Write config to git repo

This commit is contained in:
Isaac Shoebottom 2022-09-15 19:34:53 -03:00
commit da71a0ae40
573 changed files with 91051 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Configs/cfg/callouts.cfg Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
//communication binds
//Made with cfg.tf - custom Team Fortress 2 config generator
alias com_down_scout say_team scout down
alias com_down_solly say_team solly down
alias com_down_pyro say_team pyro down
alias com_down_demo say_team demo down
alias com_down_heavy say_team heavy down
alias com_down_engi say_team engi down
alias com_down_med say_team med down
alias com_down_sniper say_team sniper down
alias com_down_spy say_team spy down
alias com_down_tele say_team tele down
alias com_down_sentry say_team ! SENTRY DOWN !
alias com_lit_scout say_team scout lit
alias com_lit_solly say_team solly lit
alias com_lit_pyro say_team pyro lit
alias com_lit_demo say_team demo lit
alias com_lit_heavy say_team heavy lit
alias com_lit_engi say_team engi lit
alias com_lit_med say_team med lit
alias com_lit_sniper say_team sniper lit
alias com_lit_spy say_team spy lit
alias com_spy_scout say_team spy as scout
alias com_spy_solly say_team spy as solly
alias com_spy_pyro say_team spy as pyro
alias com_spy_demo say_team spy as demo
alias com_spy_heavy say_team spy as heavy
alias com_spy_engi say_team spy as engi
alias com_spy_med say_team spy as med
alias com_spy_sniper say_team spy as sniper
alias com_spy_spy say_team spy as spy
alias com_spy_dr say_team spy uses Dead Ringer
alias com_spy_yer say_team spy uses Your Eternal Reward
alias com_spy_sap say_team ! SPY SAPPED OUR SENTRY !
alias com_pop say_team ! UBER incoming !
alias com_pop_kritz say_team ! KRITZ incoming !
alias com_push say_team ! PUSH !
alias com_retreat say_team ! RETREAT !
alias com_down1 "bind kp_end com_down_scout; bind kp_downarrow com_down_solly ; bind kp_pgdn com_down_pyro"
alias com_down2 "bind kp_leftarrow com_down_demo ; bind kp_5 com_down_heavy ; bind kp_rightarrow com_down_engi"
alias com_down3 "bind kp_home com_down_med ; bind kp_uparrow com_down_sniper; bind kp_pgup com_down_spy"
alias com_down "com_down1; com_down2; com_down3"
alias com_lit1 "bind kp_end com_lit_scout; bind kp_downarrow com_lit_solly ; bind kp_pgdn com_lit_pyro"
alias com_lit2 "bind kp_leftarrow com_lit_demo ; bind kp_5 com_lit_heavy ; bind kp_rightarrow com_lit_engi"
alias com_lit3 "bind kp_home com_lit_med ; bind kp_uparrow com_lit_sniper; bind kp_pgup com_lit_spy"
alias com_lit "com_lit1; com_lit2; com_lit3"
alias com_spy1 "bind kp_end com_spy_scout; bind kp_downarrow com_spy_solly ; bind kp_pgdn com_spy_pyro"
alias com_spy2 "bind kp_leftarrow com_spy_demo ; bind kp_5 com_spy_heavy ; bind kp_rightarrow com_spy_engi"
alias com_spy3 "bind kp_home com_spy_med ; bind kp_uparrow com_spy_sniper; bind kp_pgup com_spy_spy"
alias com_spy "com_spy1; com_spy2; com_spy3"
alias com_menu1 "com_down; bind kp_plus com_pop ; bind kp_enter com_push ; bind kp_ins com_down_sentry"
alias com_menu2 "com_lit ; bind kp_plus com_pop_kritz; bind kp_enter com_retreat; bind kp_ins com_down_tele"
alias com_menu3 "com_spy ; bind kp_plus com_spy_dr ; bind kp_enter com_spy_yer; bind kp_ins com_spy_sap"
bind kp_slash com_menu1
bind kp_multiply com_menu2
bind kp_minus com_menu3

