local obs = obslua local ffi = require("ffi") local winmm = ffi.load("Winmm") -- Put a sound of your choosing next to "Beep on replay save.lua" and don't forget to match its name either in code below or rename your file. PROP_AUDIO_FILEPATH = script_path() .. "sound_npc_scanner_scanner_photo1.wav" ffi.cdef[[ bool PlaySound(const char *pszSound, void *hmod, uint32_t fdwSound); ]] function playsound(filepath) winmm.PlaySound(filepath, nil, 0x00020000) end function on_event(event) if event == obs.OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_REPLAY_BUFFER_SAVED then playsound(PROP_AUDIO_FILEPATH) end end function script_load(settings) obs.obs_frontend_add_event_callback(on_event) end -- This Lua script was downloaded from https://gist.github.com/snakecase/e816384a071cec31efbb4b9e429c108d -- Credits: upgradeQ (https://gist.github.com/upgradeQ/b2412242d76790d7618d6b0996c4562f), gima (https://gitlab.com/gima/obsnotification) -- Thank you guys!