Notes/UNB/Year 4/Semester 1/CS3418/
2024-01-22 10:12:48 -04:00

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Lecture Topic: Processes Parts of memory

  • Stack
  • Heap
  • Program Counter
  • Registers
  • Arguments Vector
  • Environment PATH
Stack Layout
argv, argc
uninitialized global variables
initialized global variables

Heap Memory, only the result of calls to malloc or calloc Stack Memory, anything else, even pointers or custom typedefs, unless it was specifically allocated

Possible Process States

  • New: First Stage, when the OS loads the program and before it is given CPU cycles
  • Ready: When the program is ready to execute and has been added to the OS queue for execution
  • Running: The program is executing instructions on the CPU
  • Waiting: The program is waiting for CPU cycles or is dormant, either due to timeout or waiting for IO or events
  • Terminated: The program memory is unallocated and revoked. Can be invoked by program itself or by parent (includes OS)

Process Control Block or Task Control Block

  • Process state
  • Program counter
  • Scheduling information
  • Memory info
  • Accounting info
  • IO status info (fds, etc) In Linux this is implemented with a structure called task_struct

It's organized in a Linked List, it's used for scheduling.

The process scheduler, selects which process get CPU attention, with the goal of improving response time, as well as multiprorgramming.

Maintained Queues

  • Waiting Queue
  • Ready Queue

Processes could be CPU bound or IO bound

In general 100% utilization (CPU, IO) is not bad