Configs/cfg/jump.cfg Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//offline rocket-jumping
//Made with cfg.tf - custom Team Fortress 2 config generator
sv_cheats 1
mp_tournament 1
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1
mp_disable_respawn_times 1
alias tr_tele_nolog con_logfile "console.log"
alias tr_tele_save "getpos; tr_tele_nolog"
alias tr_tele_save1 "con_logfile cfg/tr_tele_pos_1; tr_tele_save"
alias tr_tele_save2 "con_logfile cfg/tr_tele_pos_2; tr_tele_save"
alias tr_tele_save3 "con_logfile cfg/tr_tele_pos_3; tr_tele_save"
alias tr_tele_goto1 exec tr_tele_pos_1.log
alias tr_tele_goto2 exec tr_tele_pos_2.log
alias tr_tele_goto3 exec tr_tele_pos_3.log
alias tr_tele "bind f1 tr_tele_goto1; bind f2 tr_tele_goto2; bind f3 tr_tele_goto3"
alias +tr_tele_save "bind f1 tr_tele_save1; bind f2 tr_tele_save2; bind f3 tr_tele_save3"
alias -tr_tele_save tr_tele
bind alt +tr_tele_save
alias null ""
alias tr_regen "impulse 101; wait; tr_regen_loop"
alias tr_regen_loop tr_regen
alias tr_regen_enable "alias tr_regen_loop tr_regen; tr_regen"
alias tr_regen_disable alias tr_regen_loop null

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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
//tf2 settings
//Autoheal, min viewmodels, fastswitch etc.
con_enable 1
developer 0
fov_desired 90
viewmodel_fov 80
viewmodel_fov_demo 75
tf_use_min_viewmodels 1
bindtoggle kp_minus r_drawviewmodel
hud_medicautocallers 1
// 100 - 20.5*2 (2 small first aid kits)
hud_medicautocallersthreshold 59
hud_combattext_batching 1
hud_combattext_batching_window 1
tf_dingalingaling 1
tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay 0.0
tf_dingaling_volume 1
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 150
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 25
tf_remember_activeweapon 1
tf_remember_lastswitched 1
ds_enable 0
ds_dir demos
ds_notify 1
ds_sound on
ds_min_streak 4
///--- forced graphics settings enabled
///--- glow outline
glow_outline_effect_enable 1
// > Bitfield representing what classes have been used to complete training.
// 111 111 111
cl_training_completed_with_classes 511
tf_training_has_prompted_for_forums 1
tf_training_has_prompted_for_loadout 1
tf_training_has_prompted_for_offline_practice 1
tf_training_has_prompted_for_options 1
tf_training_has_prompted_for_training 1
tf_explanations_backpackpanel 1
tf_explanations_charinfo_armory_panel 1
tf_explanations_charinfopanel 1
tf_explanations_craftingpanel 1
tf_explanations_discardpanel 1
tf_explanations_store 1
tf_show_preset_explanation_in_class_loadout 0
tf_show_taunt_explanation_in_class_loadout 0
tf_casual_welcome_hide_forever 1
tf_comp_welcome_hide_forever 1
tf_matchmaking_ticket_help 0
tf_show_maps_details_explanation_count 0
cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out 1
cl_ask_favorite_opt_out 1
sb_dontshow_maxplayer_warning 1
cl_hud_playerclass_playermodel_showed_confirm_dialog 1
tf_mvm_tabs_discovered 3
tf_coach_request_nevershowagain 1
//Advanced options
hud_fastswitch 1
cl_autoreload 1
tf_colorblindassist 1
cl_use_tournament_specgui 0
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
hud_classautokill 0
tf_medigun_autoheal 1
hud_medichealtargetmarker 1
tf_simple_disguise_menu 1
cl_autorezoom 0
tf_sniper_fullcharge_bell 1
tf_hud_no_crosshair_on_scope_zoom 0
tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1
//net_graph 4 on tab; toggle on -
//alias +tabgraph "+showscores; net_graph 4"
//alias -tabgraph "-showscores; net_graph 0; timeleft"
alias +tabgraph "+showscores; net_graph 1"
alias -tabgraph "-showscores; net_graph 0"
//alias graphtoggle incrementvar net_graph 0 4 4
bind tab +tabgraph
//bind - graphtoggle
//filter out Error from console
con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text_out "Error"
//medic radar
alias "+radar" "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 500"
alias "-radar" "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 59"
//null-cancelling movement script
alias null ""
alias +nmov_forward "-back ; +forward; alias nmov_reforward +forward"
alias +nmov_back "-forward; +back ; alias nmov_reback +back"
alias -nmov_forward "-forward; nmov_reback ; alias nmov_reforward null"
alias -nmov_back "-back ; nmov_reforward; alias nmov_reback null"
alias +nmov_moveleft "-moveright; +moveleft ; alias nmov_removeleft +moveleft"
alias +nmov_moveright "-moveleft ; +moveright; alias nmov_removeright +moveright"
alias -nmov_moveleft "-moveleft ; nmov_removeright; alias nmov_removeleft null"
alias -nmov_moveright "-moveright; nmov_removeleft ; alias nmov_removeright null"
alias nmov_reforward null
alias nmov_reback null
alias nmov_removeleft null
alias nmov_removeright null
bind w +nmov_forward
bind s +nmov_back
bind a +nmov_moveleft
bind d +nmov_moveright
bind f "+f"
alias +f "+inspect; +use_action_slot_item"
alias -f "-inspect; -use_action_slot_item"
bind e "+e"
alias +e "voicemenu 0 0; +use"
alias -e "-use"
alias +pinger "+score; net_graph 1"
alias -pinger "-score; net_graph 0"
bind tab "+pinger"
bind - "kill"
bind = "explode"
alias +crossbow "slot1;+attack"
alias -crossbow "slot2;-attack"
alias sentry "destroy 2; build 2";
alias +ctap "alias duckon; alias duckoff; ctapon; +jump"
alias -ctap "alias duckon +duck; alias duckoff -duck; -jump; ctapoff"
alias +fduck "alias ctapon; alias ctapoff; duckon"
alias -fduck "alias ctapon +duck; alias ctapoff -duck; duckoff"
alias ctapon +duck
alias ctapoff -duck
alias duckon +duck
alias duckoff -duck
//bind ALT +ctap
//bind SHIFT +fduck
alias +rj "spec_mode;-duck;+cr;alias checkrj +cr"
alias -rj "-cr;checkduck;alias checkrj none"
alias +crouch "-cr;+duck;alias checkduck +duck"
alias -crouch "-duck;checkrj;alias checkduck none"
alias checkduck none
alias checkrj none
alias +cr "+jump;+duck"
alias -cr "-duck;-jump"
alias none ""
//bind space +rj
//bind ctrl +crouch
bind mouse3 "voicemenu 1 1"
unbind q
//tweaks and custom settings
//shameless promotion
echo "----- Thanks for using CFG.TF -----"
echo "----- Create your own custom config at https://cfg.tf -----"
//for scoreboard setting
tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode 2
//self help
echo "----- When making a single player server set "host_thread_mode" to 0 -----"
//sanity filter
voice_enable 0
hud_saytext_time 5
//preload anims
sv_pure -1
sv_allow_wait_command 1
//exec preload
cl_showfps 1
cl_hud_minmode 1
echo "Done config"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "lastinv"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "sentry"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "lastinv"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "+crossbow"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "lastinv"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "lastinv"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "lastinv"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "+ctap"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
bind q "lastinv"

