1008 B

Running Time

Most Algorithms transform input objects into output objects. The running time typically grows with the input size. Average case time is often difficult to determine. We focus on the worst case running time, as it's easier to analyze and its crucial to applications such as games, finance, and robotics.

Space Complexity

In algorithms, you need to think about the amount of space, memory, that you need to compute the algorithm.

Algorithm Structure?

Need to think about how complex an algorithm is in implementation, the simpler the better. Code organization is also important in the structure.


Algorithm which uses array to store previous fib numbers vs one which uses constant number of variables to compute the sequence. Space complexity varies between the two between one being O(n) and one is O(1).

The naive recursive solution for this problem is very bad. By using multiple return values we can make the recursive algorithm equal to the non-recursive algorithm.