
565 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-09-15 19:34:53 -03:00
//////////////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////
// ToonHUD colors
"G_Highlight" "156 53 51 255" // Highlight color
"G_White" "255 255 255 255"
"G_Black" "0 0 0 255"
"G_Red" "230 0 0 255"
"G_Shadow" "0 0 0 204" // Shadow color
"G_LightShadow" "0 0 0 110"
"G_Heal" "0 255 0 255" // Heal color
"G_Hit" "255 255 0 255" // Hit color
"G_Brown" "49 44 41 255"
"G_Yellow" "235 220 50 255"
"G_WhiteShadow" "255 255 255 50"
"G_WhiteShadowDim" "255 255 255 40"
"G_WhiteShadowCharge" "255 255 255 100"
"G_Grey" "54 54 54 255" // Move building bg
"G_LightGrey" "0 255 0 255" // Metal color in build/destroy menu
"G_HealthBarBg" "0 0 0 220" // Target health bg
"G_CurrencyBad" "255 60 60 255" // Red currency in MvM
"G_TransparentMenuBG" "0 0 0 200" // Transparent menu color
"G_PanelBg" "40 40 40 200" // Panel color
"G_OpaquePanelBg" "40 40 40 255" // Opaque Panel color
"G_Warning" "255 0 0 255" // Warning color
"G_HealthValue" "0 255 0 255" // Health value color
"G_Overheal" "51 143 255 255" // Overhealed health value color
"G_LowHealthValue" "255 0 0 255" // Low health value color
"G_AmmoClipValue" "0 255 0 255" // Ammo in clip value color
"G_AmmoReserveValue" "255 255 255 255" // Ammo in reserve value color
"G_LowAmmo" "255 0 0 255" // Low ammo color
"G_MetalValue" "0 255 0 255" // Metal color
"G_MetalIcon" "255 255 255 255" // Metal icon color
"G_HeadsValue" "235 220 50 255" // Heads value color
"G_HeadsLabel" "255 255 255 255" // Heads value icon color
"G_KillstreakValue" "255 255 255 255" // Killstreak value color
"G_KillstreakIcon" "255 255 255 255" // Killstreak icon color
"G_StickyColor" "255 255 255 255" // Stickybomb color
"G_StickyIconColor" "255 255 255 255" // Stickybomb icon color
"G_CustomTargetID" "0 0 0 100" // Custom target id bg color
"G_CustomBuildingStatusBg" "0 0 0 100" // Custom building status bg color
"G_TargetHealthValue" "0 255 0 255" // Target ID health value color
"G_TargetHealthValueShadow" "0 0 0 220" // Target ID health value shadow color
"G_Killfeed_Base" "0 0 0 120" // Killfeed Base color
"G_Killfeed_Local" "235 235 235 240" // Killfeed Local color
"G_CenteredMetalBg" "50 50 50 120" // Centered metal background color
"G_CenteredUberchargeBg" "0 0 0 100" // Centered ubercharge meter background color
"G_BrownBg" "46 43 42 220"
"G_DestroyBg" "120 0 0 150"
"G_ScoreboardBlue" "55 73 85 100"
"G_ScoreboardRed" "106 34 34 100"
"G_TeamBlue" "91 122 140 255"
"G_TeamRed" "189 58 58 255"
"G_TeamButtonBlue" "91 122 140 100"
"G_TeamButtonRed" "189 58 58 100"
"G_TeamButtonBlueArmed" "111 142 160 255"
"G_TeamButtonRedArmed" "209 78 78 255"
"G_Footer" "28 23 19 255" // Menu footer color
"G_DimmFooter" "28 23 19 200" // Dimm Menu footer color
"G_FooterText" "203 186 177 255" // Footer text color
"G_DimmFooterText" "196 178 168 120" // Dimm Footer text color
"G_OuterBorder" "0 0 0 255" // Outer border color
"G_InnerBorder" "0 0 0 30" // Inner border color
