . setDesc (
"If set '<CARET>' and there is '<li><CARET></li>' in custom dictionary, it complements '<li></li>' and move a caret where between '<li>' and `</li>`."
) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . caretLocationSymbolAfterComplement
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . caretLocationSymbolAfterComplement = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Displayed text suffix" ) . setDesc (
"It shows as a suffix of displayed text if there is a difference between displayed and inserted"
) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . displayedTextSuffix ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . displayedTextSuffix = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
addInternalLinkComplementSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Internal link complement" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__internal-link"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Enable Internal link complement" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enableInternalLinkComplement ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enableInternalLinkComplement = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { internalLink : true } ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . enableInternalLinkComplement ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Suggest with an alias" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . suggestInternalLinkWithAlias
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . suggestInternalLinkWithAlias = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { internalLink : true } ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Update internal links on save" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . updateInternalLinksOnSave ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . updateInternalLinksOnSave = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { internalLink : true } ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName (
"Insert an alias that is transformed from the displayed internal link"
) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . enabled
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . enabled = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . enabled ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Before: regular expression pattern with captures" ) . setDesc ( String . raw ` Ex: (?<name>.+) \( .+ \) $ ` ) . setClass ( "various-complements__settings__nested" ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . beforeRegExp
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . beforeRegExp = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "After" ) . setDesc ( "Ex: $<name>" ) . setClass ( "various-complements__settings__nested" ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
cb . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . after
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . insertAliasTransformedFromDisplayedInternalLink . after = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Exclude prefix path patterns" ) . setDesc ( "Prefix match path patterns to exclude files." ) . addTextArea ( ( tac ) => {
const el = tac . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . excludeInternalLinkPathPrefixPatterns
) . setPlaceholder ( "Private/" ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . excludeInternalLinkPathPrefixPatterns = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
el . inputEl . className = "various-complements__settings__text-area-path" ;
return el ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Front matter key for exclusion" ) . setDesc (
"Exclude internal links from the suggestions if whose front matters have the key whose name is same as this setting, and the value is 'true'"
) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
TextComponentEvent . onChange ( cb , async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . frontMatterKeyForExclusionInternalLink = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { internalLink : true } ) ;
} ) . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . frontMatterKeyForExclusionInternalLink
) ;
} ) ;
addFrontMatterComplementSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Front matter complement" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__front-matter"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Enable Front matter complement" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { frontMatter : true } ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . enableFrontMatterComplement ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Match strategy in the front matter" ) . addDropdown (
( tc ) => tc . addOptions (
mirrorMap ( SpecificMatchStrategy . values ( ) , ( x ) => x . name )
) . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . frontMatterComplementMatchStrategy ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . frontMatterComplementMatchStrategy = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Insert comma after completion" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . insertCommaAfterFrontMatterCompletion
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . insertCommaAfterFrontMatterCompletion = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
addIntelligentSuggestionPrioritizationSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Intelligent suggestion prioritization" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__intelligent-suggestion-prioritization"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Enable Intelligent Suggestion Prioritization" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . enabled
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . enabled = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( {
intelligentSuggestionPrioritization : true
} ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . enabled ) {
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "history file path" ) . setDesc ( ` Default: ${ DEFAULT _HISTORIES _PATH } ` ) . addText ( ( cb ) => {
TextComponentEvent . onChange ( cb , async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . historyFilePath = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( {
intelligentSuggestionPrioritization : true
} ) ;
} ) . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . historyFilePath
) ;
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Max days to keep history" ) . setDesc ( "If set 0, it will never remove" ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 365 , 1 ) . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . maxDaysToKeepHistory
) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . maxDaysToKeepHistory = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Max number of history to keep" ) . setDesc ( "If set 0, it will never remove" ) . addSlider (
( sc ) => sc . setLimits ( 0 , 1e4 , 1 ) . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep
) . setDynamicTooltip ( ) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . maxNumberOfHistoryToKeep = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} )
) ;
addMobileSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Mobile" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__mobile"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Disable on mobile" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue ( this . plugin . settings . disableOnMobile ) . onChange (
async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . disableOnMobile = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
) ;
} ) ;
addDebugSettings ( containerEl ) {
containerEl . createEl ( "h3" , {
text : "Debug" ,
cls : "various-complements__settings__header various-complements__settings__header__debug"
} ) ;
new import _obsidian7 . Setting ( containerEl ) . setName ( "Show log about performance in a console" ) . addToggle ( ( tc ) => {
tc . setValue (
this . plugin . settings . showLogAboutPerformanceInConsole
) . onChange ( async ( value ) => {
this . plugin . settings . showLogAboutPerformanceInConsole = value ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
async toggleMatchStrategy ( ) {
switch ( this . plugin . settings . matchStrategy ) {
case "prefix" :
this . plugin . settings . matchStrategy = "partial" ;
break ;
case "partial" :
this . plugin . settings . matchStrategy = "prefix" ;
break ;
default :
new import _obsidian7 . Notice ( "\u26A0Unexpected error" ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
async toggleComplementAutomatically ( ) {
this . plugin . settings . complementAutomatically = ! this . plugin . settings . complementAutomatically ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( ) ;
async ensureCustomDictionaryPath ( path , state ) {
const paths = this . plugin . settings . customDictionaryPaths . split ( "\n" ) ;
const exists = paths . some ( ( x ) => x === path ) ;
if ( exists && state === "present" || ! exists && state === "absent" ) {
return false ;
const newPaths = state === "present" ? [ ... paths , path ] : paths . filter ( ( x ) => x !== path ) ;
