1. What does cooper argue made Europe early modern? What events and inventions does she name
	- " There may, however, be a real value in using the term to define those centuries when the medieval and the modern overlapped most generously, when what turned out not to have evolutionary potential was coming to a stop and what was valuable developed in new ways."
	- Early china, moved to Europe
		- Movable type
		- Paper
		- Gunpowder
		- Compass
	- Universities
	- music (staves)
	- English Common Law, Representative democracy
	- Manga Carta (human rights)
	- Mechanical Clock
	- Printing Press
	- Sciences of astrology
	- Humoral Medicine
	- Discovery of America & other geography
	- Execution of King Charles I
2. How do we use periodization, according to Cooper?
3. How does cooper describe he meanings and uses of the word medieval
4. "Modernity is in the eye of the beholder ... periodization is arbitrary" What does cooper mean by this? Discuss, with reference to coopers? and Seed's articles

1. What are seeds source sand methods? How does she trace the historical uses of the word modern?
	- Many ways the word modern is used
		- Criticize modern priests (modern pastors must have a pair of buttresses each side, so fat are they) 
		- Neutral term, can be used either way
		- In the century of of his death, another equally famous writer employs "modern" with real frequency and similar meaning (positive)
	- Sources
		- Used a lot of great writers of the era as evidence
		- Potentially missed writers of less common works
		- Language, literature, architecture(?), Clothing
1. What are seeds Examples of positive and negative uses of modernity? Can the word modern be neutral
2. What does this article make you think about the relationship between past and present? use quotes from the article to discuses?
3. Does this article have a central argument? What is it? Does it work in agreement with or against cooper's article