"G_KillfeedBlue" "96 168 255 255" // Killfeed blue text
"G_KillfeedRed" "255 89 89 255" // Killfeed red text
"G_KillfeedIcon" "255 255 255 255" // Killfeed icon color
"G_CustomHealthValue" "120 120 120 255"
"G_MainMenuOverlay" "0 0 0 0" // Main Menu overlay color
"G_MainMenuPanel" "28 23 19 255" // Main Menu panel color
"G_MainMenuButton" "40 40 40 242" // Main Menu button color
"G_MainMenuButtonHover" "156 53 51 255" // Main Menu hovered button color
"G_MainMenuButtonFg" "240 240 240 255" // Main Menu button text color
"G_MainMenuButtonHoverFg" "240 240 240 255" // Main Menu hovered button text color
"G_MainMenuShader" "0 0 0 0" // Main Menu shader color
"G_BackpackItemBg" "55 50 45 255" // Backpack item bg color
"G_LoadoutItemBg" "52 47 42 255" // Loadout item bg color
"G_MenuBg" "40 34 30 255" // Menu bg color
"G_MenuText" "220 206 199 255" // Menu text color
"G_InputText" "0 0 0 240" // Input text color
"G_DimmInputText" "0 0 0 100" // Dimm Input text color
"G_DimmMenuText" "220 206 199 120" // Dimm Menu text color
"G_ItemDescriptionPanelBg" "24 22 20 255" // Item description panel bg
"G_ButtonBg" "96 83 73 255" // Button bg color
"G_ButtonText" "214 206 200 255" // Button text color
"G_ButtonHoverBg" "156 53 51 255" // Button hover bg color
"G_ButtonHoverText" "255 255 255 255" // Button hover text color
"G_ButtonSelectedBg" "116 40 39 255" // Button selected bg color
"G_ButtonSelectedText" "255 255 255 255" // Button selected text color
"G_MiniButtonBg" "50 50 50 255" // Mini button bg color
"G_MiniButtonHoverBg" "10 10 10 255" // Mini button hover bg color
"G_GhostWhite" "255 255 255 210"
"G_ItemMeterBg" "0 0 0 100" // Item meter bg
"G_ItemMeterBorder" "0 0 0 255" // Item meter border color
"G_MenuShader" "0 0 0 100" // Menu shader color
"G_XPBar" "240 240 240 255" // XP Bar color
"G_ItemEffectMeterLineColor" "120 120 120 130"
"G_MvmLobbyPanelBg" "40 40 40 255"
"G_MvmLobbyPanelText" "220 220 220 255"
// Crosshairs
"G_Crosshair1Color" "0 255 0 255" // Crosshair1 color
"G_Crosshair2Color" "255 89 89 255" // Crosshair2 color
"G_Crosshair3Color" "255 255 255 255" // Crosshair3 color
"G_Hitmarker1Color" "255 0 0 255" // Hitmarker1 color
"G_Hitmarker2Color" "255 0 0 255" // Hitmarker2 color
"G_Hitmarker3Color" "255 0 0 255" // Hitmarker3 color
// base colors
"Orange" "178 82 22 255"
"OrangeDim" "178 82 22 120"
"LightOrange" "188 112 0 128"
"GoalOrange" "255 133 0"
"TFOrange" "151 51 51 255" // Highlight color
"QuestGold" "208 147 75 255"
"HalloweenThemeColor2015_Light" "238 126 17 255"
"HalloweenThemeColor2015" "135 54 16 255"
"HalloweenThemeColor2015_Dark" "108 49 21 255"
"QuestUncommitted" "183 147 100 255"
"QuestMap_Bonus" "222 217 166 255"
"QuestMap_ActiveOrange" "212 127 25 255"
"QuestMap_InactiveGrey" "100 100 100 255"
"QuestMap_BGImages" "56 58 60 255"
"PartyMember1" "124 173 255 255"
"PartyMember2" "99 232 167 255"
"PartyMember3" "229 255 121 255"
"PartyMember4" "232 184 99 255"
"PartyMember5" "255 118 108 255"