this . plugin . settings . customDictionaryPaths = newPaths . join ( "\n" ) ;
await this . plugin . saveSettings ( { customDictionary : true } ) ;
return true ;
getPluginSettingsAsJsonString ( ) {
return JSON . stringify (
version : this . plugin . manifest . version ,
mobile : this . app . isMobile ,
settings : this . plugin . settings
} ,
null ,
) ;
} ;
// src/ui/ProviderStatusBar.ts
var ProviderStatusBar = class _ProviderStatusBar {
constructor ( currentFile , currentVault , customDictionary , internalLink , frontMatter , matchStrategy , complementAutomatically ) {
this . currentFile = currentFile ;
this . currentVault = currentVault ;
this . customDictionary = customDictionary ;
this . internalLink = internalLink ;
this . frontMatter = frontMatter ;
this . matchStrategy = matchStrategy ;
this . complementAutomatically = complementAutomatically ;
static new ( statusBar , showMatchStrategy , showIndexingStatus , showComplementAutomatically ) {
const currentFile = showIndexingStatus ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__current-file"
} ) : null ;
const currentVault = showIndexingStatus ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__current-vault"
} ) : null ;
const customDictionary = showIndexingStatus ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__custom-dictionary"
} ) : null ;
const internalLink = showIndexingStatus ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__internal-link"
} ) : null ;
const frontMatter = showIndexingStatus ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__front-matter"
} ) : null ;
const matchStrategy = showMatchStrategy ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__match-strategy"
} ) : null ;
const complementAutomatically = showComplementAutomatically ? statusBar . createEl ( "span" , {
text : "---" ,
cls : "various-complements__footer various-complements__footer__complement-automatically"
} ) : null ;
return new _ProviderStatusBar (
currentFile ,
currentVault ,
customDictionary ,
internalLink ,
frontMatter ,
matchStrategy ,
) ;
setOnClickStrategyListener ( listener ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . matchStrategy ) == null ? void 0 : _a . addEventListener ( "click" , listener ) ;
setOnClickComplementAutomatically ( listener ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . complementAutomatically ) == null ? void 0 : _a . addEventListener ( "click" , listener ) ;
setCurrentFileDisabled ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . currentFile ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "---" ) ;
setCurrentVaultDisabled ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . currentVault ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "---" ) ;
setCustomDictionaryDisabled ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . customDictionary ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "---" ) ;
setInternalLinkDisabled ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . internalLink ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "---" ) ;
setFrontMatterDisabled ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "---" ) ;
setCurrentFileIndexing ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . currentFile ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "indexing..." ) ;
setCurrentVaultIndexing ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . currentVault ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "indexing..." ) ;
setCustomDictionaryIndexing ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . customDictionary ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "indexing..." ) ;
setInternalLinkIndexing ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . internalLink ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "indexing..." ) ;
setFrontMatterIndexing ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( "indexing..." ) ;
setCurrentFileIndexed ( count ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . currentFile ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( String ( count ) ) ;
setCurrentVaultIndexed ( count ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . currentVault ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( String ( count ) ) ;
setCustomDictionaryIndexed ( count ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . customDictionary ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( String ( count ) ) ;
setInternalLinkIndexed ( count ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . internalLink ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( String ( count ) ) ;
setFrontMatterIndexed ( count ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . frontMatter ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( String ( count ) ) ;
setMatchStrategy ( strategy ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . matchStrategy ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( strategy . name ) ;
setComplementAutomatically ( automatically ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . complementAutomatically ) == null ? void 0 : _a . setText ( automatically ? "auto" : "manual" ) ;
} ;
// src/ui/CustomDictionaryWordAddModal.ts
var import _obsidian8 = require ( "obsidian" ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/utils.js
function noop ( ) {
function assign ( tar , src ) {
for ( const k in src ) tar [ k ] = src [ k ] ;
return (
/** @type {T & S} */
) ;
function run ( fn ) {
return fn ( ) ;
function blank _object ( ) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ Object . create ( null ) ;
function run _all ( fns ) {
fns . forEach ( run ) ;
function is _function ( thing ) {
return typeof thing === "function" ;
function safe _not _equal ( a , b ) {
return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || a && typeof a === "object" || typeof a === "function" ;
function is _empty ( obj ) {
return Object . keys ( obj ) . length === 0 ;
function create _slot ( definition , ctx , $$scope , fn ) {
if ( definition ) {
const slot _ctx = get _slot _context ( definition , ctx , $$scope , fn ) ;
return definition [ 0 ] ( slot _ctx ) ;
function get _slot _context ( definition , ctx , $$scope , fn ) {
return definition [ 1 ] && fn ? assign ( $$scope . ctx . slice ( ) , definition [ 1 ] ( fn ( ctx ) ) ) : $$scope . ctx ;
function get _slot _changes ( definition , $$scope , dirty , fn ) {
if ( definition [ 2 ] && fn ) {
const lets = definition [ 2 ] ( fn ( dirty ) ) ;
if ( $$scope . dirty === void 0 ) {
return lets ;
if ( typeof lets === "object" ) {
const merged = [ ] ;
const len = Math . max ( $$scope . dirty . length , lets . length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < len ; i += 1 ) {
merged [ i ] = $$scope . dirty [ i ] | lets [ i ] ;
return merged ;
return $$scope . dirty | lets ;
return $$scope . dirty ;
function update _slot _base ( slot , slot _definition , ctx , $$scope , slot _changes , get _slot _context _fn ) {
if ( slot _changes ) {
const slot _context = get _slot _context ( slot _definition , ctx , $$scope , get _slot _context _fn ) ;
slot . p ( slot _context , slot _changes ) ;
function get _all _dirty _from _scope ( $$scope ) {
if ( $$scope . ctx . length > 32 ) {
const dirty = [ ] ;
const length = $$scope . ctx . length / 32 ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
dirty [ i ] = - 1 ;
return dirty ;
return - 1 ;
function exclude _internal _props ( props ) {
const result = { } ;
for ( const k in props ) if ( k [ 0 ] !== "$" ) result [ k ] = props [ k ] ;
return result ;
function compute _rest _props ( props , keys ) {
const rest = { } ;
keys = new Set ( keys ) ;
for ( const k in props ) if ( ! keys . has ( k ) && k [ 0 ] !== "$" ) rest [ k ] = props [ k ] ;
return rest ;
function null _to _empty ( value ) {
return value == null ? "" : value ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/globals.js
var globals = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : (
// @ts-ignore Node typings have this
) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/ResizeObserverSingleton.js
var ResizeObserverSingleton = class _ResizeObserverSingleton {
/** @param {ResizeObserverOptions} options */
constructor ( options ) {
/ * *
* @ private
* @ readonly
* @ type { WeakMap < Element , import ( './private.js' ) . Listener > }
* /
_ _publicField ( this , "_listeners" , "WeakMap" in globals ? /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap ( ) : void 0 ) ;
/ * *
* @ private
* @ type { ResizeObserver }
* /
_ _publicField ( this , "_observer" ) ;
/** @type {ResizeObserverOptions} */
_ _publicField ( this , "options" ) ;
this . options = options ;
/ * *
* @ param { Element } element
* @ param { import ( './private.js' ) . Listener } listener
* @ returns { ( ) => void }
* /
observe ( element2 , listener ) {
this . _listeners . set ( element2 , listener ) ;
this . _getObserver ( ) . observe ( element2 , this . options ) ;
return ( ) => {
this . _listeners . delete ( element2 ) ;
this . _observer . unobserve ( element2 ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ private
* /
_getObserver ( ) {
var _a ;
