Notes/UNB/Year 4/Semester 2/STAT2593/
2024-02-14 10:31:05 -04:00

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Lecture Topic: Midterm Review 1

Will be Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024 Covers Lectures 1-13, Chapters 1-3 All multiple choice, 18-20 Questions for 50 mins, 16-17 as it is 45 minutes 45 Minutes, Show up early Choose closest answer if answer does not line up YOU NEED A CALCULATOR FOR THIS

For your formula sheet, you can put anything on it, 1 regular size sheet (11x8.5), both sides are allowed to be written on.

Questions from base theorem will likely take longer than others, so look for questions that are easier to solve first

Basic Statistics

Mean - $\frac{\sum x}{n}$ Median - Middle Most value, even is the average of two middle values Mode - Most frequent value Quartile

  • Q1 - 25%, In between 0 and median
  • Q2 = Median
  • Q3 = 75% In Between median and 100
  • Q4 = 100%


IQR - Inter quartile range - Q3 - Q1 Variance

  • \frac{1}{n-1} \sum (x_i - x)^2 or \frac{\sum(x_i - x)^2}{n-1}
  • \frac{1}{n-1} \sum (x_i^2) - nx^2 Ask about this, didn't quite catch on board
  • must be positive std deviation - Square root of variance, $\sqrt{V(x)}$ Upper and lower fence - Outlier limits
  • UF = Q3 + 15 IQR Ask about this, could have been 1 times 5, board was messy
  • LF = Q1- 15 IQR Ask about this, could have been 1 times 5, board was messy Z score - $\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}$ Coefficient of variation / CV = $\frac{\mu}{\sigma} * 100$ If sigma is not know, replace with S, sample standard deviation