Notes/UNB/Year 5/Semester 1/HIST1451/In class

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2024-09-06 12:17:53 -03:00
# Systems
## Ideology
- In the mid 20th century, it was thought ideology was a circle
- This idea has been challenged and is no longer the consensus
## Culture
- A set of principles, ideas, attitudes, or values that are commonly held but not integrated into a formal system of thought
## Differences between ideology and cultural
**Ideological**: Che Guevara t-shirt with Obama poster styling
**Cultural**: Che Guevara red t-shirt
# Political Culture
| Conservatives | Liberals |
| ---- | ---- |
| Hyper individualism | Communtarian |
| Materialsm | Motivated by factors other than economics |
| Compettion | Group motivated |
| Suspicion of others | Belief in progress - moving forward |
| Live for the moment or highlight the past | Egalitarian |
| Hierarchy | |
# Ideologies
## Communism (Left)
- Classless, stateless, money-less communal living
- Common ownership of the means of production
## Socialism
- Economic system where the means of production, capital, and agriculture are owned by the State
- Strict limits of private enterprises, limited accumulation of wealth, work together to provide a high degree of income equality
## Social Democrat (Big in United States)
- Highlights the importance of the democracy in moving forward a socialist state
- Believes in a highly regulated and heavily taxed private enterprise but they do not want the sate to own banks or make cars
- Wealthy should pay more taxes
- Free college education
- Medicate for all
## Liberalism
- 19th Century Liberalism
- The first term to appear in west European politics in the 19th century
- Used to describe a representative government with a free market
- John Locke: The three principles
- Individualism
- Equality
- Property
- Became a part of american liberalism philosophy
- Governments exist not because of divine intervention but rather to protect the rights of individuals
- Americans did not refer to themselves this way, but was later applied in the 20th century to describe early american ideology
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- Laissez Faire Liberalism
- Turn of the 1890s century til mid 1930s
- Social Darwinism
- Government should not interfere in the lives of the people or in industry
- No social nets
- If misfortune found you it was probably your fault
- If you were a captain of industry you were doing something right and should be rewarded
- Turn of the Century
- Industrialization, urbanization, and immigration
- Rise of progressives, with the notion of order, control and progress
- 20th Century Liberalism
- New Deal liberalism
- State over the individual
- Equality
- Focus on progress. Making ourselves and society better. We can get better
- The government has an important role to play in improving society
- Values diversity
## Progressive-ism
- 20th Century Progressivism
- 1900-1920
- Progressive era
- Social reform movement
- Both Democrats and Republican. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson
- COP = Control, Order, Progress
- Child Labor Laws, Food safety
- 21st Century Progressivism
- 2000s
- Leftist Democrats
- Congressional Progressive caucus founded 1991
- "Medicare for all"
- Dead with economic hardships "living wage"
- Civil service reform, food safety, rights for women and US workers, climate change, Humane immigration policies
## Conservatism
- The word (and human kind) is flawed. It will always be so
- Society should be governed by natural laws and ones conscience
- Tradition and hierarchy are important
- Government exist to protect individual freedoms
- Economic freedom is an extension of individual freedom
- Taking the constitution literally, at face value
## Libertarian-ism
- Similar to conservatism (fiscal conservatism)
- But socially liberal
- Liberty is the core principle
- Maximize political freedom
- Skeptical of the authority of state power
## Capitalism
- Economic Indivudialism
- Private ownership of the means of production (business) and capital (banks, land, property)
- Low levels of taxation and regulation
- Unfettered competition. No subsidies, ballots or protectionism
- Free flow of goods, services and capital both domestically and internationally
- GNP - Gross national product, includes GDP
## Fascism (Right)
- Authoritarianism that relies on dictatorial power
- One party dictatorship
- It holds that opposition should be forcibly suppressed
- The strong regimentation of the economy
- The government controls all aspects of behavior. Social regimentation
## Trump-ism: The philosophy espoused by Donald Trump
- Authoritarian
- National: America first (make america great again)
- Traditional: Reliance on old industries - coal, steel, farming
- Hierarchical (race and gender)
- Populist (anti-elitist, sort of)
- Anti-immigrant
- Cuts taxes, opposes free trade
- Opposes government regulation
- Anti-abortion (sort of)