return ( _a = this . _observer ) != null ? _a : this . _observer = new ResizeObserver ( ( entries ) => {
var _a2 ;
for ( const entry of entries ) {
_ResizeObserverSingleton . entries . set ( entry . target , entry ) ;
( _a2 = this . _listeners . get ( entry . target ) ) == null ? void 0 : _a2 ( entry ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
ResizeObserverSingleton . entries = "WeakMap" in globals ? /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap ( ) : void 0 ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/dom.js
var is _hydrating = false ;
function start _hydrating ( ) {
is _hydrating = true ;
function end _hydrating ( ) {
is _hydrating = false ;
function append ( target , node ) {
target . appendChild ( node ) ;
function append _styles ( target , style _sheet _id , styles ) {
const append _styles _to = get _root _for _style ( target ) ;
if ( ! append _styles _to . getElementById ( style _sheet _id ) ) {
const style = element ( "style" ) ;
style . id = style _sheet _id ;
style . textContent = styles ;
append _stylesheet ( append _styles _to , style ) ;
function get _root _for _style ( node ) {
if ( ! node ) return document ;
const root = node . getRootNode ? node . getRootNode ( ) : node . ownerDocument ;
if ( root && /** @type {ShadowRoot} */
root . host ) {
return (
/** @type {ShadowRoot} */
) ;
return node . ownerDocument ;
function append _stylesheet ( node , style ) {
append (
/** @type {Document} */
node . head || node ,
) ;
return style . sheet ;
function insert ( target , node , anchor ) {
target . insertBefore ( node , anchor || null ) ;
function detach ( node ) {
if ( node . parentNode ) {
node . parentNode . removeChild ( node ) ;
function destroy _each ( iterations , detaching ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < iterations . length ; i += 1 ) {
if ( iterations [ i ] ) iterations [ i ] . d ( detaching ) ;
function element ( name ) {
return document . createElement ( name ) ;
function svg _element ( name ) {
return document . createElementNS ( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , name ) ;
function text ( data ) {
return document . createTextNode ( data ) ;
function space ( ) {
return text ( " " ) ;
function listen ( node , event , handler , options ) {
node . addEventListener ( event , handler , options ) ;
return ( ) => node . removeEventListener ( event , handler , options ) ;
function attr ( node , attribute , value ) {
if ( value == null ) node . removeAttribute ( attribute ) ;
else if ( node . getAttribute ( attribute ) !== value ) node . setAttribute ( attribute , value ) ;
function set _svg _attributes ( node , attributes ) {
for ( const key in attributes ) {
attr ( node , key , attributes [ key ] ) ;
function children ( element2 ) {
return Array . from ( element2 . childNodes ) ;
function set _data ( text2 , data ) {
data = "" + data ;
if ( text2 . data === data ) return ;
text2 . data = /** @type {string} */
data ;
function set _input _value ( input , value ) {
input . value = value == null ? "" : value ;
function set _style ( node , key , value , important ) {
if ( value == null ) {
node . style . removeProperty ( key ) ;
} else {
node . style . setProperty ( key , value , important ? "important" : "" ) ;
function select _option ( select2 , value , mounting ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < select2 . options . length ; i += 1 ) {
const option = select2 . options [ i ] ;
if ( option . _ _value === value ) {
option . selected = true ;
return ;
if ( ! mounting || value !== void 0 ) {
select2 . selectedIndex = - 1 ;
function select _value ( select2 ) {
const selected _option = select2 . querySelector ( ":checked" ) ;
return selected _option && selected _option . _ _value ;
function toggle _class ( element2 , name , toggle ) {
element2 . classList . toggle ( name , ! ! toggle ) ;
function custom _event ( type , detail , { bubbles = false , cancelable = false } = { } ) {
return new CustomEvent ( type , { detail , bubbles , cancelable } ) ;
function get _custom _elements _slots ( element2 ) {
const result = { } ;
element2 . childNodes . forEach (
/** @param {Element} node */
( node ) => {
result [ node . slot || "default" ] = true ;
) ;
return result ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/lifecycle.js
var current _component ;
function set _current _component ( component ) {
current _component = component ;
function get _current _component ( ) {
if ( ! current _component ) throw new Error ( "Function called outside component initialization" ) ;
return current _component ;
function onMount ( fn ) {
get _current _component ( ) . $$ . on _mount . push ( fn ) ;
function createEventDispatcher ( ) {
const component = get _current _component ( ) ;
return ( type , detail , { cancelable = false } = { } ) => {
const callbacks = component . $$ . callbacks [ type ] ;
if ( callbacks ) {
const event = custom _event (
/** @type {string} */
type ,
detail ,
{ cancelable }
) ;
callbacks . slice ( ) . forEach ( ( fn ) => {
fn . call ( component , event ) ;
} ) ;
return ! event . defaultPrevented ;
return true ;
} ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/scheduler.js
var dirty _components = [ ] ;
var binding _callbacks = [ ] ;
var render _callbacks = [ ] ;
var flush _callbacks = [ ] ;
var resolved _promise = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise . resolve ( ) ;
var update _scheduled = false ;
function schedule _update ( ) {
if ( ! update _scheduled ) {
update _scheduled = true ;
resolved _promise . then ( flush ) ;
function add _render _callback ( fn ) {
render _callbacks . push ( fn ) ;
var seen _callbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( ) ;
var flushidx = 0 ;
function flush ( ) {
if ( flushidx !== 0 ) {
return ;
const saved _component = current _component ;
do {
try {
while ( flushidx < dirty _components . length ) {
const component = dirty _components [ flushidx ] ;
flushidx ++ ;
set _current _component ( component ) ;
update ( component . $$ ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
dirty _components . length = 0 ;
flushidx = 0 ;
throw e ;
set _current _component ( null ) ;
dirty _components . length = 0 ;
flushidx = 0 ;
while ( binding _callbacks . length ) binding _callbacks . pop ( ) ( ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < render _callbacks . length ; i += 1 ) {
const callback = render _callbacks [ i ] ;
if ( ! seen _callbacks . has ( callback ) ) {
seen _callbacks . add ( callback ) ;
callback ( ) ;
render _callbacks . length = 0 ;
} while ( dirty _components . length ) ;
while ( flush _callbacks . length ) {
flush _callbacks . pop ( ) ( ) ;
update _scheduled = false ;
seen _callbacks . clear ( ) ;
set _current _component ( saved _component ) ;
function update ( $$ ) {
if ( $$ . fragment !== null ) {
$$ . update ( ) ;
run _all ( $$ . before _update ) ;
const dirty = $$ . dirty ;
$$ . dirty = [ - 1 ] ;
$$ . fragment && $$ . fragment . p ( $$ . ctx , dirty ) ;
$$ . after _update . forEach ( add _render _callback ) ;
function flush _render _callbacks ( fns ) {
const filtered = [ ] ;
const targets = [ ] ;
render _callbacks . forEach ( ( c ) => fns . indexOf ( c ) === - 1 ? filtered . push ( c ) : targets . push ( c ) ) ;
targets . forEach ( ( c ) => c ( ) ) ;
render _callbacks = filtered ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/transitions.js
var outroing = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( ) ;
var outros ;
function transition _in ( block , local ) {
if ( block && block . i ) {
outroing . delete ( block ) ;
block . i ( local ) ;
function transition _out ( block , local , detach2 , callback ) {
if ( block && block . o ) {
if ( outroing . has ( block ) ) return ;
outroing . add ( block ) ;
outros . c . push ( ( ) => {
outroing . delete ( block ) ;
if ( callback ) {
if ( detach2 ) block . d ( 1 ) ;
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
block . o ( local ) ;
} else if ( callback ) {
callback ( ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/each.js
function ensure _array _like ( array _like _or _iterator ) {
return ( array _like _or _iterator == null ? void 0 : array _like _or _iterator . length ) !== void 0 ? array _like _or _iterator : Array . from ( array _like _or _iterator ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/spread.js
function get _spread _update ( levels , updates ) {
const update2 = { } ;
const to _null _out = { } ;
const accounted _for = { $$scope : 1 } ;
let i = levels . length ;
while ( i -- ) {
const o = levels [ i ] ;
const n = updates [ i ] ;
if ( n ) {
for ( const key in o ) {
if ( ! ( key in n ) ) to _null _out [ key ] = 1 ;
for ( const key in n ) {
if ( ! accounted _for [ key ] ) {
update2 [ key ] = n [ key ] ;
accounted _for [ key ] = 1 ;
levels [ i ] = n ;
} else {
for ( const key in o ) {
accounted _for [ key ] = 1 ;
for ( const key in to _null _out ) {
if ( ! ( key in update2 ) ) update2 [ key ] = void 0 ;
return update2 ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/shared/boolean_attributes.js
var _boolean _attributes = (
/** @type {const} */
"allowfullscreen" ,
"allowpaymentrequest" ,
"async" ,
