Notes/UNB/Year 4/Semester 2/CS3873/
2024-01-31 12:07:32 -04:00

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Lecture Topic: Advanced HTTP


Goal is to reduce latency, but keep the same methods, status codes, and header fields. Changes how data is formatted and transmitted between clients

  • Prioritises transmission of requested objects, and give a request a weight to each request to indicate priority
  • Server pushes additional objects to client, by sending multiple responses to a single client request, before receiving explicit
  • Head of line blocking
    • Before in HTTP 1.1 the request are blocked by large requests, as objects are delivered in sequence, and a workaround is to setup multiple TCP connections to request many objects at once
    • In version 2, objects are divided into frames and frame transmission is interleaved in a round robin fashion


Improved performance even further by using streaming, by using the "QUIC" protocol over a bare UDP connection

HTML Versions

  • HTML 1.0 Is written by Tim Berners-Lee
  • HTML 1,2,3,4, 4.01 published in in 1999
  • XHTML is an extensible version of HTML, based on XML
  • HTML5
    • New elements, section for documents, figure for content flow, video, audio, canvas for multimedia
    • New APIs to prompt users, like alert(), confirm(), prompt(), and printing with print() HTML is a markup language that uses tags

(list and explanation of common html tags)


CSS defines the visual style of a document