"PartyMember6" "255 133 255 255"
"White" "235 235 235 255"
"Red" "192 28 0 140"
"RedSolid" "192 28 0 255"
"Blue" "0 28 162 140"
"Yellow" "255 255 255 255"
"TransparentYellow" "255 255 255 255 140"
"BrightYellow" "251 235 0 255"
//"Black" "0 0 0 255"
//Changed black to a NTSC safe color
"GreenSolid" "76 107 34 255"
"Black" "46 43 42 255"
"TransparentBlack" "0 0 0 196"
"TransparentLightBlack" "0 0 0 90"
"FooterBGBlack" "52 48 55 255"
"HUDBlueTeam" "104 124 155 127"
"HUDRedTeam" "180 92 77 127"
"HUDSpectator" "124 124 124 127"
"HUDBlueTeamSolid" "104 124 155 255"
"HUDRedTeamSolid" "180 92 77 255"
"HUDDeathWarning" "255 0 0 255"
"HudWhite" "255 255 255 255"
"HudOffWhite" "200 187 161 255"
"HudBlack" "65 65 65 255"
"ProgressBarBlue" "91 122 142 255"
"CreditsGreen" "94 150 49 255"
"Gray" "178 178 178 255"
"Blank" "0 0 0 0"
"ForTesting" "255 0 0 32"
"ForTesting_Magenta" "255 0 255 255"
"ForTesting_MagentaDim" "255 0 255 120"
"HudPanelForeground" "123 110 59 184"
"HudPanelBackground" "123 110 59 184"
"HudPanelBorder" "255 255 255 102"
"HudProgressBarActive" "240 207 78 255"
"HudProgressBarInActive" "140 120 73 255"
"HudProgressBarActiveLow" "240 30 30 255"
"HudProgressBarInActiveLow" "240 30 30 99"
"HudTimerProgressActive" "251 235 202 255"
"HudTimerProgressInActive" "52 48 45 255"
"HudTimerProgressWarning" "240 30 30 255"
// training
"HudTrainingHint" "212 160 23 255"
"TanDark" "110 110 110 255"
"TanLight" "235 235 235 255"
"TanDarker" "44 44 44 255"
"StoreDarkTan" "131 121 104 255"
"StoreGreen" "76 107 34 255"
// Building HUD Specific
"LowHealthRed" "255 0 0 255"
"ProgressOffWhite" "255 255 255 255 255"
"ProgressBackground" "250 234 201 51"
"HealthBgGrey" "72 71 69 255"
"ProgressOffWhiteTransparent" "255 255 255 255 128"
"LabelDark" "48 43 42 255"
"LabelTransparent" "109 96 80 180"
"BuildMenuActive" "248 231 198 255"
"DisguiseMenuIconRed" "192 56 63 255"
"DisguiseMenuIconBlue" "92 128 166 255"
"MatchmakingDialogTitleColor" "200 184 151 255"
"MatchmakingMenuItemBackground" "46 43 42 255"
"MatchmakingMenuItemBackgroundActive" "150 71 0 255"
"MatchmakingMenuItemTitleColor" "200 184 151 255"
"MatchmakingMenuItemDescriptionColor" "200 184 151 255"
"HTMLBackground" "95 92 101 255"
"ItemAttribLevel" "117 107 94 255"
"ItemAttribNeutral" "235 226 202 255"
"ItemAttribPositive" "153 204 255 255"
"ItemAttribNegative" "255 64 64 255"
"ItemSetName" "225 255 15 255"
"ItemSetItemEquipped" "149 175 12 255"
"ItemSetItemMissing" "139 137 137 255"
"ItemIsotope" "225 255 15 255"
"ItemBundleItem" "149 175 12 255"
"ItemLimitedUse" "0 160 0 255"
"ItemFlags" "117 107 94 255"
"ItemLimitedQuantity" "225 209 0 255"
"QualityColorNormal" "178 178 178 255" // IQC Normal
"QualityColorrarity1" "77 116 85 255" // IQC Genuine
"QualityColorrarity2" "141 131 75 255"
"QualityColorrarity3" "204 204 250 255"
"QualityColorrarity4" "134 80 172 255" // IQC Unusual
"QualityColorVintage" "71 98 145 255" // IQC Vintage
"QualityColorUnique" "255 215 0 255" // IQC Unique