"autofocus" ,
"autoplay" ,
"checked" ,
"controls" ,
"default" ,
"defer" ,
"disabled" ,
"formnovalidate" ,
"hidden" ,
"inert" ,
"ismap" ,
"loop" ,
"multiple" ,
"muted" ,
"nomodule" ,
"novalidate" ,
"open" ,
"playsinline" ,
"readonly" ,
"required" ,
"reversed" ,
) ;
var boolean _attributes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( [ ... _boolean _attributes ] ) ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/Component.js
function create _component ( block ) {
block && block . c ( ) ;
function mount _component ( component , target , anchor ) {
const { fragment , after _update } = component . $$ ;
fragment && fragment . m ( target , anchor ) ;
add _render _callback ( ( ) => {
const new _on _destroy = component . $$ . on _mount . map ( run ) . filter ( is _function ) ;
if ( component . $$ . on _destroy ) {
component . $$ . on _destroy . push ( ... new _on _destroy ) ;
} else {
run _all ( new _on _destroy ) ;
component . $$ . on _mount = [ ] ;
} ) ;
after _update . forEach ( add _render _callback ) ;
function destroy _component ( component , detaching ) {
const $$ = component . $$ ;
if ( $$ . fragment !== null ) {
flush _render _callbacks ( $$ . after _update ) ;
run _all ( $$ . on _destroy ) ;
$$ . fragment && $$ . fragment . d ( detaching ) ;
$$ . on _destroy = $$ . fragment = null ;
$$ . ctx = [ ] ;
function make _dirty ( component , i ) {
if ( component . $$ . dirty [ 0 ] === - 1 ) {
dirty _components . push ( component ) ;
schedule _update ( ) ;
component . $$ . dirty . fill ( 0 ) ;
component . $$ . dirty [ i / 31 | 0 ] |= 1 << i % 31 ;
function init ( component , options , instance5 , create _fragment5 , not _equal , props , append _styles2 = null , dirty = [ - 1 ] ) {
const parent _component = current _component ;
set _current _component ( component ) ;
const $$ = component . $$ = {
fragment : null ,
ctx : [ ] ,
// state
props ,
update : noop ,
not _equal ,
bound : blank _object ( ) ,
// lifecycle
on _mount : [ ] ,
on _destroy : [ ] ,
on _disconnect : [ ] ,
before _update : [ ] ,
after _update : [ ] ,
context : new Map ( options . context || ( parent _component ? parent _component . $$ . context : [ ] ) ) ,
// everything else
callbacks : blank _object ( ) ,
dirty ,
skip _bound : false ,
root : options . target || parent _component . $$ . root
} ;
append _styles2 && append _styles2 ( $$ . root ) ;
let ready = false ;
$$ . ctx = instance5 ? instance5 ( component , options . props || { } , ( i , ret , ... rest ) => {
const value = rest . length ? rest [ 0 ] : ret ;
if ( $$ . ctx && not _equal ( $$ . ctx [ i ] , $$ . ctx [ i ] = value ) ) {
if ( ! $$ . skip _bound && $$ . bound [ i ] ) $$ . bound [ i ] ( value ) ;
if ( ready ) make _dirty ( component , i ) ;
return ret ;
} ) : [ ] ;
$$ . update ( ) ;
ready = true ;
run _all ( $$ . before _update ) ;
$$ . fragment = create _fragment5 ? create _fragment5 ( $$ . ctx ) : false ;
if ( options . target ) {
if ( options . hydrate ) {
start _hydrating ( ) ;
const nodes = children ( options . target ) ;
$$ . fragment && $$ . fragment . l ( nodes ) ;
nodes . forEach ( detach ) ;
} else {
$$ . fragment && $$ . fragment . c ( ) ;
if ( options . intro ) transition _in ( component . $$ . fragment ) ;
mount _component ( component , options . target , options . anchor ) ;
end _hydrating ( ) ;
flush ( ) ;
set _current _component ( parent _component ) ;
var SvelteElement ;
if ( typeof HTMLElement === "function" ) {
SvelteElement = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor ( $$componentCtor , $$slots , use _shadow _dom ) {
super ( ) ;
/** The Svelte component constructor */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$ctor" ) ;
/** Slots */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$s" ) ;
/** The Svelte component instance */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$c" ) ;
/** Whether or not the custom element is connected */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$cn" , false ) ;
/** Component props data */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$d" , { } ) ;
/** `true` if currently in the process of reflecting component props back to attributes */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$r" , false ) ;
/** @type {Record<string, CustomElementPropDefinition>} Props definition (name, reflected, type etc) */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$p_d" , { } ) ;
/** @type {Record<string, Function[]>} Event listeners */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$l" , { } ) ;
/** @type {Map<Function, Function>} Event listener unsubscribe functions */
_ _publicField ( this , "$$l_u" , /* @__PURE__ */ new Map ( ) ) ;
this . $$ctor = $$componentCtor ;
this . $$s = $$slots ;
if ( use _shadow _dom ) {
this . attachShadow ( { mode : "open" } ) ;
addEventListener ( type , listener , options ) {
this . $$l [ type ] = this . $$l [ type ] || [ ] ;
this . $$l [ type ] . push ( listener ) ;
if ( this . $$c ) {
const unsub = this . $$c . $on ( type , listener ) ;
this . $$l _u . set ( listener , unsub ) ;
super . addEventListener ( type , listener , options ) ;
removeEventListener ( type , listener , options ) {
super . removeEventListener ( type , listener , options ) ;
if ( this . $$c ) {
const unsub = this . $$l _u . get ( listener ) ;
if ( unsub ) {
unsub ( ) ;
this . $$l _u . delete ( listener ) ;
async connectedCallback ( ) {
this . $$cn = true ;
if ( ! this . $$c ) {
let create _slot2 = function ( name ) {
return ( ) => {
let node ;
const obj = {
c : function create ( ) {
node = element ( "slot" ) ;
if ( name !== "default" ) {
attr ( node , "name" , name ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* @ param { HTMLElement } target
* @ param { HTMLElement } [ anchor ]
* /
m : function mount ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , node , anchor ) ;
} ,
d : function destroy ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( node ) ;
} ;
return obj ;
} ;
} ;
await Promise . resolve ( ) ;
if ( ! this . $$cn || this . $$c ) {
return ;
const $$slots = { } ;
const existing _slots = get _custom _elements _slots ( this ) ;
for ( const name of this . $$s ) {
if ( name in existing _slots ) {
$$slots [ name ] = [ create _slot2 ( name ) ] ;
for ( const attribute of this . attributes ) {
const name = this . $$g _p ( attribute . name ) ;
if ( ! ( name in this . $$d ) ) {
this . $$d [ name ] = get _custom _element _value ( name , attribute . value , this . $$p _d , "toProp" ) ;
for ( const key in this . $$p _d ) {
if ( ! ( key in this . $$d ) && this [ key ] !== void 0 ) {
this . $$d [ key ] = this [ key ] ;
delete this [ key ] ;
this . $$c = new this . $$ctor ( {
target : this . shadowRoot || this ,
props : {
... this . $$d ,
$$slots ,
$$scope : {
ctx : [ ]
} ) ;
const reflect _attributes = ( ) => {
this . $$r = true ;
for ( const key in this . $$p _d ) {
this . $$d [ key ] = this . $$c . $$ . ctx [ this . $$c . $$ . props [ key ] ] ;
if ( this . $$p _d [ key ] . reflect ) {
const attribute _value = get _custom _element _value (
key ,
this . $$d [ key ] ,
this . $$p _d ,
) ;
if ( attribute _value == null ) {
this . removeAttribute ( this . $$p _d [ key ] . attribute || key ) ;
} else {
this . setAttribute ( this . $$p _d [ key ] . attribute || key , attribute _value ) ;
this . $$r = false ;
} ;
this . $$c . $$ . after _update . push ( reflect _attributes ) ;
reflect _attributes ( ) ;
for ( const type in this . $$l ) {
for ( const listener of this . $$l [ type ] ) {
const unsub = this . $$c . $on ( type , listener ) ;
this . $$l _u . set ( listener , unsub ) ;
this . $$l = { } ;
// We don't need this when working within Svelte code, but for compatibility of people using this outside of Svelte
// and setting attributes through setAttribute etc, this is helpful
attributeChangedCallback ( attr2 , _oldValue , newValue ) {
var _a ;
if ( this . $$r ) return ;
attr2 = this . $$g _p ( attr2 ) ;
this . $$d [ attr2 ] = get _custom _element _value ( attr2 , newValue , this . $$p _d , "toProp" ) ;
( _a = this . $$c ) == null ? void 0 : _a . $set ( { [ attr2 ] : this . $$d [ attr2 ] } ) ;
disconnectedCallback ( ) {
this . $$cn = false ;
Promise . resolve ( ) . then ( ( ) => {
if ( ! this . $$cn && this . $$c ) {
this . $$c . $destroy ( ) ;
this . $$c = void 0 ;
} ) ;
$$g _p ( attribute _name ) {
return Object . keys ( this . $$p _d ) . find (
( key ) => this . $$p _d [ key ] . attribute === attribute _name || ! this . $$p _d [ key ] . attribute && key . toLowerCase ( ) === attribute _name
) || attribute _name ;
} ;
function get _custom _element _value ( prop , value , props _definition , transform ) {
var _a ;
const type = ( _a = props _definition [ prop ] ) == null ? void 0 : _a . type ;
value = type === "Boolean" && typeof value !== "boolean" ? value != null : value ;
if ( ! transform || ! props _definition [ prop ] ) {
return value ;
} else if ( transform === "toAttribute" ) {
switch ( type ) {
case "Object" :
case "Array" :
return value == null ? null : JSON . stringify ( value ) ;
case "Boolean" :
return value ? "" : null ;
case "Number" :
return value == null ? null : value ;
default :
return value ;
