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## Philosophy of Science
Francis Bacon believed that the previous study of science was flawed, as it believed that truth could be obtained through debate and philosophy. He envisioned a model of science based on experimentation and results, and study of the natural world.
This model was later applied to many disciplines in the 19th century, such as political science, social science, computer science and changed things again.
## Sociology of Science
Robert Burton showed us how the essence of scientific life is competitive to gain priority in discovery. This creates ambivalent attitudes in scientists and academia, as the system doctrine says that importance or glory is not the point of the ordeal, but the system itself re-enforces the reward system.
Databases changed how the field was studied, as now with everything being cataloged digitally, you could now very easily perform statistical analysis and examine how science was performed.
The study revealed that academia or science was a pyramid, with only a small number of scientists producing the most amount of research and only a small number of that research was cited in other research, i.e, important.
## History of Science
Thomas Kuhn came out with a book called "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", which claimed that science must not focus on the individual scientists but on disciplinary communities that decide on the context of their research.
Scientists are to find the known not to discover the unknown as Kuhn says?
### Kuhn's Conclusions
Scientific Method's appeal to nature does not suffice to guide scientists to their most important decisions, i.e. you must have new ideas and cannot simply continue extenuated research
We cannot say science makes progress or moves closer to truth in passing through a revolution from one paradigm, to its successor.
Come back to this and review
## Gender and Science