2024-02-14 13:15:45

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Isaac Shoebottom 2024-02-14 13:15:45 -04:00
parent e41c35cecd
commit 9a0c27a231

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@ -5,4 +5,13 @@ For any DFA, we already have an NFA, it just not happen to use any characteristi
Suppose we have an NFA N that accepts language L
We can construct a DFA D that accepts the same language
* The DFA keeps track of all the possible states the NFA could be in after seeing any sequence of input symbols
Example in slides
Example in slides
Reminder: Any language that can be accepted by a FA is called a regular language
Let A and B languages, we define the regular operations, union, concatenation and star
Union: Is all the strings that are in either of the languages A or B
Concatenation: All the strings that can be formed by the concatenation of A and B
Star: Any sequence of strings formed from any combination strings in a language A
Examples in slides