} else {
switch ( type ) {
case "Object" :
case "Array" :
return value && JSON . parse ( value ) ;
case "Boolean" :
return value ;
case "Number" :
return value != null ? + value : value ;
default :
return value ;
var SvelteComponent = class {
constructor ( ) {
/ * *
* Do not use , may change at any time
* @ type { any }
* /
_ _publicField ( this , "$$" ) ;
/ * *
* Do not use , may change at any time
* @ type { any }
* /
_ _publicField ( this , "$$set" ) ;
/** @returns {void} */
$destroy ( ) {
destroy _component ( this , 1 ) ;
this . $destroy = noop ;
/ * *
* @ template { Extract < keyof Events , string > } K
* @ param { K } type
* @ param { ( ( e : Events [ K ] ) => void ) | null | undefined } callback
* @ returns { ( ) => void }
* /
$on ( type , callback ) {
if ( ! is _function ( callback ) ) {
return noop ;
const callbacks = this . $$ . callbacks [ type ] || ( this . $$ . callbacks [ type ] = [ ] ) ;
callbacks . push ( callback ) ;
return ( ) => {
const index = callbacks . indexOf ( callback ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) callbacks . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
} ;
/ * *
* @ param { Partial < Props > } props
* @ returns { void }
* /
$set ( props ) {
if ( this . $$set && ! is _empty ( props ) ) {
this . $$ . skip _bound = true ;
this . $$set ( props ) ;
this . $$ . skip _bound = false ;
} ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/shared/version.js
var PUBLIC _VERSION = "4" ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte@4.2.18/node_modules/svelte/src/runtime/internal/disclose-version/index.js
if ( typeof window !== "undefined" )
( window . _ _svelte || ( window . _ _svelte = { v : /* @__PURE__ */ new Set ( ) } ) ) . v . add ( PUBLIC _VERSION ) ;
// src/ui/component/ObsidianButton.svelte
function create _fragment ( ctx ) {
let button ;
let current ;
let mounted ;
let dispose ;
const default _slot _template = (
ctx [ 4 ] . default
) ;
const default _slot = create _slot (
default _slot _template ,
ctx ,
ctx [ 3 ] ,
) ;
return {
c ( ) {
button = element ( "button" ) ;
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . c ( ) ;
attr (
button ,
"aria-label" ,
ctx [ 0 ]
) ;
button . disabled = /*disabled*/
ctx [ 1 ] ;
toggle _class ( button , "mod-cta" , ! /*disabled*/
ctx [ 1 ] ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , button , anchor ) ;
if ( default _slot ) {
default _slot . m ( button , null ) ;
current = true ;
if ( ! mounted ) {
dispose = listen (
button ,
"click" ,
ctx [ 2 ]
) ;
mounted = true ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , [ dirty ] ) {
if ( default _slot ) {
if ( default _slot . p && ( ! current || dirty & /*$$scope*/
8 ) ) {
update _slot _base (
default _slot ,
default _slot _template ,
ctx2 ,
ctx2 [ 3 ] ,
! current ? get _all _dirty _from _scope (
ctx2 [ 3 ]
) : get _slot _changes (
default _slot _template ,
ctx2 [ 3 ] ,
dirty ,
) ,
) ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*popup*/
1 ) {
attr (
button ,
"aria-label" ,
ctx2 [ 0 ]
) ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*disabled*/
2 ) {
button . disabled = /*disabled*/
ctx2 [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*disabled*/
2 ) {
toggle _class ( button , "mod-cta" , ! /*disabled*/
ctx2 [ 1 ] ) ;
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return ;
transition _in ( default _slot , local ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( default _slot , local ) ;
current = false ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( button ) ;
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . d ( detaching ) ;
mounted = false ;
dispose ( ) ;
} ;
function instance ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
let { $$slots : slots = { } , $$scope } = $$props ;
let { popup = "" } = $$props ;
let { disabled = false } = $$props ;
const dispatcher = createEventDispatcher ( ) ;
const handleClick = ( ) => {
dispatcher ( "click" ) ;
} ;
$$self . $$set = ( $$props2 ) => {
if ( "popup" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 0 , popup = $$props2 . popup ) ;
if ( "disabled" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 1 , disabled = $$props2 . disabled ) ;
if ( "$$scope" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 3 , $$scope = $$props2 . $$scope ) ;
} ;
return [ popup , disabled , handleClick , $$scope , slots ] ;
var ObsidianButton = class extends SvelteComponent {
constructor ( options ) {
super ( ) ;
init ( this , options , instance , create _fragment , safe _not _equal , { popup : 0 , disabled : 1 } ) ;
} ;
var ObsidianButton _default = ObsidianButton ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/svelte-lucide-icons@0.6.0/node_modules/svelte-lucide-icons/icons/File.svelte
function create _fragment2 ( ctx ) {
let svg ;
let path ;
let polyline ;
let current ;
const default _slot _template = (
ctx [ 3 ] . default
) ;
const default _slot = create _slot (
default _slot _template ,
ctx ,
ctx [ 2 ] ,
) ;
let svg _levels = [
{ xmlns : "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" } ,
{ width : (
ctx [ 0 ]
) } ,
{ height : (
ctx [ 0 ]
) } ,
{ viewBox : "0 0 24 24" } ,
{ fill : "none" } ,
{ stroke : "currentColor" } ,
{ "stroke-width" : "2" } ,
{ "stroke-linecap" : "round" } ,
{ "stroke-linejoin" : "round" } ,
ctx [ 1 ]
] ;
let svg _data = { } ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < svg _levels . length ; i += 1 ) {
svg _data = assign ( svg _data , svg _levels [ i ] ) ;
return {
c ( ) {
svg = svg _element ( "svg" ) ;
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . c ( ) ;
path = svg _element ( "path" ) ;
polyline = svg _element ( "polyline" ) ;
attr ( path , "d" , "M14.5 2H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v16a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7.5L14.5 2z" ) ;
attr ( polyline , "points" , "14 2 14 8 20 8" ) ;
set _svg _attributes ( svg , svg _data ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , svg , anchor ) ;
if ( default _slot ) {
default _slot . m ( svg , null ) ;
append ( svg , path ) ;
append ( svg , polyline ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , [ dirty ] ) {
if ( default _slot ) {
if ( default _slot . p && ( ! current || dirty & /*$$scope*/
4 ) ) {
update _slot _base (
default _slot ,
default _slot _template ,
ctx2 ,
ctx2 [ 2 ] ,
! current ? get _all _dirty _from _scope (
ctx2 [ 2 ]
) : get _slot _changes (
default _slot _template ,
ctx2 [ 2 ] ,
dirty ,
) ,
) ;
set _svg _attributes ( svg , svg _data = get _spread _update ( svg _levels , [
{ xmlns : "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" } ,
( ! current || dirty & /*size*/
1 ) && { width : (
ctx2 [ 0 ]
) } ,
( ! current || dirty & /*size*/
1 ) && { height : (
ctx2 [ 0 ]
) } ,
{ viewBox : "0 0 24 24" } ,
{ fill : "none" } ,
{ stroke : "currentColor" } ,
{ "stroke-width" : "2" } ,
{ "stroke-linecap" : "round" } ,
{ "stroke-linejoin" : "round" } ,
dirty & /*$$restProps*/
2 && /*$$restProps*/
ctx2 [ 1 ]
] ) ) ;
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return ;
transition _in ( default _slot , local ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( default _slot , local ) ;
current = false ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( svg ) ;
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . d ( detaching ) ;
} ;
function instance2 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
const omit _props _names = [ "size" ] ;
let $$restProps = compute _rest _props ( $$props , omit _props _names ) ;
let { $$slots : slots = { } , $$scope } = $$props ;
let { size = 24 } = $$props ;
$$self . $$set = ( $$new _props ) => {
$$props = assign ( assign ( { } , $$props ) , exclude _internal _props ( $$new _props ) ) ;
$$invalidate ( 1 , $$restProps = compute _rest _props ( $$props , omit _props _names ) ) ;
if ( "size" in $$new _props ) $$invalidate ( 0 , size = $$new _props . size ) ;
if ( "$$scope" in $$new _props ) $$invalidate ( 2 , $$scope = $$new _props . $$scope ) ;
} ;
return [ size , $$restProps , $$scope , slots ] ;
var File = class extends SvelteComponent {
constructor ( options ) {
super ( ) ;
init ( this , options , instance2 , create _fragment2 , safe _not _equal , { size : 0 } ) ;
} ;
var File _default = File ;
// src/ui/component/ObsidianIconButton.svelte
function add _css ( target ) {
append _styles ( target , "svelte-12yh6aw" , ".wrapper.svelte-12yh6aw{display:flex;justify-content:center;margin:0}.button-enabled.svelte-12yh6aw:hover{color:var(--interactive-accent)}.button-disabled.svelte-12yh6aw{color:var(--text-muted)}" ) ;
function create _fragment3 ( ctx ) {
let div ;
let button ;
let button _class _value ;
let current ;
let mounted ;
let dispose ;
const default _slot _template = (
ctx [ 4 ] . default
) ;
const default _slot = create _slot (
default _slot _template ,
ctx ,
ctx [ 3 ] ,
) ;
return {
c ( ) {
div = element ( "div" ) ;
button = element ( "button" ) ;
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . c ( ) ;
attr (
button ,
"aria-label" ,
ctx [ 0 ]
) ;
button . disabled = /*disabled*/
ctx [ 1 ] ;
attr ( button , "class" , button _class _value = null _to _empty (