Configs/cfg/preload.cfg Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
map ctf_2fort; wait 1000;jointeam 1;join_class scout;wait 240;join_class soldier;wait 240;join_class pyro;wait 240;join_class demoman;wait 240;join_class heavyweapons;wait 240;join_class engineer;wait 240;join_class medic;wait 240;join_class sniper;wait 240;join_class spy;wait 240;disconnect

Configs/config_disabled.zip Normal file

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Demoman.vpk Normal file

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Engineer.vpk Normal file

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Heavy.vpk Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 100
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 100
tf_dingaling_volume 0.75
tf_dingaling 1

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 25
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 150
tf_dingaling_volume 0.75
tf_dingaling 1

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Medic.vpk Normal file

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Pyro.vpk Normal file

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Scout.vpk Normal file

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Sniper.vpk Normal file

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Soldier.vpk Normal file

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Spy.vpk Normal file

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just_crit_lightning.vpk Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
mat_motion_blur_enabled 0
mat_motion_blur_strength 1.0
mat_disable_bloom 0
mat_hdr_level 2
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0
mat_colorcorrection 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
mat_motion_blur_enabled 1
mat_motion_blur_strength 0
mat_disable_bloom 1
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
mat_colorcorrection 0

toonhud/info.vdf Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"ui_version" "3"

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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More