"QualityColorCommunity" "112 176 74 255" // IQC Community
"QualityColorDeveloper" "165 15 121 255" // IQC Valve
"QualityColorSelfMade" "112 176 74 255" // IQC Community
"QualityColorCustomized" "71 98 145 255"
"QualityColorStrange" "207 106 50 255" // IQC Strange
"QualityColorCompleted" "134 80 172 255"
"QualityColorHaunted" "56 243 171 255" // IQC Haunted
"QualityColorCollectors" "170 0 0 255" // IQC Collectors
"QualityColorPaintkitWeapon" "250 250 250 255" // IQC PaintkitWeapon
"DimmQualityColorNormal" "178 178 178 100" // Dimm IQC Normal
"DimmQualityColorrarity1" "77 116 85 100" // Dimm IQC Genuine
"DimmQualityColorrarity2" "141 131 75 100"
"DimmQualityColorrarity3" "204 204 250 100"
"DimmQualityColorrarity4" "134 80 172 100" // Dimm IQC Unusual
"DimmQualityColorVintage" "71 98 145 100" // Dimm IQC Vintage
"DimmQualityColorUnique" "255 215 0 100" // Dimm IQC Unique
"DimmQualityColorCommunity" "112 176 74 100" // Dimm IQC Community
"DimmQualityColorDeveloper" "165 15 121 100" // Dimm IQC Valve
"DimmQualityColorSelfMade" "112 176 74 100" // Dimm IQC Community
"DimmQualityColorCustomized" "71 98 145 100"
"DimmQualityColorStrange" "207 106 50 100" // Dimm IQC Strange
"DimmQualityColorCompleted" "134 80 172 100"
"DimmQualityColorHaunted" "56 243 171 100" // Dimm IQC Haunted
"DimmQualityColorCollectors" "170 0 0 100" // Dimm IQC Collectors
"DimmQualityColorPaintkitWeapon" "250 250 250 100" // Dimm IQC PaintkitWeapon
"ItemRarityDefault" "131 126 119 255"
"ItemRarityCommon" "176 195 217 255" // IRC Common
"ItemRarityUncommon" "94 152 217 255" // IRC Uncommon
"ItemRarityRare" "75 105 255 255" // IRC Rare
"ItemRarityMythical" "136 71 255 255" // IRC Mythical
"ItemRarityLegendary" "211 44 230 255" // IRC Legendary
"ItemRarityAncient" "235 75 75 255" // IRC Ancient
"DimmItemRarityDefault" "131 126 119 100"
"DimmItemRarityCommon" "176 195 217 100" // Dimm IRC Common
"DimmItemRarityUncommon" "94 152 217 100" // Dimm IRC Uncommon
"DimmItemRarityRare" "75 105 255 100" // Dimm IRC Rare
"DimmItemRarityMythical" "136 71 255 100" // Dimm IRC Mythical
"DimmItemRarityLegendary" "211 44 230 100" // Dimm IRC Legendary
"DimmItemRarityAncient" "235 75 75 100" // Dimm IRC Ancient
"ItemRarityDefault_GreyedOut" "44 42 40 255"
"ItemRarityCommon_GreyedOut" "59 65 72 255"
"ItemRarityUncommon_GreyedOut" "31 50 72 255"
"ItemRarityRare_GreyedOut" "25 35 85 255"
"ItemRarityMythical_GreyedOut" "45 24 85 255"
"ItemRarityLegendary_GreyedOut" "70 15 77 255"
"ItemRarityAncient_GreyedOut" "78 25 25 255"
"QualityColorNormal_GreyedOut" "44 44 44 255"
"QualityColorrarity1_GreyedOut" "20 29 21 255"
"QualityColorrarity2_GreyedOut" "35 33 19 255"
"QualityColorrarity3_GreyedOut" "51 51 62 255"
"QualityColorrarity4_GreyedOut" "36 20 43 255"
"QualityColorVintage_GreyedOut" "18 25 36 255"
"QualityColorUnique_GreyedOut" "64 54 0 255"
"QualityColorCommunity_GreyedOut" "28 44 19 255"
"QualityColorDeveloper_GreyedOut" "41 4 30 255"
"QualityColorSelfMade_GreyedOut" "28 44 74 255"