ctx [ 1 ] ? "button-disabled" : "button-enabled"
) + " svelte-12yh6aw" ) ;
set _style ( button , "background-color" , "transparent" ) ;
set _style ( button , "padding" , "0" ) ;
attr ( div , "class" , "wrapper svelte-12yh6aw" ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div , anchor ) ;
append ( div , button ) ;
if ( default _slot ) {
default _slot . m ( button , null ) ;
current = true ;
if ( ! mounted ) {
dispose = listen (
button ,
"click" ,
ctx [ 2 ]
) ;
mounted = true ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , [ dirty ] ) {
if ( default _slot ) {
if ( default _slot . p && ( ! current || dirty & /*$$scope*/
8 ) ) {
update _slot _base (
default _slot ,
default _slot _template ,
ctx2 ,
ctx2 [ 3 ] ,
! current ? get _all _dirty _from _scope (
ctx2 [ 3 ]
) : get _slot _changes (
default _slot _template ,
ctx2 [ 3 ] ,
dirty ,
) ,
) ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*popup*/
1 ) {
attr (
button ,
"aria-label" ,
ctx2 [ 0 ]
) ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*disabled*/
2 ) {
button . disabled = /*disabled*/
ctx2 [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*disabled*/
2 && button _class _value !== ( button _class _value = null _to _empty (
ctx2 [ 1 ] ? "button-disabled" : "button-enabled"
) + " svelte-12yh6aw" ) ) {
attr ( button , "class" , button _class _value ) ;
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return ;
transition _in ( default _slot , local ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( default _slot , local ) ;
current = false ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div ) ;
if ( default _slot ) default _slot . d ( detaching ) ;
mounted = false ;
dispose ( ) ;
} ;
function instance3 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
let { $$slots : slots = { } , $$scope } = $$props ;
let { popup } = $$props ;
let { disabled = false } = $$props ;
const dispatcher = createEventDispatcher ( ) ;
const handleClick = ( ) => {
if ( ! disabled ) {
dispatcher ( "click" ) ;
} ;
$$self . $$set = ( $$props2 ) => {
if ( "popup" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 0 , popup = $$props2 . popup ) ;
if ( "disabled" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 1 , disabled = $$props2 . disabled ) ;
if ( "$$scope" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 3 , $$scope = $$props2 . $$scope ) ;
} ;
return [ popup , disabled , handleClick , $$scope , slots ] ;
var ObsidianIconButton = class extends SvelteComponent {
constructor ( options ) {
super ( ) ;
init ( this , options , instance3 , create _fragment3 , safe _not _equal , { popup : 0 , disabled : 1 } , add _css ) ;
} ;
var ObsidianIconButton _default = ObsidianIconButton ;
// src/ui/component/CustomDictionaryWordAdd.svelte
function get _each _context ( ctx , list , i ) {
const child _ctx = ctx . slice ( ) ;
child _ctx [ 26 ] = list [ i ] ;
return child _ctx ;
function create _each _block ( ctx ) {
let option ;
let t0 _value = (
ctx [ 26 ] . path + ""
) ;
let t0 ;
let t1 ;
let option _value _value ;
return {
c ( ) {
option = element ( "option" ) ;
t0 = text ( t0 _value ) ;
t1 = space ( ) ;
option . _ _value = option _value _value = /*dictionary*/
ctx [ 26 ] ;
set _input _value ( option , option . _ _value ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , option , anchor ) ;
append ( option , t0 ) ;
append ( option , t1 ) ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , dirty ) {
if ( dirty & /*dictionaries*/
32 && t0 _value !== ( t0 _value = /*dictionary*/
ctx2 [ 26 ] . path + "" ) ) set _data ( t0 , t0 _value ) ;
if ( dirty & /*dictionaries*/
32 && option _value _value !== ( option _value _value = /*dictionary*/
ctx2 [ 26 ] ) ) {
option . _ _value = option _value _value ;
set _input _value ( option , option . _ _value ) ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( option ) ;
} ;
function create _default _slot _1 ( ctx ) {
let file ;
let current ;
file = new File _default ( { } ) ;
return {
c ( ) {
create _component ( file . $$ . fragment ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
mount _component ( file , target , anchor ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return ;
transition _in ( file . $$ . fragment , local ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( file . $$ . fragment , local ) ;
current = false ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
destroy _component ( file , detaching ) ;
} ;
function create _if _block _1 ( ctx ) {
let label ;
let input ;
let t ;
let mounted ;
let dispose ;
return {
c ( ) {
label = element ( "label" ) ;
input = element ( "input" ) ;
t = text ( "\n Distinguish between display and insertion" ) ;
attr ( input , "type" , "checkbox" ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , label , anchor ) ;
append ( label , input ) ;
input . checked = /*useDisplayedWord*/
ctx [ 1 ] ;
append ( label , t ) ;
if ( ! mounted ) {
dispose = listen (
input ,
"change" ,
ctx [ 21 ]
) ;
mounted = true ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , dirty ) {
if ( dirty & /*useDisplayedWord*/
2 ) {
input . checked = /*useDisplayedWord*/
ctx2 [ 1 ] ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( label ) ;
mounted = false ;
dispose ( ) ;
} ;
function create _if _block ( ctx ) {
let h3 ;
let t1 ;
let textarea ;
let mounted ;
let dispose ;
return {
c ( ) {
h3 = element ( "h3" ) ;
h3 . textContent = "Displayed Word" ;
t1 = space ( ) ;
textarea = element ( "textarea" ) ;
set _style ( textarea , "width" , "100%" ) ;
attr ( textarea , "rows" , "3" ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , h3 , anchor ) ;
insert ( target , t1 , anchor ) ;
insert ( target , textarea , anchor ) ;
set _input _value (
textarea ,
ctx [ 3 ]
) ;
ctx [ 23 ] ( textarea ) ;
if ( ! mounted ) {
dispose = listen (
textarea ,
"input" ,
ctx [ 22 ]
) ;
mounted = true ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , dirty ) {
if ( dirty & /*displayedWord*/
8 ) {
set _input _value (
textarea ,
ctx2 [ 3 ]
) ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( h3 ) ;
detach ( t1 ) ;
detach ( textarea ) ;
ctx [ 23 ] ( null ) ;
mounted = false ;
dispose ( ) ;
} ;
function create _default _slot ( ctx ) {
let t ;
return {
c ( ) {
t = text ( "Submit" ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , t , anchor ) ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( t ) ;
} ;
function create _fragment4 ( ctx ) {
let div2 ;
let h2 ;
let t1 ;
let h30 ;
let t3 ;
let div0 ;
let select2 ;
let t4 ;
let obsidianiconbutton ;
let t5 ;
let h31 ;
let t6 ;
let t7 ;
let textarea0 ;
let t8 ;
let t9 ;
let t10 ;
let h32 ;
let t12 ;
let input ;
let t13 ;
let h33 ;
let t15 ;
let textarea1 ;
let t16 ;
let div1 ;
let obsidianbutton ;
let current ;
let mounted ;
let dispose ;
let each _value = ensure _array _like (
ctx [ 5 ]
) ;
let each _blocks = [ ] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block ( get _each _context ( ctx , each _value , i ) ) ;
obsidianiconbutton = new ObsidianIconButton _default ( {
props : {
popup : "Open the file" ,
$$slots : { default : [ create _default _slot _1 ] } ,
$$scope : { ctx }
} ) ;
obsidianiconbutton . $on (
"click" ,
ctx [ 18 ]
) ;
let if _block0 = (
ctx [ 11 ] && create _if _block _1 ( ctx )
) ;
let if _block1 = (
ctx [ 1 ] && create _if _block ( ctx )
) ;
obsidianbutton = new ObsidianButton _default ( {
props : {
disabled : ! /*enableSubmit*/
ctx [ 12 ] ,
$$slots : { default : [ create _default _slot ] } ,
$$scope : { ctx }
} ) ;
obsidianbutton . $on (
"click" ,
ctx [ 13 ]
) ;
return {
c ( ) {
div2 = element ( "div" ) ;
h2 = element ( "h2" ) ;
h2 . textContent = "Add a word to a custom dictionary" ;
t1 = space ( ) ;
h30 = element ( "h3" ) ;
h30 . textContent = "Dictionary" ;
t3 = space ( ) ;
div0 = element ( "div" ) ;
select2 = element ( "select" ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( ) ;
t4 = space ( ) ;
create _component ( obsidianiconbutton . $$ . fragment ) ;
t5 = space ( ) ;
h31 = element ( "h3" ) ;
t6 = text (
ctx [ 10 ]
) ;
t7 = space ( ) ;
textarea0 = element ( "textarea" ) ;
t8 = space ( ) ;
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . c ( ) ;
t9 = space ( ) ;
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . c ( ) ;
t10 = space ( ) ;
h32 = element ( "h3" ) ;
h32 . textContent = "Description" ;
t12 = space ( ) ;
input = element ( "input" ) ;
t13 = space ( ) ;
h33 = element ( "h3" ) ;
h33 . textContent = "Aliases (for each line)" ;
t15 = space ( ) ;
textarea1 = element ( "textarea" ) ;
t16 = space ( ) ;
div1 = element ( "div" ) ;
create _component ( obsidianbutton . $$ . fragment ) ;
attr ( select2 , "class" , "dropdown" ) ;
if (
ctx [ 2 ] === void 0
) add _render _callback ( ( ) => (
ctx [ 17 ] . call ( select2 )
) ) ;
set _style ( div0 , "display" , "flex" ) ;
set _style ( div0 , "gap" , "10px" ) ;
set _style ( textarea0 , "width" , "100%" ) ;
attr ( textarea0 , "rows" , "3" ) ;
attr ( input , "type" , "text" ) ;
set _style ( input , "width" , "100%" ) ;
set _style ( textarea1 , "width" , "100%" ) ;
attr ( textarea1 , "rows" , "3" ) ;
set _style ( div1 , "text-align" , "center" ) ;
set _style ( div1 , "width" , "100%" ) ;
