import json import os import time from urllib.request import Request, urlopen, build_opener BASE_URL = "" API_VERSION = "v1" API_URL = f"{BASE_URL}/{API_VERSION}/games" # Read in environment variables (takes precedence over .env file) API_KEY = os.environ.get("API_KEY") if not API_KEY: raise ValueError("API_KEY environment variable must be set") CHECK_INTERVAL = os.environ.get("CHECK_INTERVAL") if not CHECK_INTERVAL: CHECK_INTERVAL = 60 * 60 * 24 # 24 hours DOWNLOAD_PATH = os.environ.get("DOWNLOAD_PATH") if not DOWNLOAD_PATH: DOWNLOAD_PATH = "./downloads" # Read in dot env file if os.path.exists(".env"): file = open(".env", "r") lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: key, value = line.split("=") key = key.strip() if os.environ.get(key) is None: os.environ[key] = value.strip() # Docs: xEdits = { "TES4Edit": { "name": "TES4Edit", "game": "oblivion", "id": 11536, }, "FO3Edit": { "name": "FO3Edit", "game": "fallout3", "id": 637, }, "FNVEdit": { "name": "FNVEdit", "game": "newvegas", "id": 34703, }, "TES5Edit": { "name": "TES5Edit", "game": "skyrim", "id": 25859, }, "EnderalEdit": { "name": "EnderalEdit", "game": "enderal", "id": 23, }, "SSEEdit": { "name": "SSEEdit", "game": "skyrimspecialedition", "id": 164, }, "EnderalSEEdit": { "name": "EnderalSEEdit", "game": "enderalspecialedition", "id": 78, }, "FO4Edit": { "name": "FO4Edit", "game": "fallout4", "id": 2737, }, "FO76Edit": { "name": "FO76Edit", "game": "fallout76", "id": 30, } } def get_main_file_id(edit): request = Request(f"{API_URL}/{edit['game']}/mods/{edit['id']}/files.json", headers={"apikey": API_KEY}) response = urlopen(request) data = json.loads( files_array = data["files"] for file in files_array: if file["is_primary"]: edit["version"] = file["version"] # Set version on edit edit["file_id"] = file["file_id"] # Set file_id on edit return file["file_id"] # Return file_id for use in download_link print("No main file found for ", edit["name"]) def get_download_link(edit): file_id = get_main_file_id(edit) request = Request(f"{API_URL}/{edit['game']}/mods/{edit['id']}/files/{file_id}/download_link.json", headers={"apikey": API_KEY}) response = urlopen(request) data = json.loads( for cdn in data: if cdn["short_name"] == "Nexus CDN": return cdn["URI"] print("No download link found for ", edit["name"]) def download_file(edit): download_link = get_download_link(edit) # Rewrite spaces to %20 download_link = download_link.replace(" ", "%20") opener = build_opener() print("Download link: ", download_link) opener.addheaders = [("apikey", API_KEY), ("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0")] # Create directories if they don't exist filename = f"{edit['name']} {edit['version']}.7z" path = f"{DOWNLOAD_PATH}/{edit['name']}/{filename}" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) # Write VERSION file with open(f"./downloads/{edit['name']}/VERSION", "w") as version_file: version_file.write(edit["version"]) # If file already exists, skip download if os.path.exists(path): print(f"File {filename} already exists, skipping download...") return with as response: with open(path, "wb") as file: file.write( while True: for edit in xEdits: print(f"Downloading {edit}...") download_file(xEdits[edit]) # Wait 1 second between downloads, to prevent rate limiting time.sleep(1) time.sleep(CHECK_INTERVAL)