"QualityColorCustomized_GreyedOut" "71 98 19 255"
"QualityColorStrange_GreyedOut" "52 27 13 255"
"QualityColorCompleted_GreyedOut" "34 20 43 255"
"QualityColorHaunted_GreyedOut" "14 61 43 255"
"QualityColorCollectors_GreyedOut" "60 0 0 255"
"QualityColorPaintkitWeapon_GreyedOut" "60 60 60 255"
"SaleGreen" "76 107 34 255"
"LightRed" "200 80 60 255"
"LighterRed" "220 100 80 255"
"LighterDarkBrown" "59 54 48 255"
"DarkBrown" "41 37 38 255"
"UpgradeDefaultFg" "87 82 74 255"
"UpgradeDefaultBg" "111 104 94 255"
"UpgradeArmedFg" "194 96 47 255"
"UpgradeArmedBg" "239 128 73 255"
"UpgradeDepressedFg" "204 106 57 255"
"UpgradeDepressedBg" "249 138 83 255"
"UpgradeSelectedFg" "204 106 57 255"
"UpgradeSelectedBg" "249 138 83 255"
"UpgradeDisabledFg" "64 59 52 255"
"UpgradeDisabledBg" "79 77 68 255"
///////////////////// BASE SETTINGS ////////////////////////
// default settings for all panels
// controls use these to determine their settings
// vgui_controls color specifications
ReplayBrowser.BgColor "DarkBrown"
ReplayBrowser.Details.TitleEdit.Carat.FgColor "LightRed"
ReplayBrowser.Button.ArmedBgColor "TFOrange"
ReplayBrowser.Button.DepressedBgColor "TFOrange"
ReplayBrowser.CollectionTitle.FgColor "LightRed"
ReplayBrowser.Warning.FgColor "White"
ReplayBrowser.ScrollBar.SliderButton.FgColor "TransparentYellow"
ReplayBrowser.Search.BgColor "TanDark"
ReplayBrowser.Search.FgColor "White"
Replay.RenderDialog.BgColor "LighterDarkBrown"
Econ.Dialog.BgColor "Blank"
Econ.Button.BgColor "TanDark"
Econ.Button.FgColor "TanLight"
Econ.Button.ArmedBgColor "TFOrange"
Econ.Button.ArmedFgColor "TanLight"
Econ.Button.DepressedBgColor "TFOrange"
Econ.Button.DepressedFgColor "Black"
Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorFg "G_ButtonSelectedText"
Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorFg "G_ButtonHoverText"
Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorFg "G_ButtonSelectedText"
Econ.Button.PresetDefaultColorBg "G_ButtonSelectedBg"
Econ.Button.PresetArmedColorBg "G_ButtonHoverBg"
Econ.Button.PresetDepressedColorBg "G_ButtonSelectedBg"
Border.Bright "Blank" // the lit side of a control
Border.Dark "Black" // the dark/unlit side of a control
Border.Selection "Gray" // the additional border color for displaying the default/selected button
Button.TextColor "G_ButtonText"
Button.BgColor "G_ButtonBg"
Button.ArmedTextColor "G_ButtonHoverText"
Button.ArmedBgColor "G_ButtonHoverBg"
Button.SelectedTextColor "G_ButtonSelectedText"
Button.SelectedBgColor "G_ButtonSelectedBg"
Button.DepressedTextColor "G_ButtonSelectedText"
Button.DepressedBgColor "G_ButtonSelectedBg"
CheckButton.TextColor "G_MenuText"
CheckButton.SelectedTextColor "G_MenuText"
CheckButton.BgColor "0 0 0 0"
CheckButton.Border1 "G_MenuText" // the left checkbutton border
CheckButton.Border2 "G_MenuText" // the right checkbutton border
CheckButton.Check "G_MenuText" // color of the check itself
CheckButton.HighlightFgColor "G_MenuText"
ComboBoxButton.ArrowColor "G_MenuText"