set _style ( div1 , "padding-top" , "15px" ) ;
} ,
m ( target , anchor ) {
insert ( target , div2 , anchor ) ;
append ( div2 , h2 ) ;
append ( div2 , t1 ) ;
append ( div2 , h30 ) ;
append ( div2 , t3 ) ;
append ( div2 , div0 ) ;
append ( div0 , select2 ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
if ( each _blocks [ i ] ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( select2 , null ) ;
select _option (
select2 ,
ctx [ 2 ] ,
) ;
append ( div0 , t4 ) ;
mount _component ( obsidianiconbutton , div0 , null ) ;
append ( div2 , t5 ) ;
append ( div2 , h31 ) ;
append ( h31 , t6 ) ;
append ( div2 , t7 ) ;
append ( div2 , textarea0 ) ;
set _input _value (
textarea0 ,
ctx [ 0 ]
) ;
ctx [ 20 ] ( textarea0 ) ;
append ( div2 , t8 ) ;
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . m ( div2 , null ) ;
append ( div2 , t9 ) ;
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . m ( div2 , null ) ;
append ( div2 , t10 ) ;
append ( div2 , h32 ) ;
append ( div2 , t12 ) ;
append ( div2 , input ) ;
set _input _value (
input ,
ctx [ 4 ]
) ;
append ( div2 , t13 ) ;
append ( div2 , h33 ) ;
append ( div2 , t15 ) ;
append ( div2 , textarea1 ) ;
set _input _value (
textarea1 ,
ctx [ 8 ]
) ;
append ( div2 , t16 ) ;
append ( div2 , div1 ) ;
mount _component ( obsidianbutton , div1 , null ) ;
current = true ;
if ( ! mounted ) {
dispose = [
listen (
select2 ,
"change" ,
ctx [ 17 ]
) ,
listen (
textarea0 ,
"input" ,
ctx [ 19 ]
) ,
listen (
input ,
"input" ,
ctx [ 24 ]
) ,
listen (
textarea1 ,
"input" ,
ctx [ 25 ]
] ;
mounted = true ;
} ,
p ( ctx2 , [ dirty ] ) {
if ( dirty & /*dictionaries*/
32 ) {
each _value = ensure _array _like (
ctx2 [ 5 ]
) ;
let i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < each _value . length ; i += 1 ) {
const child _ctx = get _each _context ( ctx2 , each _value , i ) ;
if ( each _blocks [ i ] ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . p ( child _ctx , dirty ) ;
} else {
each _blocks [ i ] = create _each _block ( child _ctx ) ;
each _blocks [ i ] . c ( ) ;
each _blocks [ i ] . m ( select2 , null ) ;
for ( ; i < each _blocks . length ; i += 1 ) {
each _blocks [ i ] . d ( 1 ) ;
each _blocks . length = each _value . length ;
if ( dirty & /*selectedDictionary, dictionaries*/
36 ) {
select _option (
select2 ,
ctx2 [ 2 ]
) ;
const obsidianiconbutton _changes = { } ;
if ( dirty & /*$$scope*/
536870912 ) {
obsidianiconbutton _changes . $$scope = { dirty , ctx : ctx2 } ;
obsidianiconbutton . $set ( obsidianiconbutton _changes ) ;
if ( ! current || dirty & /*firstWordTitle*/
1024 ) set _data (
t6 ,
ctx2 [ 10 ]
) ;
if ( dirty & /*inputWord*/
1 ) {
set _input _value (
textarea0 ,
ctx2 [ 0 ]
) ;
if (
ctx2 [ 11 ]
) {
if ( if _block0 ) {
if _block0 . p ( ctx2 , dirty ) ;
} else {
if _block0 = create _if _block _1 ( ctx2 ) ;
if _block0 . c ( ) ;
if _block0 . m ( div2 , t9 ) ;
} else if ( if _block0 ) {
if _block0 . d ( 1 ) ;
if _block0 = null ;
if (
ctx2 [ 1 ]
) {
if ( if _block1 ) {
if _block1 . p ( ctx2 , dirty ) ;
} else {
if _block1 = create _if _block ( ctx2 ) ;
if _block1 . c ( ) ;
if _block1 . m ( div2 , t10 ) ;
} else if ( if _block1 ) {
if _block1 . d ( 1 ) ;
if _block1 = null ;
if ( dirty & /*description*/
16 && input . value !== /*description*/
ctx2 [ 4 ] ) {
set _input _value (
input ,
ctx2 [ 4 ]
) ;
if ( dirty & /*aliasesStr*/
256 ) {
set _input _value (
textarea1 ,
ctx2 [ 8 ]
) ;
const obsidianbutton _changes = { } ;
if ( dirty & /*enableSubmit*/
4096 ) obsidianbutton _changes . disabled = ! /*enableSubmit*/
ctx2 [ 12 ] ;
if ( dirty & /*$$scope*/
536870912 ) {
obsidianbutton _changes . $$scope = { dirty , ctx : ctx2 } ;
obsidianbutton . $set ( obsidianbutton _changes ) ;
} ,
i ( local ) {
if ( current ) return ;
transition _in ( obsidianiconbutton . $$ . fragment , local ) ;
transition _in ( obsidianbutton . $$ . fragment , local ) ;
current = true ;
} ,
o ( local ) {
transition _out ( obsidianiconbutton . $$ . fragment , local ) ;
transition _out ( obsidianbutton . $$ . fragment , local ) ;
current = false ;
} ,
d ( detaching ) {
if ( detaching ) {
detach ( div2 ) ;
destroy _each ( each _blocks , detaching ) ;
destroy _component ( obsidianiconbutton ) ;
ctx [ 20 ] ( null ) ;
if ( if _block0 ) if _block0 . d ( ) ;
if ( if _block1 ) if _block1 . d ( ) ;
destroy _component ( obsidianbutton ) ;
mounted = false ;
run _all ( dispose ) ;
} ;
function instance4 ( $$self , $$props , $$invalidate ) {
let enableSubmit ;
let enableDisplayedWord ;
let firstWordTitle ;
let { dictionaries } = $$props ;
let { selectedDictionary } = $$props ;
let { inputWord = "" } = $$props ;
let { useDisplayedWord = false } = $$props ;
let { displayedWord = "" } = $$props ;
let { description = "" } = $$props ;
let { aliases = [ ] } = $$props ;
let { dividerForDisplay = "" } = $$props ;
let { onSubmit } = $$props ;
let { onClickFileIcon } = $$props ;
let aliasesStr = aliases . join ( "\n" ) ;
let wordRef = null ;
let displayedWordRef = null ;
const handleSubmit = ( ) => {
onSubmit ( selectedDictionary . path , {
value : displayedWord || inputWord ,
description ,
aliases : aliasesStr . split ( "\n" ) ,
type : "customDictionary" ,
createdPath : selectedDictionary . path ,
insertedText : displayedWord ? inputWord : void 0
} ) ;
} ;
onMount ( ( ) => {
setTimeout (
( ) => wordRef === null || wordRef === void 0 ? void 0 : wordRef . focus ( ) ,
) ;
} ) ;
function select _change _handler ( ) {
selectedDictionary = select _value ( this ) ;
$$invalidate ( 2 , selectedDictionary ) ;
$$invalidate ( 5 , dictionaries ) ;
const click _handler = ( ) => onClickFileIcon ( selectedDictionary . path ) ;
function textarea0 _input _handler ( ) {
inputWord = this . value ;
$$invalidate ( 0 , inputWord ) ;
function textarea0 _binding ( $$value ) {
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
wordRef = $$value ;
$$invalidate ( 9 , wordRef ) ;
} ) ;
function input _change _handler ( ) {
useDisplayedWord = this . checked ;
$$invalidate ( 1 , useDisplayedWord ) ;
function textarea _input _handler ( ) {
displayedWord = this . value ;
$$invalidate ( 3 , displayedWord ) ;
function textarea _binding ( $$value ) {
binding _callbacks [ $$value ? "unshift" : "push" ] ( ( ) => {
displayedWordRef = $$value ;
$$invalidate ( 7 , displayedWordRef ) ;
} ) ;
function input _input _handler ( ) {
description = this . value ;
$$invalidate ( 4 , description ) ;
function textarea1 _input _handler ( ) {
aliasesStr = this . value ;
$$invalidate ( 8 , aliasesStr ) ;
$$self . $$set = ( $$props2 ) => {
if ( "dictionaries" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 5 , dictionaries = $$props2 . dictionaries ) ;
if ( "selectedDictionary" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 2 , selectedDictionary = $$props2 . selectedDictionary ) ;
if ( "inputWord" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 0 , inputWord = $$props2 . inputWord ) ;
if ( "useDisplayedWord" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 1 , useDisplayedWord = $$props2 . useDisplayedWord ) ;
if ( "displayedWord" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 3 , displayedWord = $$props2 . displayedWord ) ;
if ( "description" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 4 , description = $$props2 . description ) ;
if ( "aliases" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 14 , aliases = $$props2 . aliases ) ;
if ( "dividerForDisplay" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 15 , dividerForDisplay = $$props2 . dividerForDisplay ) ;
if ( "onSubmit" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 16 , onSubmit = $$props2 . onSubmit ) ;
if ( "onClickFileIcon" in $$props2 ) $$invalidate ( 6 , onClickFileIcon = $$props2 . onClickFileIcon ) ;
} ;
$$self . $$ . update = ( ) => {
if ( $$self . $$ . dirty & /*inputWord*/
1 ) {
$ : $$invalidate ( 12 , enableSubmit = inputWord . length > 0 ) ;
if ( $$self . $$ . dirty & /*dividerForDisplay*/
32768 ) {
$ : $$invalidate ( 11 , enableDisplayedWord = Boolean ( dividerForDisplay ) ) ;
if ( $$self . $$ . dirty & /*useDisplayedWord*/
2 ) {
$ : $$invalidate ( 10 , firstWordTitle = useDisplayedWord ? "Inserted word" : "Word" ) ;
if ( $$self . $$ . dirty & /*useDisplayedWord, displayedWordRef*/
130 ) {
$ : {
if ( useDisplayedWord ) {
displayedWordRef === null || displayedWordRef === void 0 ? void 0 : displayedWordRef . focus ( ) ;
} ;
return [
inputWord ,
useDisplayedWord ,
selectedDictionary ,
displayedWord ,
description ,
dictionaries ,
onClickFileIcon ,
displayedWordRef ,
aliasesStr ,
wordRef ,
firstWordTitle ,
enableDisplayedWord ,
enableSubmit ,
handleSubmit ,
aliases ,
dividerForDisplay ,
onSubmit ,
select _change _handler ,
click _handler ,
textarea0 _input _handler ,
textarea0 _binding ,
input _change _handler ,
textarea _input _handler ,
textarea _binding ,
input _input _handler ,
textarea1 _input _handler
] ;
var CustomDictionaryWordAdd = class extends SvelteComponent {
constructor ( options ) {
super ( ) ;
init ( this , options , instance4 , create _fragment4 , safe _not _equal , {
dictionaries : 5 ,
selectedDictionary : 2 ,
inputWord : 0 ,
useDisplayedWord : 1 ,
displayedWord : 3 ,
description : 4 ,
aliases : 14 ,
dividerForDisplay : 15 ,
onSubmit : 16 ,
onClickFileIcon : 6
} ) ;
} ;
var CustomDictionaryWordAdd _default = CustomDictionaryWordAdd ;
// src/ui/CustomDictionaryWordAddModal.ts
var CustomDictionaryWordAddModal = class extends import _obsidian8 . Modal {
constructor ( app2 , dictionaryPaths , initialValue = "" , dividerForDisplay = "" , onSubmit ) {
super ( app2 ) ;
const appHelper = new AppHelper ( app2 ) ;
const dictionaries = dictionaryPaths . map ( ( x ) => ( { id : x , path : x } ) ) ;
const { contentEl } = this ;
this . component = new CustomDictionaryWordAdd _default ( {
target : contentEl ,
props : {
dictionaries ,
selectedDictionary : dictionaries [ 0 ] ,
inputWord : initialValue ,
dividerForDisplay ,
onSubmit ,
onClickFileIcon : ( dictionaryPath ) => {
const markdownFile = appHelper . getMarkdownFileByPath ( dictionaryPath ) ;
if ( ! markdownFile ) {
new import _obsidian8 . Notice ( ` Can't open ${ dictionaryPath } ` ) ;
return ;
this . close ( ) ;
appHelper . openMarkdownFile ( markdownFile , true ) ;
} ) ;
onClose ( ) {
super . onClose ( ) ;
this . component . $destroy ( ) ;
} ;
// node_modules/.pnpm/ts-deepmerge@7.0.1/node_modules/ts-deepmerge/esm/index.js
var isObject = ( obj ) => {
if ( typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null ) {
if ( typeof Object . getPrototypeOf === "function" ) {
const prototype = Object . getPrototypeOf ( obj ) ;
return prototype === Object . prototype || prototype === null ;
return Object . prototype . toString . call ( obj ) === "[object Object]" ;
return false ;
} ;
var merge = ( ... objects ) => objects . reduce ( ( result , current ) => {
if ( Array . isArray ( current ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Arguments provided to ts-deepmerge must be objects, not arrays." ) ;
Object . keys ( current ) . forEach ( ( key ) => {
if ( [ "__proto__" , "constructor" , "prototype" ] . includes ( key ) ) {
return ;
if ( Array . isArray ( result [ key ] ) && Array . isArray ( current [ key ] ) ) {
result [ key ] = merge . options . mergeArrays ? merge . options . uniqueArrayItems ? Array . from ( new Set ( result [ key ] . concat ( current [ key ] ) ) ) : [ ... result [ key ] , ... current [ key ] ] : current [ key ] ;
} else if ( isObject ( result [ key ] ) && isObject ( current [ key ] ) ) {
result [ key ] = merge ( result [ key ] , current [ key ] ) ;
} else {
result [ key ] = current [ key ] === void 0 ? merge . options . allowUndefinedOverrides ? current [ key ] : result [ key ] : current [ key ] ;
} ) ;
return result ;
} , { } ) ;
var defaultOptions = {
allowUndefinedOverrides : true ,
mergeArrays : true ,
uniqueArrayItems : true
} ;
merge . options = defaultOptions ;
merge . withOptions = ( options , ... objects ) => {
merge . options = Object . assign ( Object . assign ( { } , defaultOptions ) , options ) ;
const result = merge ( ... objects ) ;
merge . options = defaultOptions ;
return result ;
} ;
// src/main.ts
var VariousComponents = class extends import _obsidian9 . Plugin {
onunload ( ) {
super . onunload ( ) ;
this . suggester . unregister ( ) ;
async onload ( ) {
this . appHelper = new AppHelper ( this . app ) ;
await this . loadSettings ( ) ;
this . settingTab = new VariousComplementsSettingTab ( this . app , this ) ;
this . addSettingTab ( this . settingTab ) ;
if ( this . appHelper . isMobile ( ) && this . settings . disableOnMobile ) {
return ;
this . registerEvent (
this . app . workspace . on ( "editor-menu" , ( menu ) => {
if ( ! this . appHelper . getSelection ( ) ) {
return ;
menu . addItem (
( item ) => item . setTitle ( "Add to custom dictionary" ) . setIcon ( "stacked-levels" ) . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . addWordToCustomDictionary ( ) ;
} )
) ;
} )
) ;
this . statusBar = ProviderStatusBar . new (
this . addStatusBarItem ( ) ,
this . settings . showMatchStrategy ,
this . settings . showIndexingStatus ,
this . settings . showComplementAutomatically
) ;
this . statusBar . setOnClickStrategyListener ( async ( ) => {
await this . settingTab . toggleMatchStrategy ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . statusBar . setOnClickComplementAutomatically ( async ( ) => {
await this . settingTab . toggleComplementAutomatically ( ) ;
} ) ;
const debouncedSaveData = ( 0 , import _obsidian9 . debounce ) ( async ( ) => {
var _a , _b ;
await this . appHelper . saveJson (
( 0 , import _obsidian9 . normalizePath ) (
this . settings . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization . historyFilePath || DEFAULT _HISTORIES _PATH
) ,
( _b = ( _a = this . suggester . selectionHistoryStorage ) == null ? void 0 : _a . data ) != null ? _b : { }
) ;
} , 5e3 ) ;
this . suggester = await AutoCompleteSuggest . new (
this . app ,
this . settings ,
this . statusBar ,
) ;
this . registerEditorSuggest ( this . suggester ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "reload-custom-dictionaries" ,
name : "Reload custom dictionaries" ,
hotkeys : [ { modifiers : [ "Mod" , "Shift" ] , key : "r" } ] ,
callback : async ( ) => {
await this . suggester . refreshCustomDictionaryTokens ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "reload-current-vault" ,
name : "Reload current vault" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
await this . suggester . refreshCurrentVaultTokens ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "toggle-match-strategy" ,
name : "Toggle Match strategy" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
await this . settingTab . toggleMatchStrategy ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "toggle-complement-automatically" ,
name : "Toggle Complement automatically" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
await this . settingTab . toggleComplementAutomatically ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "show-suggestions" ,
name : "Show suggestions" ,
hotkeys : [ { modifiers : [ "Mod" ] , key : " " } ] ,
callback : async ( ) => {
this . suggester . triggerComplete ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "hide-suggestions" ,
name : "Hide suggestions" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
this . suggester . hideCompletion ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "fallback-linkify" ,
name : "Fallback linkify" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
this . suggester . triggerComplete ( { fallbackLinkify : true } ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "add-word-custom-dictionary" ,
name : "Add a word to a custom dictionary" ,
hotkeys : [ { modifiers : [ "Mod" , "Shift" ] , key : " " } ] ,
callback : async ( ) => {
this . addWordToCustomDictionary ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "predictable-complements" ,
name : "Predictable complement" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
this . suggester . predictableComplete ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : "copy-plugin-settings" ,
name : "Copy plugin settings" ,
callback : async ( ) => {
await navigator . clipboard . writeText (
this . settingTab . getPluginSettingsAsJsonString ( )
) ;
new import _obsidian9 . Notice ( "Copy settings of Various Complements" ) ;
} ) ;
async loadSettings ( ) {
const currentSettings = await this . loadData ( ) ;
this . settings = merge . withOptions (
{ mergeArrays : false } ,
currentSettings != null ? currentSettings : { }
) ;
async saveSettings ( needUpdateTokens = { } ) {
await this . saveData ( this . settings ) ;
await this . suggester . updateSettings ( this . settings ) ;
if ( needUpdateTokens . currentFile ) {
await this . suggester . refreshCurrentFileTokens ( ) ;
if ( needUpdateTokens . currentVault ) {
await this . suggester . refreshCurrentVaultTokens ( ) ;
if ( needUpdateTokens . customDictionary ) {
await this . suggester . refreshCustomDictionaryTokens ( ) ;
if ( needUpdateTokens . internalLink ) {
this . suggester . refreshInternalLinkTokens ( ) ;
if ( needUpdateTokens . frontMatter ) {
this . suggester . refreshFrontMatterTokens ( ) ;
if ( needUpdateTokens . intelligentSuggestionPrioritization ) {
await this . suggester . refreshIntelligentSuggestionPrioritization ( ) ;
addWordToCustomDictionary ( ) {
const selectedWord = this . appHelper . getSelection ( ) ;
const provider = this . suggester . customDictionaryWordProvider ;
const modal = new CustomDictionaryWordAddModal (
this . app ,
provider . editablePaths ,
selectedWord ,
this . settings . delimiterToDivideSuggestionsForDisplayFromInsertion ,
async ( dictionaryPath , _word ) => {
const word = {
... _word ,
caretSymbol : this . settings . caretLocationSymbolAfterComplement
} ;
if ( provider . wordByValue [ word . value ] ) {
new import _obsidian9 . Notice ( ` \u 26A0 ${ word . value } already exists ` , 0 ) ;
return ;
await provider . addWordWithDictionary ( word , dictionaryPath , {
emoji : this . settings . matchingWithoutEmoji ,
accentsDiacritics : this . settings . treatAccentDiacriticsAsAlphabeticCharacters
} ) ;
new import _obsidian9 . Notice ( ` Added ${ word . value } ` ) ;
modal . close ( ) ;
) ;
modal . open ( ) ;
} ;
2024-11-20 14:15:58 -04:00
/* nosourcemap */