ComboBoxButton.ArmedArrowColor "G_MenuText"
ComboBoxButton.BgColor "Blank"
ComboBoxButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
Frame.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
Frame.OutOfFocusBgColor "TransparentBlack"
Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.0" [$WIN32] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.0" [$WIN32] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
Frame.FocusTransitionEffectTime "0.15" [$X360] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on focus/out of focus
Frame.TransitionEffectTime "0.15" [$X360] // time it takes for a window to fade in/out on open/close
Frame.AutoSnapRange "0"
FrameGrip.Color1 "Blank"
FrameGrip.Color2 "Blank"
FrameTitleButton.FgColor "Blank"
FrameTitleButton.BgColor "Blank"
FrameTitleButton.DisabledFgColor "Blank"
FrameTitleButton.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
FrameSystemButton.FgColor "Blank"
FrameSystemButton.BgColor "Blank"
FrameSystemButton.Icon ""
FrameSystemButton.DisabledIcon ""
FrameTitleBar.TextColor "Orange"
FrameTitleBar.BgColor "Blank"
FrameTitleBar.DisabledTextColor "Orange"
FrameTitleBar.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
GraphPanel.FgColor "Orange"
GraphPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
Label.TextDullColor "TanDark"
Label.TextColor "TanLight"
Label.TextBrightColor "TanLight"
Label.SelectedTextColor "White"
Label.BgColor "Blank"
Label.DisabledFgColor1 "Blank"
Label.DisabledFgColor2 "Black"
ListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
ListPanel.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
ListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
ListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor "Red"
ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor "Orange"
Menu.TextColor "G_ButtonText"
Menu.BgColor "G_ButtonBg"
Menu.ArmedTextColor "G_ButtonSelectedText"
Menu.ArmedBgColor "G_ButtonSelectedBg"
Menu.TextInset "6"
Chat.TypingText "Orange"
Panel.FgColor "Gray"
Panel.BgColor "Blank"
HTML.BgColor "Blank"
ProgressBar.FgColor "ProgressOffWhite"
ProgressBar.BgColor "ProgressBackground"
CircularProgressBar.FgColor "White"
CircularProgressBar.BgColor "White"
"BuildingHealthBar.BgColor" "HealthBgGrey"
"BuildingHealthBar.Health" "ProgressOffWhite"
"BuildingHealthBar.LowHealth" "LowHealthRed"
PropertySheet.TextColor "Orange"
PropertySheet.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
PropertySheet.TransitionEffectTime "0.25" // time to change from one tab to another
RadioButton.TextColor "Orange"
RadioButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
RichText.TextColor "Gray"
RichText.BgColor "Blank"
RichText.SelectedTextColor "Gray"
RichText.SelectedBgColor "Red"
ScrollBarButton.FgColor "G_MenuText"
ScrollBarButton.BgColor "Blank"
ScrollBarButton.ArmedFgColor "G_MenuText"
ScrollBarButton.ArmedBgColor "Blank"
ScrollBarButton.DepressedFgColor "Black"
ScrollBarButton.DepressedBgColor "Blank"
ScrollBarSlider.FgColor "G_MenuText" // nob color
ScrollBarSlider.BgColor "Blank" // slider background color
SectionedListPanel.HeaderTextColor "Orange"
SectionedListPanel.HeaderBgColor "Blank"
SectionedListPanel.DividerColor "Black"
SectionedListPanel.TextColor "Orange"
SectionedListPanel.BrightTextColor "Orange"
SectionedListPanel.BgColor "TransparentLightBlack"
SectionedListPanel.SelectedTextColor "Black"
SectionedListPanel.SelectedBgColor "Red"
SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedTextColor "Black"
SectionedListPanel.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "255 255 255 32"
Slider.NobColor "156 53 51 255" // Highlight color
Slider.TextColor "220 206 199 255" // Menu text color
Slider.TrackColor "220 206 199 255" // Menu text color
Slider.DisabledTextColor1 "220 206 199 120" // Dimm Menu text color
Slider.DisabledTextColor2 "220 206 199 120" // Dimm Menu text color
TextEntry.TextColor "Gray"
TextEntry.BgColor "Blank"
TextEntry.CursorColor "Gray"
TextEntry.DisabledTextColor "Gray"
TextEntry.DisabledBgColor "Blank"
TextEntry.SelectedTextColor "TanLight"
TextEntry.SelectedBgColor "Gray"
TextEntry.OutOfFocusSelectedBgColor "Blank"
TextEntry.FocusEdgeColor "Blank"
ToggleButton.SelectedTextColor "Orange"
Tooltip.TextColor "TransparentBlack"
Tooltip.BgColor "Red"
TreeView.BgColor "TransparentBlack"
WizardSubPanel.BgColor "Blank"
TimerProgress.Active "HudTimerProgressActive"
TimerProgress.InActive "HudTimerProgressInActive"
TimerProgress.Warning "HudTimerProgressWarning"
HudObjectives.FgColor "HudPanelForeground"
HudObjectives.BgColor "HudPanelBackground"
HudObjectives.BorderColor "HudPanelBorder"
HudProgressBar.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
HudProgressBar.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
HudCaptureIcon.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
HudCaptureIcon.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
HudCaptureProgressBar.Active "HudProgressBarActive"
HudCaptureProgressBar.InActive "HudProgressBarInActive"
// scheme-specific colors
"FgColor" "G_Highlight"
"BgColor" "TransparentBlack"
"ViewportBG" "Blank"
"TeamSpec" "204 204 204 255"
"TeamRed" "255 64 64 255"
"TeamBlue" "153 204 255 255"
"MapDescriptionText" "Gray" // the text used in the map description window
"HudIcon_Green" "0 160 0 255"
"HudIcon_Red" "160 0 0 255"
// CHudMenu
"ItemColor" "255 167 42 200" // default 255 167 42 255
"MenuColor" "233 208 173 255"
"MenuBoxBg" "0 0 0 100"
// weapon selection colors
"SelectionNumberFg" "251 235 202 255"
"SelectionTextFg" "251 235 202 255"
"SelectionEmptyBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
"SelectionBoxBg" "0 0 0 80"
"SelectionSelectedBoxBg" "0 0 0 190"
// Hint message colors
"HintMessageFg" "255 255 255 255"
"HintMessageBg" "0 0 0 60"
"ProgressBarFg" "255 30 13 255"
// Top-left corner of the menu on the main screen
"Main.Menu.X" "32"
"Main.Menu.Y" "248"
// Blank space to leave beneath the menu on the main screen
"Main.BottomBorder" "32"
"VguiScreenCursor" "255 208 64 255"